Meng Jian's family is just dumb. It's hard to say what it's like to eat Coptis chinensis.

Why don't you nod thoughtfully? It seems that you believe Wang Yang's view.

Yan Guo and others also did not say anything, and the scene was once in embarrassment.

Wang Yang is still asking Meng Jianjia.

He has successfully pushed Meng Jianjia to the top of the storm.

At this moment, Meng Jianjia has only two choices.

The first is to tell the truth. Once he tells the truth, everyone will know that Meng Xingyun is really an insider. He really betrayed nine villages. Meng Xingyun is doomed.

Second, it is to conceal the truth and admit Wang Yang's so-called undercover affair.

But once Meng Jianjia admitted it, it was tantamount to sending the whole Tianshu village to a dangerous situation.

No one knows whether Jieshan is alive or dead. The scholar will know sooner or later that this matter has something to do with Meng Xingyun. I'm afraid that Meng Xingyun will not be the one who will die at that time.

Meng Jianjia hesitated and finally nodded slightly, but refused to say a word.

Many people can see the color of resentment in Meng Jianjia's eyes.

Especially Yan state and Meijiu Zhou, but these people are tacit understanding, no one continues to ask, and no one will go to the truth.

There must be revenge from the scholar. If Tianshu village is pushed out at this time, it is equivalent to preserving the remaining eight villages.

After some greetings, the crowd soon dispersed.

The rest of the villages sent out demagogues to spread the news, and everyone in the nine villages knew the truth overnight.

This time, they won because of Meng Xingyun.

These old foxes all have different ideas, as if they were afraid that the scholar would not understand this.

Meng Jianjia finally chose Meng Xingyun, so he couldn't find out the truth.

"You go and say hello to Yuancun. The business here is over. We'll go back now." Meng Jianjia said to a confidant with his teeth clenched.

"Village head, I'm afraid it's not safe for us to leave at this time? There must be a lot of eyes out there staring at us. " The man warned with some worry.

Not safe?

At this time, they are not safe anywhere. In contrast, they can have more security when they go back to their own village.

Stay in the eyes of Wang Yang and others, that is really don't know the so-called.

"Forget it. It's farewell after all. I'll go myself."

Meng Jianjia waved and finally turned around to find chuanzhou.

Many people are in the stilted building in chuanzhou.

The head and elder of each village have come here, and they mean to leave Yuancun.

Although the nine villages are united front, they still have to protect their own villages. Who knows if the scholars will attack their villages at this time?

Of course, these guys can't wait to go back to their villages.

"You are very old and understand that I will not stop you, just be careful along the way. After you have a meeting, if there is a situation, we will use the old way to contact

Chuanzhou is very reasonable, and also ordered people to prepare some dry food, let the people of each village take, stay on the road to eat.

The dry food and fresh water in Yuancun seem to have been ready for a long time. Chuanzhou knows that these people will leave one day.

Now is the best time. That's why he prepared these things in advance, and he won't lose his manners at this time.

"Be careful on the road. You'll walk along the back path. I'm afraid someone will be watching you in front of you." Plum wine week is a timely reminder.

The people in several villages were just about to leave when the sky was cloudy and the weather changed faster than turning a book.

Just from a good sunny day, now it suddenly turned into a storm.

Nowadays, the weather is very strange, the time of rainstorm is much more than that of sunny day.

Seeing the torrential rain outside, everyone was in trouble.

They are ready to go, and there is no obstruction in Yuancun, but now it's raining heavily, is it going or not?

If you go, it's easy to have problems in the rainstorm. The mountain roads leading to each village are not easy to walk.

But if you don't go, you can't face it.

Seeing this, the elder Romeo said, "the weather is not so good recently. Why don't you have a rest here for one night and drive at dawn tomorrow?"

Why don't you take the lead in nodding and agree, and take the people under you to have a rest. As soon as it's light, you'll go back to the village immediately.

Naturally, the rest of the people would not say anything more. Under such a rainstorm, they could not go back to the village, and the scholars could not go any more.

Two hours later, the torrential rain continued, and the surrounding rivers became more turbulent.On the mountain road, from time to time, there will be stones falling down, and the mountains above are unstable, and debris flow or landslide will occur at any time.

No one will go to the mountain road in such weather unless he is tired of living.

The rainstorm caused the water level of the river to soar, and the deep river was even closer to the bank.

Jieshan, holding a piece of rotten wood, drifts down the river.

Those who come to look for his evil seedlings have already left, in the rainstorm, who will look for a half dead person?

But the scholar's people braved the rainstorm to look for people. They received the message from the demagogic insects in Jieshan. The place where Jieshan finally disappeared was the river.

"Well? Look over there, isn't that a man? "

In the distance, a man in black on the bank saw the trace of Jieshan. Several people rushed down and tried to get the man up.

Jieshan's whole body was very pale. If it wasn't for the slight fluctuation of his chest, it would be no different from a dead man.

The men in black brought Jieshan back to their base.

A few hours later, Jieshan woke up from his coma. The wound on his body had been treated.

The scholar sat on one side with no expression on his face. He didn't interrogate Jieshan or get angry. He just looked at Jieshan coldly.

Jieshan felt a click in his heart, and quickly struggled to sit up: "we were calculated. Meng Xingyun put us together, and the people of nine villages besieged us..."

"There's no need to explain. The next thing has nothing to do with you. You need to recover first." The scholar said coldly, and then he left.

Before leaving, the scholar told several people in black to take good care of Jieshan.

Jieshan was relieved. He thought he was dead this time. Unexpectedly, the scholar was so calm.

On the cliff, the scholar looked at the direction of the nine villages, gritted his teeth and yelled: "waste, a group of waste, if you don't have some skills, I will take you to test medicine now, you're a loser!"