"God, please forgive my sin..."

Inside the church, Douglas looked at the statue with a devout face and said with a chant.

After a while, the priest came up and said, "the confessional room is ready, sir."

Douglas follows the priest to the confessional.

Meanwhile, Gordon and Lawrence are checking the church.

This church is located in the most humble place in Damascus. There is only one priest in the whole church, and there is no other one.

Two people checked, there is nothing unusual in the church, and the priest has not been transferred.

Gordon went back to the car and took a pack of cigarettes. He and Lawrence went back to the church and waited. They were not far from the gate, chatting and smoking.

Lawrence was still worried. Gordon said with relief, "Oh, dear man, you don't need to worry about anything. In another 15 minutes, the boss will leave here. These guys are still like fools this year. They can't even find the boss."

"I wish that was the truth..."

Lawrence muttered helplessly. As a man who has experienced special training, Lawrence has some different sixth sense from ordinary people, that is, the premonition of danger.

In the church, Douglas confessed his sins devoutly.

There was only a wall between the priest and Douglas. The priest's hands clung to the chair and his eyes were full of anger.

As a clergyman, he has long been used to listening to the sins of the world. However, the priest did not expect that Douglas's sin is far beyond his acceptance. It is no exaggeration to say that the guy next door to him is an inhuman murderer.

The priest bowed his head and listened to Douglas's words. He said in his heart, "no, God will never forgive you for your sins. One day, you will be burned up by God's anger."

Meanwhile, inside the church door, Lawrence leaned against the wall and took out a cigarette to light it.

At this time, Lawrence's eyes inadvertently glanced at the location of the confessional room.

"What's the matter, dear fellow?" Gordon asked, looking suspiciously at Lawrence.

Lawrence went to the direction of the confessional, but he was not qualified to approach, and stopped to turn and look out of the church.

"Gordon, have you checked around here?"

Lawrence asked suddenly.

Gordon nodded and said casually, "there's nothing near the church. It's surrounded by open spaces. We'll find out as soon as anyone shows up. Yes? Do you think those killers can kill the boss under our protection? "

Lawrence shook his head with deep worry on his face. He glanced at his watch. It was only five minutes before Douglas left the church.

Five minutes later, their people will get the news and rush around to protect Douglas.

Now, as long as the Douglass are still in the church, only the two of them know where the boss is.

Thinking of this, Lawrence breathed a sigh of relief and said to himself, "Damn, I've been very upset by those damned Chinese people recently. Maybe I worry too much."

"Ha ha, that's right. Those guys are not as terrible as people say!"

Gordon laughed and patted Lawrence on the shoulder.

Standing in front of the confessional room, they could just block the direction of the confessional room with their bodies, which was Lawrence's intention.

Even though the surroundings seemed extremely safe, Lawrence was always uneasy.

Two people are talking, suddenly!

Lawrence exclaimed. He only felt some pain in his cheek. He reached out and touched his face. He didn't know how to do it. He was torn open and his ear was still very hot.

Just then, the priest let out a scream.

The door of the confessional room banged open.

Douglas fell to the ground, half of his body outside the confessional room, blood running down his head.

One shot, right in the middle of the brow!

"No! no Boss

Gordon stares at the scene in disbelief.

Lawrence looked back, dodged to one side, and yelled, "Gordon! Run

However, it's too late. Douglas's death shocked Gordon. Gordon didn't respond at all. Then, the next bullet went through Gordon's head.

Gordon's face was still stunned and surprised, so he fell to the ground. He was staring at Lawrence, as if to ask him what happened?

Hiding behind the wall, Lawrence takes out his cell phone and dials Jessica.

"Lawrence? Didn't you go out with the boss? "The phone was answered quickly, and Jessica was very puzzled.

Lawrence took a deep breath and said despairingly, "come on, bring someone to support me! The boss was killed and Gordon died. It's a sniper, a terrible sniper

"What? Hell, it's not April Fool's Day

"Jessica! It's true! What I said is true

Lawrence yelled hopelessly at his cell phone.

"I see. I'll be right there!"

On the sunny beach, Jessica looks at her cell phone with a sneer.

Hot figure Rebecca looked at her lover: "what's the matter? I seem to hear that Lawrence is very flustered. The boss always thinks highly of him. What makes Lawrence so impolite? "

Jessica sat up, hugged Rebecca with a spoiled face, and then said, "it's good news that Douglas has been killed. I guess it's falcon."


Rebecca's beautiful eyes suddenly expanded several times. She looked at Jessica for a long time without saying anything.

Jessica patted her on the back and sneered, "don't you think this is an opportunity? The boss doesn't have Hou Yi. With the strength of both of us, he can take over the whole arms group. Ha ha ha

Rebecca was stunned at first and then laughed.

Gordon was killed, and Lawrence won't live long as they go to the rescue later.

The leader of the Douglas arms group, there are only a few people left, and they are on guard against each other.

"Oh, dear Jessica, you are a genius. Let's have some champagne to celebrate, and then send someone to collect Lawrence's body. As for the lady, I think she can receive the news later."

Rebecca's beautiful eyes are full of satisfaction. She even sees the fruits of success. Douglas arms group has become their bag!