Outside a villa, Wang Yang and others appear here.

But there was no sound in the villa, and it didn't look like it was inhabited.

Wang Yang frowns. Liu Fengyuan and Yan bizhou want to go in and have a look, but they are stopped by Wang Yang.

"The villas these guys live in are not so easy to enter, master Yun, please." Wang Yang frowned and said.

Yungong mountain closed his eyes, the insects quietly entered the villa to explore the situation.

Results two minutes later, Yungong mountain frowned and muttered, "there is no one. There is not even a mouse in it."

Su Qing stands on one side, looking at Yungong mountain in surprise. He doesn't know who Yungong mountain is, and the appearance of Yungong mountain is still very young. After thinking for a while, Su Qing still can't remember when Wang Yang has this number one figure around him?

Wang Yang's face immediately gloomy down, he turned to look at Su Qing, said: "you think of a way, or the consequences."

Su Qing almost vomited blood. After holding it for a long time, she finally made a phone call to his younger brother.

As soon as the phone was answered, Su Qing said angrily, "what's the matter, people?"

"Boss, they left ten minutes ago. I can't get in touch with you when I call you." The voice from the phone was very bitter.

Su Qing angrily scolded twice, hung up the phone, then looked at Wang Yang and said: "the news has been leaked, but you also heard it. It really has nothing to do with me. I don't know when they left."

Wang Yang didn't say a word, and didn't say that he didn't believe Su Qing's words.

At this time, Liu Fengyuan said, "boss, let's take care of the rest. It's only ten minutes. Those guys can't run far."

Wang Yang nodded and simply gave these things to Liu Fengyuan, Yan bizhou and others, and let them go after those guys in a group.

When everyone left, Wang Yang pointed to the villa and said with a smile, "go in and have a cup of tea."

Su Qing hesitates for a moment. He knows that even if Wang Yang is the only one left, he is far from Wang Yang's opponent. Moreover, Wang Yang's meaning seems to have a turn for the better. If he can sit down and have a talk, Su Qing will be happy.

The door of the villa was not closed at all. They pushed the door in and sat down naturally.

Su Qing took the lead in reminding: "I don't know how many of those guys are, but there are a lot of them. I'm afraid your people are going to be cannon fodder in the past."

Wang Yang didn't care and avoided the topic directly.

It was dark outside the villa. Neither of them turned on the light, but only with the help of the moonlight scattered from the windowsill could they see what was inside the house.

Wang Yang hid himself in the dark and suddenly asked: "Su Qing, Donghua city has been sent to heaven several times. I just want to seek stability. I don't understand why those people are pressing so hard. Why do you join hands with them? "

Su Qing Leng for a moment, subconsciously looked at the direction of Wang Yang, but nothing can be seen.

Su Qing took a deep breath, but he had regained his composure and said, "as long as there are people, there will be fights. Anle is just the idea of a few people. Most people want to oppress others. This is human nature. I'm just a layman, and I can't be free from vulgarity either. "

In the dark, Wang Yang sneered: "I don't need such ambiguous nonsense."

Su Qing helplessly looked out of the window, a dark, this dark with a strong repression, together with the atmosphere of the house has become repressed.

He knew that Wang Yang must ask why today, otherwise he would not let him go easily.

Sure enough, after a few seconds, Wang Yang said meaningfully, "I've seen your resume. When I was in Chilong, I was also a promising person. I don't believe you are willing to quit the Chilong special team, and Chilong is not the place where you want to go."

Su Qing was surprised, and then explained: "if you really read my resume, you should know that I made a mistake when I was on a mission, which led to the death of several brothers in my group. Since then, I have been condemned by my conscience and finally left Chilong. I just left the reserve team when I was about to become a regular member. I don't know anything about the internal affairs of Chilong. Maybe it's because of this reason that they agreed to let me leave? "

As soon as Su Qing's voice fell, Wang Yang suddenly jumped out of the darkness, with an extremely fast speed. He grabbed Su Qing's neck, and at the same time, with his backhand, the dark dagger stood near Su Qing's main artery.

Wang Yang's face magnified several times in front of Su Qing. His face was ferocious and roared: "do you think I'm a fool?"

Su Qing's face turned blue, struggling to roar in a low voice: "Wang Yang, you are crazy. I don't know anything. You are a mad dog, biting people in disorder!"

Wang Yang's hand slightly let go, maintaining the distance that can let Su Qing speak reluctantly, but sneered: "I have investigated everything from you to Donghua city. All the time, you don't participate in Donghua city's troubles. Your consistent style is to take advantage of the fishermen, and even compromise many times in order to save your strength.""What's the problem? There are so many brothers below me. Be careful. What's the problem?" Su Qing's eyes were red, and he gasped and roared.

Wang Yang hesitated for a while, and finally let go of Su Qing and returned to the darkness.

Su Qing rubs his neck. There is an illusion that his whole neck is crushed.

Wang Yang has a good sense of propriety. He makes Su Qing feel the pain, but he won't really kill him.

At this time, Wang Yang said coldly: "if you and Qiao Laosan are the same character, then I will believe that you like the routine of compromise, but you know what you are. Whether it's the internal information of Chilong or what you've done in Donghua city in recent years, it shows that there are people behind you, and you seem to be a piece of other people's chess at most. "

Su Qing gasped, his brain roared: "enough! You can't see my data inside Chilong at all. That data has been destroyed for a long time. What do you want. I've offended a lot of people. It's time to understand. Wang Yang, don't deceive people too much. "

Wang Yang laughs wildly twice and comes out from the darkness. He looks at Su Qing with a smile. Where is the fierce look just now.

After seeing this scene, Su Qing's intestines were blue with regret.

Wang Yang's words are just like his words. Su Qinggang didn't come back at all. He had already been pinched by Wang Yang. Subconsciously, he said that.

Wang Yang looked at Su Qing with a smile and said, "sure enough, the person behind you is inside Chilong, and I'm afraid the purpose of your coming to Donghua city has something to do with me. But don't worry, I haven't investigated your information at all, so the people behind you don't know that you have been exposed. You are a smart man. If you tell that person that you are found by me, you will be killed soon. "