Wang Yang, Liu Quansheng and Gu Tianquan left the valley and quickly went to the next place.

After two hours, the team finally collected the first column of the whole list.

Wang Yang and Gu Tianquan are in good condition, but Liu Quansheng accidentally injured his arm in the middle of the journey. Now his arm is bound with resin, and the bandage made of his coat is fixed.

Liu Quansheng's knapsack is on Wang Yang's shoulder, but Gu Tianquan is responsible for the insects. On the contrary, Liu Quansheng is relaxed.

However, the old boy was obviously sorry. Although his arm was temporarily disabled, his feet were still OK.

"Hey, hey, I'll find the way."

Finally, Liu Quansheng got a very long and strong branch, and went straight ahead, poking and going forward.

This is also a matter of last resort, the surrounding grassland is too lush, in case there is any animal nest below, Gu Tianquan and Wang Yang will be caught if they don't keep the same.

You know, Liu Quansheng's arm looks like this because he wanders around and tramples on the air.

The team continued to move forward. However, after several hundred meters, Liu Quansheng stopped.

Wang Yang and Gu Tianquan followed. At first, they all wondered what happened to Liu Quansheng?

As a result, Wang Yang passed by, and he was stunned.

There is an open field ahead, but this open field is not ordinary earth.

At a glance, you can still see the traces of blisters, and some plants grow thinly near the blisters.

Wang Yang took a breath. It's not the first time that he saw this kind of terrain. In the past, many reserve players were buried in this place during the internal training of Chilong.

This is swampland!

Liu Quansheng is not stupid. If he can't recognize the swamp, he will live in vain.

Even Gu Tianquan's face was gloomy.

I'm afraid only Wang Yang is sure that he can pass this place, but Gu Tianquan and Liu Quansheng are not.

"Boss, what's this? Why don't we go back? " Liu Quansheng stepped back a few steps and said that he was very eggy.

Wang Yang gave him a white look and said angrily, "go back, do you still go back after you have gone so far? You don't want to get that for master? "

"No, I'm not worried about the safety of Dr. Gu." Liu Quansheng said with a smile.

Gu Tianquan hissed, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he stared at the swamp in front of him.

Three people are staying in the same place, no one dare to step forward.

Wang Yang took a deep breath, and then said: "the joke belongs to the joke. For the sake of Yungong mountain, Liu Quansheng and I are duty bound. Gu Tianquan, you can go. This place is too dangerous for you. I'm not sure we can save you."

Wang Yang originally meant well, but Gu Tianquan was upset after listening to it.

"Who says doctors can't walk in the swamps?" Gu Tianquan is not willing to show weakness.

Wang Yang did not talk nonsense, he directly said some of the things he had experienced.

Every year, there are new reserve members in the red dragon special team, but few of them can become regular in the end.

First of all, the intensity of the reserve team training of the red dragon special team is too great. Basically, after several months of devil training, three fifths of the people have gone.

The remaining two fifths will not be too leisurely. According to what everyone is good at, they will be assigned to different tutors to start training for personal quality.

For example, Yan bizhou stood out from hundreds of elites in those years. He was worshipped by an elder and focused on trace investigation.

"As far as I know, you Chilong are short of manpower all the year round. If you say that, the remaining two fifths are also very many. Why do you have very few new people?" Gu Tianquan couldn't help wondering.

As a doctor family in the capital, Gu family knows something about Chilong. After all, sometimes Gu family members also need to treat Chilong people.

So Gu Tianquan can know these situations, Wang Yang is not surprised.

Wang yangbai waved his hand, looked at the swamp before him and said: "I won't say much about the situation every year. Once I was the remaining two fifths. After a swamp training, there were less than ten people left. I succeeded in entering Chilong that year, and in the end, there were only five people. "

Wang Yang couldn't help but close his eyes when he said that. He didn't want to see the swamp any more.

It was a devil's training. Everyone carried only half of the food. Their only task was to cross the swamp in two days.

At the beginning, Wang Yang and the members of the red dragon reserve team thought it was too small.

The swamp looks terrible. In fact, if you master some rules, it will be easy to pass.Who knows, a thing happened in the middle of the way completely changed the thinking of these people.

"It takes a lot of energy to get through the swamp, and we don't have enough supplies, especially fresh water. In that case, people may be able to hold on for a while without food, but if they don't drink water, it will be over soon. So at last we had a rest on the way... "

Wang Yang closed his eyes and frowned painfully, as if thinking of the scene at that time.

They had a two-hour rest. After two hours, all of them continued to set out. There were almost dozens of people in the small team, but half of them were sleeping in the swamp for two hours.

"They Their lower body, buried in the swamp, has been gnawed clean. Later, we learned that there is a kind of leech living in the swamp. That kind of leech can secrete a kind of neurotoxin, which makes people lose perception instantly. "

"Leeches inject neurotoxins to suck up their blood, and the rest of the creatures in the swamp can have a good meal. When we left, more than half of the people died so unknowingly

Liu Quansheng trembled when he heard that. This is not a swamp. It's a place that can kill people.

The old boy stared at the swamp in front of him and muttered, "I I think we'd better go back. "

Gu Tianquan pondered: "master Yun said that the swamp near the Miao village is extremely dangerous. Maybe this kind of place is no problem for me, and you will be different."

Wang Yang nodded slightly, and Gu Tianquan was a medicine man. Even if there was anything strange in the swamp, he would give up to Gu Tianquan.

"Make up your mind. I'm ready to go. Do as you like."

Wang Yang said as he sorted out his backpack.