"What do you mean? He can't even have a right of inheritance. What's so simple? "

Liu Quansheng was even more dismissive. It seemed to him that at least Washington West Buddha had become the master of Washington arms group, while Martin Butuo was still a mud Bodhisattva crossing the river, and he could not protect himself.

Foye stood up and said with a bitter smile, "think about it, Washington Seaver has always been George Washington's right-hand man, not to mention that he once had such a figure as Qiongjing around him. At that time, it was natural for him to take over the Washington arms group, and no one would object. "

"I know, so we should deal with Martin Butuo first."


Buddha narrowed his eyes and continued to say coldly: "you are thinking about it. The little Martins are back to Dazhou temporarily. The men under Martin Butuo were all eager to kill the young master immediately, but little Martin Butuo lived to this day. According to your information, little Martin Butuo has quickly occupied a place in the arms group. It won't take long for this guy to be a success. "

Liu Quansheng blinked his eyes and asked in a dazed way, "why don't you kill him before his wings are full?"

Buddha took a deep breath, but he reminded: "once we drag our hands to Martin Butuo, we will provide opportunities for the rest of Martin Butuo arms group. After Martin Butuo's death, Martin Butuo's arms group will stabilize more quickly. At that time, we will be in a bind. "

"I still don't understand." Liu Quansheng was still puzzled.

Yan bizhou couldn't listen any more. Looking at Liu Quansheng, he explained: "let me tell you this, Martin Butuo can't move now. If he moves, he will break the internal balance of Martin Butuo's arms group. At that time, those guys will draw out their energy to deal with Martin Butuo, and naturally turn the muzzle to deal with us."

"But, on the west side of Washington..."

"Nothing, but take out Washington Seaver and throw all these things on Martin Buto." Buddha said coldly.

Liu Quansheng was stunned at first, and then understood completely.

His forehead was rubbing and sweating. It seems that Foye is planning to use Washington Seaver to contain Martin Butuo arms group.

Once the dirty water spills on Martin Butuo's arms group, the leaders will not be able to sit still, and Martin Butuo will lose the chance of stability.

Chaos, only in chaos, they can get the greatest benefit.

Liu Quansheng couldn't help but put up his thumb: "the Buddha is the Buddha. It's a skill of calculating people, but I feel inferior to myself."

"Ha ha, you? It's lucky that you old boy won't be counted in. " Yan bizhou said rudely.

Liu Quansheng immediately covers the position of his chest, is very sad paralysis on the sofa, a pair of Yan bizhou hurt his self-esteem.

At this time, Foye took out some information and said, "this is from Lao Liu. There are some information about the leaders of the arms group, including not only the leaders of Martin Butuo and Washington, but also the leaders of the other three arms groups."

"The trough! Lao Liu, you are very good! " Yan bizhou immediately exclaimed.

You know, even if he goes to get these materials, he may not be able to get them.

Liu Quansheng pretended to be sad and waved his hand, joking: "no, it's just the names and photos of the leaders. No more information."

"It's already working Hiss? Are you kidding me? "

Yan bizhou just wanted to praise Liu Quansheng. As a result, he saw that Liu Quansheng was enjoying himself. Then he reflected that the old boy began to pretend again.

Wang Yang turned the information in his hand and found the place that the Buddha said. Sure enough, there were many people's photos and names on it, but there was really nothing else.

Falcon looked at this thing, hissed and said: "I have been here in the United States for many years, these people know some. These people around Washington Seaver are very difficult to deal with, especially this woman named Venus. In fact, she is an international killer. Venus is not her real name, just her code name. People in the circle are more used to calling her goddess, goddess Venus. "

They couldn't help looking at the page that said Washington Seaver.

There are several famous leaders in Washington Seaver's hands, such as femore, Venus, Helen gall and a man named Leo.

The other three people all have photos, but this Venus only has a very fuzzy image. It can barely be seen that she is a woman with long hair, even her facial features are not clear.

"This It's really more than that picture quality. " Liu Quansheng looked at the photos of Venus and said helplessly.

"In a word, if you want to deal with Washington Seaver, at least you have to get rid of these protective umbrellas around him. The other three people are good enough to say that this Venus is very difficult to deal with."

The Falcon frowned and stressed again.

After all, Falcon is one of the top killers in the world. In addition to his status as a talented sniper, Falcon can be regarded as a bully.Even the Falcon is so afraid of Venus, you can imagine how powerful this woman is.

"What do you think?" Wang Yang looked at the Falcon and asked.

Without thinking about it, Falcon said directly, "as far as I know, Washington Seaver doesn't leave the castle, and the people around him don't leave either. Even if someone comes out to do something, it's hard to get their whereabouts. The best way is to use my brothers. Only we killers can kill them as quickly as possible. "

They were so sorry that they had to say that Falcon's words were very reasonable, but the situation of stopping killing by killing was really ironic.

Who knows, Wang Yang immediately said: "no, your people can't move any more."

"Why?" Falcon looked at Wang Yang in a daze and asked in a puzzled way.

Wang Yang sighed: "I don't want too many people to stare at you at this time, and many brothers have died over there."


Falcon wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything. In fact, the problem Wang Yang was thinking about was his dilemma.

Falcon's killer organization has suffered heavy losses recently. If we continue to mobilize people at this time, we will inevitably be dissatisfied.

The atmosphere in the room was a little embarrassed. Yan bizhou said gently: "Oh, come on, Meng Xinghun is also a killer. Maybe he can think of a way? Brother Meng

Yan bizhou wants to ask Meng Xinghun to say something. As a result, he finds Meng Xinghun staring at a piece of paper on the table and in a daze.