The old woman made the most threatening move that an old man could make. She grabbed Phelp silver's arm and stared at Phelp silver with her aging eyes.

"You men and women, you killed Alice!"

"Don't talk nonsense. Alice's death has nothing to do with us. Are you crazy? Look at her. You killed her. Gamma is innocent! "

Phelp silver is about to collapse, watching his beloved woman die in front of him, but the only sentence before gamma's death is not to kill the murderer.


The old woman was holding Phelp silver's arm and saying something. Suddenly she fell to the ground like a deflated balloon.

"To say innocent, Alice is really innocent. In order to protect you and fulfill the agreement you people said, she began to fight against Mo Wudi!"

"We all know what you said. Just because we are a camp man, how can you say that gamma killed Alice?"

Phelp silver gripping his head in pain, he still could not accept the fact.

You know, gamma survived several times along the way. So many people didn't take gamma's life, and Phelp silver couldn't accept it. Gamma finally died in her own hands, and this person was Alice's wet nurse.

The old woman continued with a sneer, "why? Didn't gamma tell you? At that time, Mo Wudi wanted to kill Alice. Alice had contacted gamma, but Alice was still dead. "


Phelp silver immediately stepped back two steps when he heard this, and looked at the old woman in surprise, because he had never heard gamma mention such a thing.

Liu Quansheng muttered: "it's impossible. Gamma was with us at that time. If gamma didn't help us, we should all know."

"Ha ha, you guys are all in one group. I knew you wouldn't believe it. Take this thing and listen to it!"

As the old woman spoke, she took things out of her pocket. For a moment, everyone was staring at the old woman, for fear that she would bring out something fatal.

Who knows, this old woman took out a mobile phone unexpectedly.

Filpuyin took the mobile phone. There was a call record in the mobile phone, which was called to gamma, and the time, then, happened to be on the day of Alice's accident.

"What can a phone call prove?" Filpuyin said angrily, biting his teeth. He still couldn't believe that it was true.

Gamma, is it true that you can't help Alice?

The old woman said, "Alice's mobile phone will automatically record the call content, and she will clear those recordings at intervals."

Phelp silver quickly found the recording file and opened it.

In the panic, Alice's voice began to ring: "gamma, I have a premonition that Mo Wudi will attack me soon. You have to save me."

On the phone, there was a moment of silence. At that moment, people were all holding their breath for fear of missing a word.

Suddenly, the sound of gamma came from the recording.

"Alice, I'm sorry I can't help it, but you can come to me and I promise you'll be safe here."

A few seconds later, Alice sneered, "do you think I'm really crazy? If I go to you for shelter, you might as well ask me to send the Mocha family to you

Listening to the recording, everyone has different expressions. Phelp silver stares at his mobile phone in disbelief. He can't even believe his ears.

"No! no It's impossible! It's absolutely impossible

"Ha ha, it's impossible. It's gamma. She didn't help her. She killed Alice!"

The old woman was sitting on the ground, and she was already in tears when she heard Alice's voice.

Wang Yang looks at gamma's body with complicated eyes. At this moment, he doesn't know what to say.

No wonder gamma said that before she died. The dagger hit her heart. Gamma didn't spend much time. The only thing she said was that she knew why it happened today.

Everyone was silent, because the recording of the phone was true, and so was gamma's last words.

Once upon a time, as Alice's ally gamma, she really had a chance to rescue Alice, but gamma didn't want to take risks, so it would have such a result.

If everyone's position is different, there will be no absolute right or wrong.

Yungong mountain's face was livid and his mood was complicated. He never thought that gamma would do such a thing.

The guards of the FILP family and the hill fee family have looked at FILP silver one after another. Gamma is no longer there. Now the hill fee family can be said to have lost its leader. If you want to say who is qualified, it is FILP silver.

A guard came up to Phelp silver and asked softly, "boss, what about this guy?"Phelp silver looked at the old woman for a long time in silence.

The guards on both sides tried to listen to Phelp silver, but Phelp silver didn't say a word and didn't give any news at all.

Under the silence, the tension became more and more intense.

Finally, a small leader of the hilfer family detonated the fuse between the two families.

The little leader of the hill fee family suddenly stood up and yelled, "you damned guys, nothing can change the fact that our eldest lady was killed. You can't cover up this bitch!"

As soon as the leader said this, the rest of the hilfee family was also bombed.

Originally, in order to finish the meal safely with Wang Yang and others, gamma arranged a lot of guards.

Unexpectedly, the guard arranged by gamma has now become an obstacle to Phelp silver.

Seeing that FILP silver was hesitant, the guards of the hilfee family naturally disagreed.

"Mr. Phelp silver, please give this murderer to our hilfee family."

"Miss gamma is our hope. No matter who this person is, she must die."

Some members of the hilfee family surrounded the scene and forced filpuyin to hand over Alice's nurse.

In the face of such a situation, Phelp silver's face was very ugly.

The death of gamma is also a very sad thing for Phelp silver, but it is precisely because of the last sentence of gamma that Phelp silver cannot make a choice.

He wanted to cut the wet nurse, but he didn't want to go against gamma's will.

Filpuyin clenched his teeth and said in his heart, "you can't hand over people easily. The last sentence of gamma, I don't want to disappoint her!"

At this moment, Yungong mountain suddenly stood up and said, "I'll end her life."