Throughout the night, Mo Wudi sent many people into the forest to search.

In the end, they got nothing, not only failed to find the whereabouts of the three Philp silver, but also killed many people.

However, Mo Wudi did not enter the forest in person, because he was worried that Phelp silver would have a back hand.

Mocha doesn't care how many people in his family die. After all, the only value of these people to him is cannon fodder.

Mo Wudi looked at the rest of the people and said coldly, "Phelp silver doesn't have such great power. Send someone to offer a reward. The heads of gamma people are 500000 meters. By the way, Phelp silver is still a million. I want to see how long they can hide in the woods. "

Five hundred thousand meter knives may not be much in other places, but this is the kingdom of mo. these five hundred thousand meter knives are very valuable.

Even if it's nothing to some drug lords' families, those killers will never let go of this fat meat.

For a moment, several people around gamma, as well as three people hiding in the woods, all became the cake targeted by the killers here.

Everyone wants to eat this cake, but it depends on their own abilities.

Deep in the forest, falcons carrying sniper guns, a few falcons are missing.

He walked step by step, and finally went to the cave where the three filpuyin were.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the Falcon reached the entrance of the mountain, two men rushed out.

Falcon had been prepared for a long time. He dodged the fatal blow of the two men and knocked them down again.

"Wait, are you Chinese?"

Phelp silver immediately exclaimed, and his two men did not continue to fight. In fact, they had been beaten so hard that they could not fight back.

Falcon nodded. He looked at FILP silver and said coldly, "come with me if you want to live."

Phelp silver looked at the Falcon, because he had never seen the Falcon before, so he was not sure whether the man was a friend or an enemy.

Falcon impatiently said: "Mr. Hua sent me, you can ask him."

Phelp silver quickly confirmed the Falcon's identity from Wang Yang. He took two men and quickly followed Falcon out of the cave.

On the way, Phelp silver was puzzled and asked, "this gentleman, I don't understand why we have to hide here?"

"I don't know. You'll understand when you see them."


Phelp was stunned for a moment. He thought back and asked excitedly, "do you mean Mr. Hua and they are in the mountain, too?"

"Yes, or do you think the pursuers left by themselves?"

The Falcon pulled the corner of his mouth, showing a very gloomy smile, and then raised his sniper gun.

Phelp swallowed his saliva. He felt more and more that these Chinese people were too mysterious. Until now, he didn't know the details of Wang Yang and others.

However, he didn't care about it any more. Now FILP silver is full of revenge.

Even if Wang Yang is the devil, he is willing to cooperate.

Falcon with three people, all the way along the East, has come to the foot of another mountain.

He looked at the three men and said, "go up on your own. Someone will take care of you."

"And you?" Phelp asked, puzzled.

Falcon smile, pointing to the front of the mountain said: "Mocha listen to the family will not give up, and now there are many killers staring at you, I want to stay to solve them."

"Ha? Are you alone? "

Falcon shrugged and didn't answer, but left with his backpack on his back.

Filpuyin looked at the Falcon's back and felt a chill in his heart.

Even if he didn't see the situation in the forest, they came across some corpses along the way.

The corpses were all from the mochtin family. There was a blood hole in everyone's head. At the beginning, Phelp silver thought that this should be done by many people.

But now he could see that maybe those who were killed and the enemy they were facing were only the one just now.

Thinking of this, Phelp silver took a deep breath. He looked at the mountain in front of him and said, "it seems that I have chosen the right person. Let's go up and see what's going on."

Soon after they went up the mountain, they were knocked unconscious. They didn't even notice when someone was following them.

When filpuyin woke up again, he was surprised to find that he was in a room.

There was warm light in the room, and he was lying on the bed with a delicious meal beside it.

"Here? Am I dreaming? "

Phelp silver looked at everything in front of him in disbelief. If he could, how he hoped all the things he had experienced would be a dream.Wake up, everything has not changed, at least his father and family, has not come to an end.

Just at this time, the door of the room was pushed open.

Gamma stood at the door and said, "Mr. Hua is waiting for you."

As soon as FILP silver saw gamma, his eyes almost fell to the ground. Could he say that he was in the hilfer family?

With great anxiety, Phelp silver came out of the room.

Outside the room is a large circular hall. There is a conference table more than ten meters in the hall. In addition, there are only some load-bearing columns.

There are no windows in the hall. All the lighting depends on the light.

Wang Yang several people sit together, are looking at the silver filpu.

Phelp silver immediately responded that this should be an underground base.

He suddenly looked at gamma and said: "I remember, I came to this mountain forest, which used to be a retreat built by many families. I always thought it was just a legend. I didn't expect that the base really existed. "

"There's not much left, but you're safe here." Gamma said casually.

At this time, two of Phelp silver's men were also taken out of the room.

After everyone arrived, gamma sat down and said, "although the conditions here are poor, they are enough for a group of people to live for half a month. If you want revenge, you have to wait for the right time. This time is enough for you to screen those people and determine your future team. "

Phelp silver nodded excitedly, which was exactly what he wanted.

Although his father left some people behind, it is still a question whether these people can be trusted. If he is given enough time, all the problems will not be a problem.

Gamma picked his eyebrows and said impolitely, "don't thank me. This is what Mr. Hua meant. He succeeded in persuading me. In my opinion, I would rather you die here. "