As soon as mosika said this, all three people were a little shaken.

Liu Fengyuan muttered: "randas? Who is that? "

Buddha and Wang Yang didn't say a word, because they had already thought about who the randas was.

One of the five major arms dealers in the United States, the boss of the randas arms group, should be what Moska called randas.

Thinking of this, Wang Yang took the lead in saying, "it doesn't matter."

Mosika looked at the three people suspiciously, turned his face and said angrily: "I hope we can respect each other's intelligence. If you have nothing to do with randas, you guys will follow him as soon as he arrives here? You know, Oriental people like you, if you don't have something, it won't appear casually. I know that you Oriental people are very cunning. "

Second class!

I'm afraid this guy is absent-minded, isn't he?

Suddenly, both Liu Fengyuan and Buddha looked at mosika with disdain.

Wang Yang almost didn't laugh: "Mr. moseka, we don't know who you said randas was. Does it mean that everyone who comes to Mexico at this time has anything to do with that person?"

Moses was stunned for a moment. This middle-aged man, who looked very rich, became funny in an instant.

Wang Yang is a little puzzled. It seems that this guy is very influential. With this kind of character, how did he survive to the present?

Mosika did not give up, and with a straight face, he said angrily, "I've been staring at you secretly since you came here. You guys are collecting information all the time. It's a coincidence that you have nothing to do with randas? "

Buddha looked at Moska with a confused face and asked, "do you mean that you noticed us because of randas?"

Moska nodded and said with a proud smile, "as I said, maybe we are not enemies. What's the relationship between you and randas? Just say it directly."

Wang Yang was also a bit silly. Their target was Qiongjing. Originally, the trace was hidden very well. As a result, they came here with randas at the same time and were targeted so quickly.

In front of him, mosika seems to have a way of breaking the casserole to ask the truth. He is such a tough guy. He can't make it clear.

Wang Yang thought about it and asked, "I'm afraid we're going to get into trouble, right? As for the randas you said, we really have nothing to do with it. "

Mosika stares at Wang Yang, as if to see something from Wang Yang's face.

In this regard, Wang Yang just laughed awkwardly. In the face of such a tough guy, he really didn't know what to do.

If this mosika is hard, Wang Yang can do it directly.

Even if there are four bodyguards in the restaurant, Wang Yang doesn't pay attention at all. He is sure to subdue mosika in an instant.

"It's very simple. Except for special circumstances, you Orientals won't suddenly appear. The easterners here are all small characters. People like you who can kill all the thugs in a bar don't exist at all. "

Wang Yang smell speech, helpless shrug, spread out hand to smile way: "sorry, I have nothing to want to say."

Mosika was staring at Wang Yang, and his face became gloomy in an instant.

Just at this time, a bodyguard at the door rushed to Wang Yang quickly, which is the rhythm of direct hands.

The Buddha hissed and quickly closed his eyes.

Mosika said with a sneer, "do you know fear now? If you tell me the truth, maybe I can let you go... "

Before mosika's words were finished, Wang Yang stood up and saw the tall bodyguard rushing over. However, Wang Yang didn't mean to dodge at all.

As soon as the bodyguard got close to Wang Yang, Wang Yang suddenly stretched out a leg, then grabbed the bodyguard's arm, fell over his shoulder and pressed the big bodyguard to the ground.

"Oh, hell, my arm!"

The bodyguard screamed, one of his arms fell on the ground, directly dislocated.

Look at Wang Yang again, his face is not red and he is breathless, as if he had just done all this, it is as simple as drinking tea.

Mosika's eyes were straight, and immediately exclaimed, "Chinese Kung Fu, are you Chinese?"

After Wang Yang solved the first bodyguard, he immediately turned to mosika.

Originally, there was only a distance of three meters between Wang Yang and mosika. Wang Yang was even closer to mosika when he knocked down the bodyguards.

The three bodyguards at the door didn't have time to stop, so Wang Yang came close to mosika very easily.

"Don't move, or you will die miserably."

Wang Yang stands in front of mosika, with a dagger on his neck. As long as Wang Yang makes a little effort, mosika's throat will be cut open.Foye and Liu Fengyuan also stood up for the first time. Foye got a gun from the fallen bodyguard and pointed it directly at the door: "you three put down your guns, stay away from there and stand on the wall."

The three bodyguards are not reconciled, but now they have their boss in their hands, so they have to be obedient.

Mosika quickly raised his hands, and suddenly said in very stiff Chinese, "ladies and gentlemen, I really don't mean to embarrass you. I just want to make sure whether you are looking for trouble. If I have any malice, I won't specially prepare these drinks and dishes."

Wang Yang said with a smile: "Mr. moseka, as you said, we Chinese people are very polite. If I had any malice against you, you and your people would have been killed long ago. It's reciprocity. We can exchange intelligence, not threats. What do you think? "

Mosika thoughtfully thought for a few seconds, finally said: "you go out, I want to talk to them."

"Boss, this..."

"Get out! Take this bucket out, too. "

The four bodyguards quickly left the restaurant, and Wang Yang let go of mosika.

To tell you the truth, at this time, he has the courage to admire mosika. In this case, he chose peace negotiation, which is a bit smart.

Wang Yang sat down again. This time, he was sitting next to mosika. If this guy had any small action, it was the rhythm of seeking death.

Mosika seems to understand Wang Yang's meaning, he is very headache said: "since you said to exchange information, then I just want to know, who are you in the end."

"Then you, whose person are you? You're a local snake. You won't ask for trouble and stare at us." Wang Yang narrowed his eyes and said with a sly smile.

Mosika covered his head and cried sadly: "Oh, I like Chinese culture very much, but I don't like dealing with you smart Chinese people. In fact, I have some relationship with randas. I just ask you to come because I'm worried that you are not good for randas. "

As soon as Wang Yang heard this, he immediately laughed, because his goal has not been randas.

"How can I believe your friendly relationship with randas? Unless you can get that randas guy out, I'll kill you now, and your men, they can't stop us at all

Mosika looked at Wang Yang in despair. Although there were only three people on the other side, it was enough to kill him.