"Ten minutes."

Wang Yang carefully calculated the time, and the second batch of FILP silver's confidants were almost coming.

In desperation, he could only contact Phelp silver and tell him to let his people come over in 20 minutes.

"Mr. Hua, what's the matter? My people have just told me that they are about to arrive. "

"For some problems, it's better to come in 20 minutes. Of course, if someone insists on coming in advance, you don't need to stop anything."

Wang Yang finished talking and hung up the phone.

Unexpectedly, a few minutes later, a car came.

Several men came down from the car, looking at the body on the ground blankly.

As a result, it can be imagined that these men were also recruited.

Seeing this, Yungong mountain immediately said, "I'll go down first to save people?"

"No, they're traitors." Buddha suddenly said coldly.

People were puzzled. Buddha looked at Wang Yang and said with a smile, "why do you think the boss said that to Phelp silver? You know, Phelp silver has already said that the time has been delayed. These guys still insist on coming ahead of time. I'm afraid they don't want to get things earlier, but they just want to pass earlier and destroy things."

Only the traitor, will ignore the order of Phelp silver at this time.

Several people are silent, if it is true, it can only say that the other party's people are all lost.

Sure enough, about ten minutes later, the second car arrived at the abandoned factory.

Three men stepped down from the car, but at this time the poison no longer exists, the three men gaped at the body on the ground.

"Oh, my God, damn it, why are Phelps here?"

"Tell the boss quickly that our people have been killed, and we haven't seen anyone trading yet."

The three men have been completely shocked by the situation in front of them. A man called Phelp silver in a hurry, and he was very unwilling to say: "boss, I'm sorry, we just got your message on the way, but they said that they would come ahead of time to see if there is any situation here. If I had stopped them, they would not have met Phelps

In the dungeon, when filpuyin heard these words, his heart was full of mixed feelings.

Because only he knew that those who ignored his orders and went ahead were traitors.

He didn't want to know why these guys betrayed him. Maybe it was because he thought that he might as well submit to Phelps.

This time, Phelps found the place accurately, with a prepared appearance. He could only say that there were traitors on his side.

But Phelp silver didn't intend to tell the truth either. He simply comforted him and then said, "if you drive away from there, someone will give you something on the way."

Although the three did not understand the situation, there were corpses everywhere, and no one wanted to stay in such a place.

So the three men immediately drove away.

On the other hand, Yungong mountain drove away one step ahead of time. On the way, he gave things to the three men.

"It's delivered, silver Philp, and you're the only one left."

Filpuyin is sitting in the dungeon. He looks at the short message on his mobile phone with a complicated look.

This life-saving thing has been obtained. At least he has three people he can trust. This has made FILP silver feel very happy.

However, there is another problem that bothers him.

That is, how can this be delivered to him?

You know, this is not another place, but the dungeon of their family. Don't let a big living man come in to deliver things. Even if the mouse is here all the time, there is no escape.

Just at this time, Phelp silver received another message from his staff.

His men are already on their way here. They are also asking Phelp silver what to do next.

Filpuyin is hiding in the corner. He turns off his mobile phone and finds a humble place to hide it.

"Come on, you bastards, get out of here!"

When Phelp silver had done all this, he ran to the door of the cell and started shouting at the top of his voice.

If others do, they will be killed alive by the guards of the dungeon.

However, Phelp silver is old Phelp's own son after all. The guards here still dare not go too far. No matter what this guy is like, the ability to kill these guards still exists.

A guard rushed over, looked at filpuyin coldly and said, "don't make a fool of yourself. You will only make the boss resent you more."

Phelp spat and said angrily, "bah, when is it your turn to teach me? Tell my father to come down. I have something important to say! "

The guard was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, indicating that it was impossible.Phelp silver yelled for a long time, but the guard still refused.

In the end, he could only have a try and said, "OK, you can't ask my father to come down. You can ask Jimmy to come down for me. I'm hungry. I'll eat what he makes."

"I can ask the kitchen man to take it when it's ready, but Mr. Jimmy..."

Phelp silver opened his eyes and growled, "only Mr. Jimmy can do what I want to eat. Can those guys in the kitchen eat what I want to eat?"

The guard looked at Phelp silver helplessly. He knew that the young master didn't like the family's food very much. He usually went out to eat. Originally, Phelp silver had his own private cook.

But after his accident, the cook had been taken away.

The guard didn't dare to offend Phelp silver, so he had to contact Jimmy.

In the office, Jimmy looked at the guard in disbelief, and then muttered, "what can I do? This kid is just making a fool of himself. I'll go down and have a look at the situation. It's a critical moment for the family. We can't let him disturb the boss. "

As a loyal old Philp, Jimmy knows the general.

He knew that even if Phelp silver had fallen to this point, he was still the son of old Phelp. As long as Phelp silver didn't ask too much, Jimmy would take care of him.

What's more, Jimmy doesn't like Phelp very much.

Jimmy takes two men to the dungeon. His two men are standing in the distance. Jimmy goes to the door of the cell where Phelp silver is held.

Jimmy whispered, "master, I can't cook at all. What are you doing?"

Phelp silver jumped up from the ground excitedly, rushed to Jimmy and grabbed his hand: "no, this dish is only for you. Believe me, uncle Jimmy!"