A luxury car stops outside the gate of the villa in Andry, Damascus.

The two bodyguards at the door turned pale, and one of them ran to the villa.

The car door opened, and a man in a blue suit stepped out of the car. The man was handsome, with his resolute features and deep eyes. He was very heroic.

This is a white, a white with a unique status in Mexico, and the first confidant of Alice's father.

Maiton, the name was always something Andy didn't want to hear.

Andre has been working with Alice's father for many years. The last time he saw Maiton, it was five years ago, and for Andre, it was definitely not a good memory.

Alice's father will not leave the Mexican base camp, and this Maiton is his spokesman. When necessary, Maiton's status is still above Alice's.

Maiton got out of the car and looked at the bodyguard who was running towards the villa.

"Oh, my dear Mr. Andrey, I'm still so cautious. When can I get in?" Maiton narrowed his eyes and looked gentlemanly at the other bodyguard. He asked at the same time.

The bodyguard was stunned and said, "this Wait for him to inform our boss, because now I don't know if it's convenient for him. "

Maiton didn't even see his mood at all. Instead, he waited quietly.

But the bodyguard had ten thousand grass mud horses in his heart. He didn't know the identity of Maiton before, but just yesterday, Andrey came to talk about some things in person, including some things about Maiton.

According to Andy, once you see the car with the license plate number of Maiton, you should inform him immediately.

In the villa, Andy is talking about something with two men.

The bodyguard rushed in, but he didn't care how ugly Andy's face was. He said in a hurry, "boss, it's not good. That Maiton is coming!"

Andy's face was not very good-looking, but it became more ugly in an instant.

"Maiton, damn it, it's time to come. Oh, go and invite him in. Remember, be polite. " Andrey was very frightened.

This bodyguard is also surprised by the appearance of Andre. You know, Andre is a murderer. He has never been so flustered.

This Maiton, does it look very promising?

The bodyguard left without a stop, ran all the way to the gate of the villa, gasped for Maiton and said: "Sir, I'm very sorry just now. The boss asked you to go in."

Maiton nodded and said with a smile, "you're a very polite guy. You're a good watchdog."


Is this a curse or a compliment?

The two bodyguards looked at each other, but they didn't dare to fart a fart. This guy was the one their boss didn't want to offend, let alone the minions.

Soon, Maiton was sitting opposite Andre.

In the courtyard behind the villa, dozens of bodyguards were hidden in the dark.

Andrey poured a glass of wine for Maiton himself and said with a polite smile, "Oh, dear Mr. Maiton, I didn't expect you to come here in person. What a surprise."

Maiton raised his glass, drank it and said, "Mr. Andrey, you and I don't want to talk about the scene. You should know why I'm here this time?"

Andy was stunned for a moment. He was a smart man. Naturally, he knew that if he meant something, if he deliberately pretended to be confused at such a time, it would arouse the opposition of the other party.

Thinking of this, Andy said helplessly: "Oh, old man, we all know those things very well. What's your attitude now?"

Andre has a good hand. Take a look at the tone of Maiton's mouth first.

Unexpectedly, Maiton didn't care about any feelings at all. He said directly, "I need you to give me an account when I come here this time. There are many people who can cooperate with each other. Every year you sell in large quantities. We have always been the most loyal partners of tulips, but the death of Sarton has made us lose face. Up to now, you have not given an explanation. "


Maiton stared at Andrey and continued: "tulip has always been the biggest power in Dalmatian state. Now there are so many things happening in Dalmatian state, but you don't mention a word, which makes us unable to continue to believe you. Do you still have the ability to continue to be our partners?"

There are frequent accidents in damazhou, and many of them have something to do with tulips. The things that happened in the club have long been sent back to Mexico through Alice.

At this time, if Andrei does not give an explanation, he will not be able to muddle through at all.

Andrew was very headache and began to explain: "Mr. Maiton, I admit that Dama state has been in a mess recently. It's all those Chinese people who are playing tricks on it. And recently, there are many official people in Dama Prefecture. I can't do many things too obviously. If I offend the official people... "Maiton made a stop sign and said, "now you can give me no explanation and don't try to shirk your responsibility. Within half a month, the boss will give you the last face to restore the situation in Damao to the previous situation. Mr. Andrey, I'll come back to you in half a month, if the state is calm by that time. "

"Mr. Maiton, just a moment, please!"

Andre wanted to keep Maiton, but Maiton didn't mean to stay at all. After dropping the ultimatum, he left Andre's villa.

"Oh, damn it, look at his high spirited manner. Even if Alice's father came here in person, he wouldn't treat me like this!" Andy was furious.

A confidant beside him was silent for a moment, then said: "boss, anyway, this must be what Alice's father meant. Without his authorization, Maiton would not dare to do this."

Andrey frowned. He knew that the situation in Damascus was very disturbing.

You know, once the state of Damo was completely under his ears and eyes, there was a little wind and grass, it could not escape the control of tulip.

But now the whole state of Damo is out of control. There are those people in the gate, saton's death, and Falcon's revenge.

Everything, all the contradictions point to the tulip club in Andre.

Andre rubbed his temples and said angrily, "Damn it, of course I know what to do. If I hadn't been afraid of the official guys, I would have done it already. I really don't know what happened in the world. All those spies went to Dazhou! "