Everyone's mood suddenly tense up, one by one will be aimed at the front of the gun, but no one dare to shoot, because Wang Yang and Yan bizhou are in front.

Wang Yang and Yan bizhou motioned for everyone to step back, while they groped for the past one by one.

The light of the flashlight came before people. Soon Wang Yang and Yan bizhou saw the object in front of them.

In the dark passage, there is a lump of things in front, but these are clothes.

Wang Yang made a gesture with no problem, and everyone dared to follow.

"Master Yishan, have a look. Is there any problem?" Wang Yang said with a frown.

A flash released a bug, bug only in the clothes above the circle, soon returned to the side of a flash.

"No problem, just clothes." For a moment, he said.

Wang Yang and Yan bizhou quickly began to check these clothes. Yan bizhou was very surprised and said, "what's the matter? How can these clothes still have military uniform?"

Wang Yang's face is a little gloomy. Among these clothes, there are not only military uniforms, but also plain clothes, which are of different ages.

What really made Wang Yang look ugly was that he found some foreign clothes with a sense of age at the bottom.

From foreign to domestic, from military to civilian, from the clothing of the Republic of China to modern, there are also some Miao clothing.

A flash looked at those Miao clothing, immediately exclaimed: "this is it, these are the clothes they were wearing at that time!"

"Master, are you sure?" Wang Yang can't help but ask.

You should know that the costumes of Miao are similar. How can you be so sure.

As soon as he picked up a piece of clothes, he pointed to it and said, "this is the clothes of Gu Shi. The patterns on it look very common. In fact, these are some symbols in the ancient Miao language, representing different families. When we came here that year, the whole team, that is, the descendants of several families in miaojiang, came here young and full of vigour. I can understand all the things on them. They are their clothes. "

Yungong mountain has seen it again, which is the same meaning.

The patterns on the clothes contain too many things, even the name and family of the owner of the clothes are clearly engraved.

So as soon as I saw the clothes, I was sure.

"What kind of situation is this? Only the clothes are here. What about them? Are they not dead? " Liu Quansheng murmured with panic on his face.

Buddha shook his head and said coldly, "if they are still alive, they can't run naked from here. If you look carefully, these are not only coats, but also underwear."

Liu Quansheng immediately became a fool. Buddha's words are very reasonable. If those people survive, they can't run naked from here.

"Will they survive, but what happened that made them have to take off their clothes?" Yan bizhou said with a frown.

Wang Yang is a wave of hands, is sure to say: "impossible, even if a group of people like this, it is impossible for all people to encounter such a situation."

You know, from the perspective of these costumes, there are several groups of people, many of them from different ages.

After all, it's impossible for these people to take off their clothes here and run out naked, right?

After thinking for a long time, they still couldn't figure out what this was.

Yan bizhou checked around, there is only one pair here, there is no body, even no trace of blood.

There are still some blood fingerprints at the entrance of the cave, but there is nothing here. Yan bizhou is left with only this pile of clothes. He wants to break his head and can't understand what happened here.

Wang Yang is also very surprised when he is carrying a foreign dress.

You know, it's deep in the mountains of Miao. There are Miao villages all around here, let alone foreigners. I'm afraid even local people can't get to the ancient road. Besides, they have to go through the black iron cable bridge and the watchmen.

It's no coincidence that these foreigners can arrive here. There is only one explanation, that is, in those days, some foreign forces were all focused on here, but it seems that they all died here.

Liu Quansheng found a notebook in a man's pocket. He opened it excitedly and saw that it was full of foreign characters.

"Well, what is it? What does it say? " Liu Quansheng, a little excited, handed the notebook to Wang Yang, and finally looked at it.

Wang Yang opened his eyes, hissed and said: "notes, this is the man's notes, the content on it Let me see. It's probably his diary. "

Wang Yang looked for a few minutes, in front of them are some trivial things, such as where they have passed, according to the map safely arrived here.

"In 1870, tut, the later date rotted. My friends and I finally arrived at the ancient road. It's really amazing. It's just a gift from God. I can't even believe what I saw. These little insects are so tenacious. I began to believe what my tutor said. There are so many magical powers in China that we can't imagine in our whole life. ""Sam was drinking. He told me that as long as we got the contents, it would be a great feat. We would be loved by the people. We would be heroes of our country and all people. But the situation is not optimistic. There are dead people and a lot of people

"At the last moment of my life, I regret that we shouldn't pry into the secret here. It's not God's gift, but the messenger of the devil. It..."

Wang Yang's translation stops here because there is no content behind it.

The notebook is very clean, without a drop of blood, but the last page is still very problematic.

This foreigner's font is very beautiful, but this last time, it is crooked, several words are abbreviated, even some sentences are not smooth.

"While running for his life, this man records that he should know that he is doomed and want to write down something before he dies, but he talks too much nonsense and is killed before he writes down the most important thing." Yan bizhou looked at the content of this page and said.

Wang Yang sighed: "I'm very concerned about what it means. Foreigners' language is rough. This person is a devil's messenger. He is describing something. What on earth can make a person so desperate? "

Yes, despair.

Although it was just a few words, Wang Yang felt the foreign guy's despair.