"Where is Sarton, the leader of Mo?"

"My God, is that true?"


Many people on the dark Internet have seen the news, and the news is instantly pushed to the second position, just below the amazing red.

A large number of killers begin to pay attention to this thing, but there are conditions to open it.

A killer stares at the screen of his mobile phone, biting his teeth and swearing, "mad, it's encrypted! It takes 100000 yuan to open one time. Before the job is finished, it's time to invest. "

Now, no one knows whether the news is true or false, but now they have no choice.

Wuyou died in the door, and the scarlet appeared. However, no one knew where Sarton was at this time.

A large number of killers began to buy the news crazily. However, it was soon confirmed that the news was true.

After this message was opened, it turned out to be a data that was updated all the time. It recorded in detail the location update of Sarton.

At the same time, on a street in Damascus, Sarton was running away with people.

But he saw with his own eyes the appearance of scarlet, the target is him.

"Boss, what's the matter? How can we offend people recently? "

Sutong was biting his teeth, and then he said angrily, "there is nothing in the door. That bastard must be dead, so our previous agreement has been started."

Who knows, at this time, a confidant with a mobile phone exclaimed: "boss, someone has found our location, you have a look."

Saton took the phone, he also spent 100000 yuan, so the above message is very clear.

Sutton's face turned pale for a moment, and he thought of someone.

The mysterious person who called him, only that person can do such a thing.

"Quick, change course now!"

"Look around. Is there anyone following us?"

Sarton's heart was already full of galloping horses, and he was sweating on his forehead.

Originally, he had to face a large number of killers. He was very desperate. Now he has such an ancestor. Where can he live?

Saton's younger brothers are also tactful, quickly changed the route.

Many killers catch up, but when they arrive, they don't even see a single person.

At the same time, the information on the dark net is updated again, but this time the specific location becomes very vague.

Not far away, on a commanding height, a man put down his telescope and said to the microphone, "boss, they have changed their route. What are they going to do next?"

Inside the secret stronghold of the island agents in damazhou, chunye stares at the computer screen.

"It's a pity that Wu you is dead."

Chunye frowned strongly. He just hesitated for a few seconds, and then hurriedly continued: "tell the brothers to prepare and rescue satong."

Chunyeqiang side of several agents are blown up, rescue satong?

"Chief, Sarton has killed so many of our brothers. Let him die at this time."

"Yes, the situation in Dama state is very chaotic now. Our task has not been completed yet. If we go out to muddy the water, we don't know how many brothers we will lose."

Chunye glared and said angrily: "I know the situation better than you. Are you the group leader or am I the group leader? Obey orders


The door of the office was closed, and chunyeqiang rubbed his temple wearily.

At this moment, he has regretted letting Wu you in on these things. You know, they used to do your job for the chip, but as a result, they didn't see the ghost of the chip, and many people died.

It's hard for every agent to be cultivated. This time, the loss can't be measured by money.

Soon, the people of chunyeqiang got together.

These agents are very emotional, one by one to stand up against haruno strong, do not agree to rescue satong.

Chunye glanced at these guys and said coldly, "don't talk nonsense with me. Your bounden duty is to obey orders. I'll say it again, rescue satong."


An agent wants to say something, but chunyeqiang takes out a pistol and puts it directly on the man's head.

"Carry out the order!"


Saton and his men fled toward the border between Mexico and Damascus, and the motorcade drove to a fork in the road.

The first car went by, and then there was a bang, and the first car was blown up in the sky in an instant.

In front of the fire, those flames reflected into saton's eyes, just like the anger in his heart.

"Another way! As long as we can leave Damo state, we will be safe. Those killers have no ability to catch up with Mexico. " Saton said firmly.At this time, he is not flustered, because he knows that according to the rules of the dark net, those things are only effective in the state of Damo.

Once Sarton set foot on the border of Mexico, those killers would not fight. If he died on the border of Mexico, those guys would have no money at all.

The motorcade quickly turned around. Unexpectedly, the last car also exploded, and the whole motorcade was immediately blocked.

"Boss, something's wrong. Are those guys ambushing us?"

"Why didn't anyone rush out? My brothers are smart. Whoever comes out will fight to death!"

As soon as the two boys in the car finished speaking, a large number of people rushed down the mountain forest on both sides.

These guys are all wearing camouflage suits, and each one is fully armed.

Saton's pupils shrank. Seeing the guys, he exclaimed, "mercenary!"

Yes, mercenaries. A lot of mercenaries are like ants, rushing towards Sutong's motorcade.

Satong's younger brothers are not vegetarian either. They all shot in a hurry, trying to suppress the fire and gain some time.

Two of Sutton's confidants covered his alighting, and three of them ran into the woods on the other side, while the rest tried their best to delay.

He looked back and saw a large number of brothers fall.

"Damn it, I'll do it!"

However, saton's men are not rivals of mercenaries at all, and the number of them is too large.

Some of the younger brothers couldn't stand it, so they had to run into the woods with satong.

In an instant, the sound of gunfire was continuous, and the sound of gunfire reverberated in the whole forest.

Load the bullet, pull the trigger, change the clip.

Saton's younger brothers are numb. They don't know how many times they have repeated such actions.

"Boss, those guys are catching up. Our people have been killed!"

Satong's heart was beating wildly. He didn't dare to look back. The bullets shot at him from time to time. If it wasn't for the cover of the forest and his confidants, he would have died many times.

Suddenly, a confidant stopped: "boss, there are people in front!"