Big state, red skull's headquarters.

The skinny red skeleton is sitting in front of a computer. He logs into a killer website in Damo state, and soon sees an explosive news.

"The reward for Xiaohan's head is only for his head. Are these guys crazy?"

Red skull's eyes were full. If he had not seen it with his own eyes, he would not have believed that the news was true.

In fact, half an hour ago, the news had spread all over Damao, but red skull always felt that this was a rumor made by some people.

Until confirmed from this website, red skull's heart is extremely shocked.

"Boss, what are we going to do about this? Jiuxiao society has always been well guarded. It's not so easy to kill Xiaohan. "

One of the red skull's confidants said.

Red Skull frowned and then said angrily, "are you crazy? Do you think I really want to kill Xiaohan? "

"But don't we work with those people? If we can kill Xiaohan, the credit will be on our side. " Looking at the red skeleton, my confidant said, puzzled.

Unexpectedly, the red skull murmured with a black face: "what do you know? You must be careful at this time. Although I have a way to kill Xiaohan, have you considered the matter after killing Xiaohan? "

"What else do we need to consider? With such credit, we can have whatever we want in this big state." My confidant said seriously, it seems that he didn't realize it. It seems that his eldest brother's face is more ugly.

Red skull's thin shoulders trembled as he thought of the people he had seen in the basement that rainy night.

Even if Wang Yang didn't reveal anything at that time, even if he thought about it with his toes, red skull could guess who those people were.

At the thought of those people's momentum and their means, red skull was in a cold sweat.

As Wang Yang had expected before, although red skull was the leader of one side, he was as timid as a mouse and very afraid of making trouble.

Even this time, he was forced to cooperate with Obert and others.

Red skeleton bit his teeth and continued angrily: "when can you grow a little brain? After killing Xiaohan, are you sure to get the money? "

"It just needs to go to the black market and be protected by people in the black market. There should be no problem, right?" Confidant a face doesn't matter of reply way.

Red Skull shook his head and looked at his confidant with profound meaning. At the same time, he told him: "remember, don't take part in this matter too much for the time being, and even if you really get the money, you will not expose your identity in the black market. With the ability of those Chinese and jiuxiao societies, you will soon find out who did it, and then you will be really passive."

As he spoke, red skull's mind was still the people he had seen before, especially the man at the head. There were too many things hidden in his dark eyes, and red skull saw the look he didn't want to see.

Maybe it's struggling on the line of life and death for too long. Although red skull is an addict, his brain is still very easy to use.

He always felt that those Chinese people were not simple. This time, the appearance of Obert and others made red skull aware of the danger.

If I kill Xiaohan rashly, I'm afraid I'll spend my life with money.

"Boss, are you scared by those rumors? I think those things are just rumors. In fact, how can those Chinese people be so powerful? Even if they kill Xiaohan and offend them, what can they do? Are we red skeletons afraid of them? "

This confidant is still very unwilling. If he can get the money, the red skeleton will soon become the mainstream community force, and his status in this big state is just as good as ever.

At the same time, he does not believe that his boss is really interested?

The red skeleton was all in the sofa, and the light was scattered on his face. Because he was too thin, his eyes were sunken, and there were some black marks under the light.

At first glance, it looks like a living skeleton.

Red Skull thought, "if you think about it from another angle, if it's very easy to kill those Chinese people, why would those people of Obert condescend to us?"

The red skull's question stunned the confidant. Yes, such questions have not been considered.

When Albert first appeared, he said that he wanted to give them some sweets, but now it seems that things are not so simple.

It has been a long time since these people came to Damao state. Before that, they have disappeared all the time. Many other forces have been terrified by them. Some people guess that these guys will not come to wipe out some forces in Damao state, will they?

Until now, the forces in Damo state realized that their target was actually the Chinese.Red skull, as the first collaborator of Albert, naturally knows very well that those Chinese people are very difficult to deal with. Otherwise, according to Albert's arrogance, he would absolutely disdain to deal with them.

Xiaohan's head is now worth tens of millions of meters, which is an irresistible temptation for many people.

A smile suddenly appeared on red skull's thin and terrible face. He sneered and said, "don't provoke Xiaohan. There must be those Chinese people behind him. How can I be fooled when Obert wants to use us as cannon fodder

"But If this money falls into the hands of other forces, we will be even more passive in the future. " My confidant said bitterly.

Red skull was stunned for a moment. Indeed, he also considered this question.

Once other forces kill Xiaohan, red skull may be affected by those forces.

Red skeleton took a deep breath and hesitated: "first, let's see what people are doing. I won't go out until I'm sure of the answer. The people of Obert don't really care about us. We just have to play on the show

At the same time, the big and small forces in Damascus are also talking about it.

Among these people, there are some very smart guys, and their ideas are similar to those of red skull.

Killing Xiaohan seems like a piece of fat, but only a small number of people can feel that there is a hook behind the fat.

If you swallow this fat meat carelessly, you may be the one who will be killed.