Looking at the crowd, Yungong mountain whispered: "these are the main medicinal materials. There are many other things, but I can get the rest here. Just these three things, not to mention here, even in China, it is very difficult to get them. It is said that in ancient times, many villages went out together, but there was still no way to gather them together. "

When they heard the words, they all looked a little gloomy, which made their attitude more difficult.

But what if it's difficult? They can't do without Wang Yang and others?

The Falcon looked at the other people's faces, and then said, "I don't know anything else, but the eagle's wings have never existed in the past 30 years."

You know, Falcon is expert in these things.

Today's eagles, up to ten years or so, are considered to have a long life.

In addition, the current people's hunting and killing of eagles has greatly shortened the life span of eagles. As for the artificially raised eagles, they have not been able to reach this age.

Yungong mountain sighed helplessly: "that's why I said that it doesn't work if there is a way."

Yan bizhou was biting his teeth. A few seconds later, he said fiercely: "no matter how big the world is, there are all kinds of strange things. Before, I didn't believe in your abilities, but now Mo Wudi is playing with me. Since there are records of this thing, let's look for it first. "

Yungong mountain hissed, but did not go on.

He understood that Yan bizhou was worried about the safety of Wang Yang and Liu Quansheng.

Many people who escaped also saw what happened to them.

These guys are dying of pain. If there is no antidote, Wang Yang and Liu Quansheng will die even if they come out alive.

Yan bizhou asked again: "first, the snake gall of the python. I know something about this boa constrictor, but what does this hundred year old boa constrictor look like? "

"Do you remember the Jiaolong we met in miaojiang? Jiaolong is something that has been cultivated for thousands of years. There is only one dragon in the world. As for the 100 year old python, there will be a small bulge on its head, just like a crown. In fact, it needs horns. When the horns grow out, the python becomes a dragon. "

Yan bizhou is a complete fool.

He thought that the hundred year old Python would live longer.

Anyway, there is a primeval forest nearby. Maybe there is a hundred year old Python in it.

According to the meaning of Yungong mountain, this century old Python is no longer an ordinary creature.

It's still a question whether this thing exists or not. Even if it exists, it's not so easy to deal with.

Just at this time, Gu Tianquan sat up straight. He forced himself to bear the pain of the wound and said, "a hundred year old Python is not the most difficult thing. As far as I know, fish has no lacrimal gland at all. It's impossible for you to ask for the tears of fish, but it's still 30 years old fish's tears. Master, are you sure you remember correctly? "


Yungong mountain frowned. In fact, when he first saw the records of the ancient Miao, he thought it was ridiculous.

How can a fish shed tears? It's even more impossible for a 30-year-old fish to exist.

However, Yungong mountain also had to believe it, because according to the records, it was in this way that Gu Miao pacified a turmoil.

As for what kind of fish Gu Miao used, it was not mentioned in a word.

Everyone looked at each other, everyone's face was very ugly.

If you take out any one of these three things, it's just a fantasy.

Besides, their time is limited.

"Perhaps, what can we find in the Miao area?" Yanbizhou back to God, suddenly said.

Yungong mountain sighed: "it's too late. Even if you can go back to China today, it will take at least a whole day to get to miaojiang. Moreover, there are 100000 mountains in miaojiang, so you can't find anything today."

It's really too late to go back to China.

But now, the situation in Mexico is even more desperate.

Suddenly, the Buddha said thoughtfully, "do you remember Ouyang Mo? Just now gamma contacted me. Phelp silver and Ouyang Mo are all together. They are not far away from us. They are on their way. Maybe this person has information about these aspects. "

That's true. Ouyang Mo seems to be very familiar with the primitive jungle. This boy is in his backyard.

Yungong mountain opened his mouth and wanted to say something more.

But Foye's mobile phone rings. His mobile phone is always standby, so it is usually turned off.

Only Wang Yang knows the number.

In order to contact Wang Yang, after they settled down, they immediately turned on the mobile phone, but they didn't wait for Wang Yang to call.

Hearing this mobile phone ring, everyone's spirit was boosted.

Buddha answered the phone quickly. Sure enough, Wang Yang's voice came from the mobile phone."Where are you?" Wang Yang hoarse voice, tone revealed everywhere tired.

"It's on the edge of tasir City, but there's no way to explain the specific location. Boss, where are you? We'll pick you up!"

Buddha realized that I'm afraid Wang Yang is also strong now. No matter from Wang Yang's state or from the internal situation of tasir City, Wang Yang will never have a good time at this time.

Wang Yang quickly reported the location, Buddha with the people, rushed to the intersection agreed by both sides, waiting for Wang Yang to come.

"Buddha, didn't the boss say what happened to my father? Did he see my father? "

Liu Fengyuan looked at the direction of the intersection and asked anxiously.

Buddha naturally knew what the boy was worried about. He nodded to show that Liu Quansheng was by Wang Yang's side.

Soon, a car rushed out of the intersection.

Buddha fixed his eyes and saw that the driver was Wang Yang, but what else seemed to follow behind the car?

"The trough! Dog

Wang Yang's car was followed by more than a dozen fierce dogs. These guys ran at the same speed as the car.

And these dogs do not bark, one by one are crazy chasing.

Yungong mountain glanced at it and said angrily: "Mo Wudi's handwriting. Give me these things."

Yungong mountain took out his backpack, took out some herbs and burned them all.

Wang Yang's car soon came, and the dogs also followed the car.

However, when these dogs passed through the fog of herbal burning, they all fell to the ground and twitched for a few times.

"Come on, open the door!"

Wang Yang's car stopped not far away. He was lying on the steering wheel, but he didn't get off.

Buddha suddenly realized that something was wrong. It seemed that Wang Yang's situation was worse than they had imagined.

They open the door and drag Wang Yang out of the car, while Liu Quansheng is tied up.

Tiangu corpse is lying on the back seat, while Liu Quansheng is lying on it.

Liu Quansheng's mouth is blocked by Wang Yang's taking things, for fear that he can't bear the torture, so he bites his tongue and kills himself.

There was blood on both of them, and even some wounds, some traces of rot and infection.