Don't forget where it is. It's a former prison. There are 80 or 100 prison guards living in it, and most of them are equipped with guns.

In this end of the world, being able to get two guns, I have to say, has added great hope to my life.

In fact, this is the biggest reason why these people were not directly captured at the beginning.

But this Li Jie is also a very courageous guy.

The first thing when you escape from the cell is to take your most loyal brother and control these weapons first.

Then those violent prisoners who wanted to resist, this guy shot them directly.

After the outbreak of their own ability, they completely control everyone.

Of course, although it is said to be a team here, the main members of the team are naturally mainly those of the construction team at that time. Others can't enter this circle at all.

As for this so-called circle, it is pure metamorphosis. A group of evil metamorphosis broke out in the end of the world.

When they personally killed the first person who resisted them, the brand had been deeply left on them.

Li Jie is the boss and the others are younger brothers.

I don't know when it began, the desire in Li Jie's heart began to expand.

This guy doesn't want to be a digger all the time. He wants to be a man.

Especially after the emergence of their own power.

In order to maintain his rule and live longer, Li Jie formulated a series of detailed rules.

Guns shall not be used at ordinary times.

Even if you go out looking for food, you can only carry one gun at a time. After all, although there are guns in this prison, the quantity is limited and there is no one left after use.

It is precisely because of this rule that their guns have not been used up until now. Of course, some people have died because of this rule.

In the base, Li Jie is the emperor, President and God... Everyone should have enough respect for Li Jie, no one can be exceptional, no one can resist.

The people in the base are divided into three, six, nine, the first, that is, the only one, Li Jie, that is God.

Everything here is like a perverted cult. With the sudden end of the world and the powerful power he has, Li Jie almost regarded himself as the legendary Savior.

His nerves are already a little neurotic.

He turned this base into a religion, and he was the leader of this religion. He thought he was adhering to God's will to save mankind in this last world.

And all those who resist themselves are heretics and pagans who should be killed.

Only those who believe in themselves can survive.

He always said that. As for those who died, their faith was not pious enough.

The second is Li Si, Lao Yan, glasses and Zhang Wei. These people are the old subordinates of Li Jie before. That sense of trust is unmatched by others.

The third class is the members of the hunting team, just like the abandoned monkeys, pockmarks and others.

These are young and strong members who joined from prison or later.

These people, regarded as the reserve members arranged by Li Jie, will be promoted to the second class if their loyalty is enough after being tested.

As for the fourth class, they are the women.

Young and beautiful woman, Li Jie thought it was a gift from God and a gift from God.

For these women, they can enjoy it at will, and even be used as a reward to their subordinates.

The last is the elderly and women. They can only wash clothes, dig tunnels and take the least food.

The so-called Savior is actually full of loopholes, but everyone believed it.

For people in the end of the world, what they desire is only a hope that they can live, that's all.

In despair, people always want to grasp the last straw, even if it has decayed.

Moreover, the end of the world itself is enough nonsense, and Li Jie also showed his special power.

In this case, it seems that no matter what happens, it is not unacceptable.

Is there any objection?

Also, there was once another prisoner. Like Li Jie, a prisoner who broke out a strong force once resisted Li Jie's rule.

However, the man was killed by Li Jie.

When the rebels are killed, there are no rebels.

People were killed and the body was dissected. The meat on the body was cut by Li Si and dried.

Although they are cruel, they have to store up the food they need for their life.

Of course, it is estimated that no one is willing to eat that kind of thing as a last resort.

However, during the dissection, Li Si found the so-called ability crystal nucleus near the man's chest and heart.

It was a small crystal with a slight earthy yellow feeling.

The size of the finger belly looks like a diamond, full of mysterious feeling.

Although Li Si is a fool, this guy is not a fool. Fools know that this thing is definitely not something that should be in a normal person's body.

They even said that they killed many zombies, and there was no such thing in the body of zombies.

As a result, no one knew what it was. Later, a brother who often read novels said casually that it would not be an internal pill from cultivation. Eat it to make a big tonic... At that time, they said that this guy had read too many fairy novels.

However, Li Si had a heart. While no one noticed, this guy swallowed that small crystal as a sugar bean.

The result was that after eating the crystal, Li Si had a great change. His body was significantly higher, stronger and stronger. This guy once punched the Zombie's head directly.

The skin was rough and the flesh was thick. A man broke into more than a dozen strengthened zombies. He was stunned and didn't hurt at all. The claws of the strengthened zombies couldn't tear Li Si's skin at all.

Only then did people know the value of this crystal.

As for this crystal, Li Jie named it the ability crystal core according to his own ability.

Ability crystal core, after eating, ordinary people can have the power that their original masters have. Maybe they can't directly have all of it, but at least they have that potential.

Li Jie himself has the ability. He knows the role of this power in the end of the world.

The power of a capable person is more powerful than ten guns.

If you can control a group of capable people around you, you really have nothing to worry about.

So, Li Jie, they began to take action. They not only went out to look for food, but also to look for living people, look for those survivors and bring them to the base.

If you have the ability, use all kinds of means to let people relax their vigilance. Finally, kill and take away the ability crystal core to take it.

If you don't have the ability, use coercion directly to make it one of your own, otherwise you will die.

Everyone here believes in Li Jie, the only true God, but he hides a little when the capable come in.

If I stay in this base all the time, maybe I can see some signs.

But when I got up every day, I went out to practice with zombies. I didn't notice it at all.

I'm the third capable person caught here.

The first two are the mummies in the basement that Xiao Ya saw. Some ordinary people who do not obey discipline will also be punished. There is even one person who did not die.

The two men's ability crystal core was taken by Li Jie. He wanted to ensure that his own strength was in an absolutely strong position.

As for this one, it is Li Si's turn.

But Li Jie assured Zhang Wei and Lao Yan that the next ability crystal nucleus would choose one of them as the receptor and become the third ability person in the base.

It is out of this desire for strong power that Lao Yan and Zhang Wei even do not hesitate to sell their benefactors.

Five or six people, each with a gun, will guard the outside. Once the sound inside ends, these people will rush in directly and kill the man inside with random guns.