The night was deep, and the villa in hezishan of Donghua city was dead.

The lights of the whole villa are out, the windows and doors of the villa are all sealed with iron rolling curtains, and the glass of the villa is all replaced with bulletproof glass.

Dozens of people are hiding in the dark to ensure the safety of hezishan.

He Zishan was sitting in a dark villa, and the cup of tea he was holding was already cold, just like his mood at this time.

The five hall heads of Longmen are all dead, and his brother scar is also dead in front of him. The blood left by the scar outside the villa has not been cleaned up. The blackened blood is always reminding he Zishan that those bastards have not paid their blood debts.

He Zishan thought he could endure for a period of time. After all, the power of Longmen is so huge that the people of the other side should not go too far.

But it turns out that he Zishan thinks too much. As soon as the news of Wang Yang's death comes back to Donghua City, the whole power of Donghua city is focused on Longmen.

Today's Longmen is like a big cake, especially after he Zishan has been washed white, he can't do a lot of things. In this way, those guys ride on Longmen's head to take a shit.

He Zishan really wants to fight for a way for the brothers below. As long as those bastards don't go too far, he even plans to give up some benefits.

But who knows, those people have no intention to leave any room for he Zishan and Longmen.

Yesterday, ah Zhong went out to work, but he never came back. Until now, there is no news.

Suddenly, the door of the villa opened and two younger brothers came in. One of them choked and said, "boss, we have found uncle a Zhong."

"What about people? How are you doing? "

He Zishan stands up and runs over, squinting to see the situation behind them. He is looking for the trace of a Zhong.

What he didn't expect was that they came back with a Zhong.

Ah Zhong lies on the ground, his body is stiff, his eyes are full, and he looks like he's not closing his eyes. In the past, his gentle eyes have no vitality.

"We found it by the river. It's said that uncle Zhong jumped into the river and killed himself because he couldn't think of it."

"Fart! Give me the shit

He Zishan's whole body was trembling. In the dark, he almost didn't breathe on the spot.

The two boys quickly support he Zishan. He Zishan has a firm foothold. He looks at a Zhong's body and finds it difficult to breathe for a moment.

He couldn't even believe that ah Zhong was dead.

First there were five hall leaders, then scar. Now even ah Zhong has been killed.

"What about those people, the brothers who went out with ah Zhong?" He Zishan's strong determination is a roar of vicissitudes.

"It's dead, it's all dead. The bodies are still in the countryside. When we found them, they were all burned, but the number of people is right, a lot of them." Longmen younger brother bowed his head, red eyes, and answered with a cry.

He Zishan body shock, a buttock fell to sit on the ground.

"I'm sorry, boss. You can't have any more trouble at this time."

He Zishan waved his hand, bit his teeth and said, "go out, I want to be quiet."

The two little boys looked at each other and saw he Zishan's situation. How dare they leave? They had to stand at the door and look at he Zishan's situation from a distance.

He Zishan didn't care. He sat next to a Zhong, staring at his body in a daze.

After a full hour, he Zishan got up from the ground with a gloomy face, went to the bathroom to get a basin of water and brought a towel.

He Zishan twisted the towel in his hands. The hot water made his hands red and swollen. He Zishan's face was expressionless, as if he could not feel it.

A hot towel was applied to a Zhong's face. A few minutes later, a Zhong's ferocious appearance changed. He Zishan wasted a lot of energy to tidy up a Zhong's remains.

"Go and get ah Zhong's suit." He Zishan said hoarsely.

The two younger brothers didn't know what was going on, so they went to ask the people who had followed ah Zhong for a long time.

A Zhong has a suit of navy blue Zhongshan suit. It is said that it was made for him when his mother was still alive.

Ah Zhong is usually very precious. He only wore it once when he got married when he was young. Later, he also wore it once at he Yuxin's adult ceremony.

Soon the clothes came over. The two boys wanted to help, but he Zishan pushed them away. He murmured with a black face: "I'll come in person, my brother. I'll send him away in person."

The brothers of Longmen are watching silently, but they dare not speak any more.

He Zishan took out his own coffin and whispered: "old man, when I bought this thing, you said that if I lay down in front of you, you would wake me up. I didn't expect that, but you came in first. Don't worry, he Zishan, even if he is so heartbroken, will take revenge! ""Their, scar's, yours and those brothers who died in vain in Longmen. I know everything very well."

He Zishan watched his old man in the coffin, tears crackling down.

It's said that men don't play lightly when they have tears, but they don't feel sad.

Especially for people of such status as he Zishan, when people will not die in Longmen, he has experienced countless life and death in most of his life.

But today, he Zishan can't help it any more. It's like venting some emotion. He Zishan suddenly wails with his coffin in his arms. His temples are white, and he seems to be a teenager overnight.

He Zishan's fingers were buckled on the coffin, his fingernails were overturned, and the blood was constantly flowing out.

He hated that he had to do everything to mobilize all his strength and fight directly with the other party's people, but when he saw Ah Zhong's left hand, he gave up the idea.

A Zhong's left hand kept a very strange gesture until he died. People in Longmen knew that in Longmen, it meant retreat.

He Zishan can imagine that at the last moment before his death, a Zhong thought about the comfort of the whole Longmen. He already knew that he was going to die. This is a wordless persuasion to he Zishan. He must bear this tone.

He Zishan's chest is like a big stone. He thinks of he Yuxin's present situation, Wang Yang's people and the brothers of Longmen.

He knew that he would have to endure this time.

Because of this, he Zishan is more and more depressed, because now he can only hold still and swallow the gas alive.

Once he starts, it's not only his end, but also those brothers of Longmen. Even Wang Yang will be brought into the water by him.

As we all know, he Zishan and Wang Yang are baibazi's brothers. If he Zishan sweeps each other today, Wang Yang will turn from white to black, and his reputation will be destroyed.

Unexpectedly, at this time, a little brother came in to report: "boss, Su Qing is here."