Noah looks at Captain Jack in surprise, because the situation is completely unexpected.

You know, as the first confidant of Phelp silver, he is doing a lot of things, especially the relationship with the police, which is also handled by him.

And Captain Jack, it can be said that he has known Noah for a long time.

In other words, Captain Jack, it's an inside line for Noah.

But now, as soon as they meet, Captain Jack looks like he has never met.

Jack's attitude makes Noah feel very strange, at the same time, Noah is also very worried, because he knows that there must be something he doesn't know, otherwise Jack would not behave like this.

Thinking of this, while the police are checking the scene, Noah finds a chance to get close to Jack.

Noah looked around. At this moment, the policemen were busy with their work, and no one noticed them for a moment.

Noah then whispered, "Jack, what's going on?"

Jack smell speech, first carefully looked at the situation around.

He looked around all the time, covered his mouth with one hand, and said: "how can you come here?"

"Me? It's hard to say why, but I'm going to take the bodies of these people today. " No nonsense, Noah said straight to the point.

But Jack shook his head and exclaimed in a low voice, "no, it's absolutely impossible. The bodies of these people can't be given to you."


As soon as Noah heard this, he was a fool.

You know, according to their friendship, not to mention some unidentified bodies, even a few big living people, Noah can get away from Jack.

Jack looked at the situation around him, and continued: "Noah, for the sake of friends, I still want to advise you not to participate in this event, including your Phelp family. Don't follow me to death."

"Jack, what do you mean?"

Noah had an angry look on his face. He didn't understand why the bodies of these guys were so important?

These people are just some of Mr. Hua's younger brothers, and they have been bombed out of shape for a long time, and they can't get anything valuable from these corpses.

The police station in Taser city is always very smart. It would never cause such trouble.

And Noah clearly felt that Jack had something to say.

"Jack, what else do you know? You know, the bodies of these people are very valuable to us, and I really don't want to give up without proper reasons. "

Hearing this, Jack rolled his eyes and said in a low voice: "don't you understand, damn it? There are people who want these bodies, and you can't afford them. "

"How can it be? Is it a hilfer?"

Noah's eyes widened and almost fell to the ground.

Could it be that the people of the hilfee family took the lead to use these corpses to please Mr. Hua?

That's all Noah can think of.

However, Jack shook his head and said with a meaningful smile: "in tasir City, your Philp family is the overlord, but if the whole country of Mexico, you may not even have a name."

When Noah heard this, he took a breath.

Is the whole country of Mexico, the guys Jack said, the power of Mexico?

"This What do people in Mexico want from those bodies? But you don't have to worry about these things. It's not difficult for the Phelp family to want a corpse. Even if those guys from Mexico come forward, we will have a way to deal with them. You just need to give me the corpse. "

Noah finished, still looking at Jack expectantly.

He has made it very clear that he only needs to take away the corpses. As for what responsibility he has or what influence he has provoked, all these things are borne by the FILP family.

Unexpectedly, Jack still shook his head again and again. Finally, Jack said in a helpless voice, "Noah, you'd better stop. Those guys, let alone you, are some big men in Mexico. They have to be polite. They have to rely on other people's eyes to eat


Noah's eyes were rolling. If he hadn't heard Jack himself, he would have thought he was crazy.

Even the big men in Mexico can't get people to stir up. I'm afraid they come from the United States, right?

They are also afraid of that force when the police department takes it so seriously. Norton understood that the so-called force they can't afford to provoke may have something to do with the official forces of the United States.

Noah was biting his teeth, and what he was worried about happened.From this time FILP silver regained control of the family, nun has been worried about the identity of Wang Yang and others.

Those Chinese people are certainly powerful, but no one on their side knows the identity of each other. This is the most frightening thing.

Noah didn't say a word, but bowed his head and pondered something.

Just at this moment, Jack looked around and suddenly said, "Noah, there's something I want to tell you. Mr. Hua, the existence of those people will bring us danger. It's not only you and me. I'm talking about the whole tasir City, but also some forces associated with them. "

"Do you know who they are?" Noah asked in a hurry.

Jack shook his head to show that he didn't know the identity of the Chinese, but he heard the conversation above.

Judging from the above conversation, the identities of those Chinese people are not simple. They are not comparable to the drug lords. Relatively speaking, the identities of those who come to trouble them are more powerful.

"The best solution is to kill them. Only in this way can we be really safe. Noah, do you want to see Taser city and the FILP family vanish again? "


Noah clenched his fist and roared with emotion.

Around some younger brothers and police, are very surprised to see Noah, because they did not hear the dialogue between the two.

In full view, Noah looks at Jack with something in his eyes.

Jack was stunned for a moment, then immediately roared: "damn guy, do you still want to rob hard? Guys, bad ass, we can understand that Tasle city has the final say of our police.

Noah is also a look of anger, both sides scolded a few words, directly began to start.

Noah's people didn't get any advantage. Instead, they were beaten by the police, and the bodies of Falcon's younger brothers were finally taken away by the police.