For three days in a row, jiuxiao was full of dead people.

Some younger brothers were killed for no reason. The people under jiuxiao were walking more and more. Those little heads were forced to work every day.

However, in order to protect their lives, they simply lived in jiuxiao mansion and refused to go out to work.

In the face of such a situation, Xiaohan did not embarrass these guys.

"Boss, they're so ridiculous! Today, we have lost several businesses, and many of our partners are dissatisfied. This If I can't, I'll run myself. "

Li Sheng said anxiously and kept putting some information on Xiaohan's desk.

Many contracts have been shelved, and those businessmen who want to cooperate with jiuxiao are all holding a wait-and-see attitude.

Xiao Han bit his teeth and said angrily, "you don't have to worry about these things. Naturally someone will do it. You and sun lie should not leave the building during this period. Those little leaders are not the targets of killers. You are different. "

In spite of that, such a large community can not be supported by one or two people.

In just three days, jiuxiao has run two-thirds of its younger brother, and many of its companies have been forced to close down.

Xiaohan is not idle. Someone can hire killers to target jiuxiao. Then he can hire some outlaws to make trouble for Washington West Buddha.

Castle villa, Washington Seaver rub stand up, a cell phone fell to pieces.

"They've been robbed again! Those bastards don't take the goods at all. They blow up people and goods directly! "

Washington Seaver's face turned sour with anger. If he knew that the goods had been robbed, he still had a trace to follow. As a result, the other party didn't want the goods at all. He made it clear that the person who wanted to kill him was looking for trouble for him.

Next to Seaver in Washington, there was a white man.

He was a man of great courage, with features and temperament similar to Jon.

Actually, this man is Jon's brother. His name is Qiongjing.

Many people know that George Washington has a gold medal hitter Jon, but few people know that Seaver Washington has a Qiongjing.

Although Joan and Qiongjing are brothers, they are five years apart and have completely different temperaments.

Jon's hot temper, conceit and skill make him a famous evil star. He has been playing the role of thug around George in Washington.

And his brother Qiongjing is the opposite. Qiongjing is a man with elegant manners, wearing a pair of gold glasses and smart and capable eyes.

Different from his brother, Qiongjing's skill is appalling, but this guy always depends on his brain.

He has been around Seaver in Washington for many years, serving as a military strategist.

This time, the idea of killing some people in jiuxiao was given by Qiongjing to Xifo, Washington, and it soon worked.

"Xiao Han! Tell the people below to fight jiuxiao with all their strength, and I'll make them disappear from Dama state! " Washington Seaver clapped the table and roared angrily.

At this time, Qiongjing shook his head and said with profound meaning: "the most regretful thing in my life is that I left Dama state during this period of time. If I had been there, Mr. George would not have been where he is today. Mr. Xifo, I hope you don't get involved in the calculation like your brother. We can put Xiaohan's business on the back. Now the focus should be on the Mexican side. Those guys are a headache. "

After a moment's hesitation, Washington's Xi Fuling recognized Qiongjing's wisdom.

At this time, that is to say, Qiongjing could still listen to him. If someone stopped him from taking revenge, he would have become a corpse.

At the same time, Washington West Buddha also responded that jiuxiao is always in Damo state, and there is no need to worry about revenge. Anyway, Xiaohan can run now, and monks can't run to temples.

The situation in Mexico is different. Now that there is something wrong with them, will the rest of the arms Association just sit by and ignore it?

Who will give up if we can take this opportunity to kill the whole Washington arms group?

Thinking of this, Washington Seaver made a phone call to the people in Mexico.

There is no way to make a lot of things clear on the phone. Washington Seaver wants to see each other.

These buyers in Mexico are all regular customers of Washington arms group, which can be said to be their lifeblood.

Who knows, when the other party heard that Washington Seaver wanted to meet and talk about it in detail, he immediately said, "sorry, Mr. Seaver, the boss has been doing a lot of things recently. I think we should wait for the meeting."

"We can make an appointment, it won't delay him..."

Drop by drop

Washington Seaver had not finished his words when the other party hung up.

Qiongjing stood aside and looked thoughtfully at Washington Seaver. They both knew that there was something wrong with each other's attitude.Those guys in Mexico are very dependent on arms. This time, their attitude is so weird that they have been intercepted.

Qiongjing said: "we need to look at the three remaining arms dealers, especially the randas side. That guy has always wanted to cut into Mexico. When Mr. George was alive, although on the surface, randas dissuaded the contradiction between Mr. George and Martin Butuo, in fact, he wanted to build power so that the Mexican guests could trust him more. "

Washington Seaver clenched his teeth, almost squeezed out of his teeth, and said angrily, "I won't let the old fox, randas, get what he wants. Just as you mean, those guys in jiuxiao can put it away. Randas, they must keep an eye on it."

Qiongjing nodded, and then he called in one of his agents.

In fact, since George's accident in Washington, although Qiongjing was not in Damao, he had already started to prepare.

As soon as the intelligence personnel came, they brought bad news.

"Boss, our people who monitored randas got nothing. Randas lost his trace completely. Even our informant didn't know where he had gone..."

"What? You're a bunch of losers

Washington Seaver almost lost his temper when he heard this. A big living man could be lost, but it was at this critical moment.

Qiong Jing's face was gloomy: "randas deliberately avoided our eyes and ears, and immediately investigated the flight to Mexico. The terrain there is so complicated that no one dares to use a private plane. It's very easy to crash."

Sure enough, Qiongjing's men soon brought back the news.

"An hour ago, randas went to Mexico, now he should be in Mexico, but after that, we have no way to grasp the situation."

Qiong Jing hissed. It's not surprising. They are based in Dama Prefecture. It's not very practical for them to master the intelligence of the Mohist state.