"And then?" Wang Yang asked casually.

Several people in the house also looked at Wang Guozheng curiously. Although the result was self-evident, it was not so easy to raise one more child at that time.

"The man ran away. Your mother and I were busy, and the little girl didn't live there. I asked the child where she was from, but she was too young to understand. Later, your mother and I went to the police station. As a result, the police station broadcast on the radio several times, and helped to find the neighborhood, but still did not find the child's family Wang Guozheng sighed helplessly.

, you know, in those days, science was not so developed now, there was no monitoring at all, and what registered residence was not what was connected.

At that time, Donghua city was only a small place. Under such circumstances, there was no way for the police station.

"This child can only be adopted. As you know, there was a shortage of materials in those days. Let alone an orphanage, there was no decent one even in a hospital. We are worried that the child will be wronged, and if he falls into the wrong hands, his life will be ruined. So your mother and I finally decided to adopt Cher, and then left our own contact information. If the child's family comes back, we will return the child to them. "

When Wang Guozheng said this, tears had already appeared in his eyes, and he said with a choking smile: "it's just a blink of an eye, it's decades of Kung Fu, and the children are old, but no one is coming..."

As a father, Wang Guozheng can understand Li's father's mood very well. Judging from Wang Xue's clothes, Li's father dotes on his daughter.

Besides, most fathers prefer their daughters, and their sons are too naughty. It's a very painful thing for them to bear the pain of separation for so many years.

Wang Guozheng's mood is also very complicated. On the one hand, he is happy that the Li family has finally found him.

On the other hand, Wang Guozheng is also very uncomfortable. After all, he has been raising Wang Xue for so many years. He has long forgotten that Wang Xue is not his own. He always treats Wang Xue as if he were his own.

The atmosphere in the room was very depressing. Li Bai said helplessly: "it's the will of heaven. When my sister was lost, my family came back to look for her and found her at the police station. However, I didn't expect that there was a fire at the police station and a lot of information was burned. There was no computer record at all in that era. Once the paper materials were burned away, there was no clue left. In the end, we had to let it go. "

Wang Xue lowered her head from beginning to end, and she didn't know what to think.

At this time, Wang Guozheng looked at Wang Xue and said, "girl, for so many years, we have no way to give you the life of their family. I just hope you will not lose yourself in the material world."

Wang Xue raised her head, eyes red choked: "Dad, I don't go, you are my dad."

When Li Bai listened to this, he looked even more helpless. As a younger brother, he also hoped that his elder sister could go home with him, at least to fulfill one of his parents' wishes. However, anyone could not bear to see Wang Guozheng and Wang Xue's affection.

Wang Guozheng also said with tears in his eyes: "go back, I'm also a parent. I know the feeling after I lost my child, just like your brother lost it for several years. We've suffered from that feeling. Now, how can you let your parents endure such suffering? Go back, child

Wang Xuehong shook her head with her eyes, but there was some hesitation in her eyes.

Wang Yang said: "elder sister, you should go there, and Donghua city is not safe recently, especially there are too many chaotic things here. I'm really worried that I can't protect you well. If you are in the capital, then everyone will be at ease. "

Wang Xue didn't say a word, but she was struggling in her heart.

Back to the Li family, the Li family is her home, but she grew up in the Wang family. Wang Xue has long regarded Wang Guozheng as her father.

Even if Wang Guozheng told Wang Xue about it a few years ago, she was afraid that one day when she was gone, Wang Xue would still have the chance to find her biological parents. But even so, Wang Xue didn't think there was anything special about it, and she didn't even think about the idea of looking for her biological parents.

In those days, many parents abandoned their children because of their preference for boys and other reasons.

So at that time, Wang Xue also felt that she was in such a situation, so she did not consider this aspect.

But now Li Bai is in front of her. What's the matter? It's clear. The strong fortress in Wang Xue's heart has begun to collapse. At this moment, she also wants to see her own parents.

But on Wang Guozheng's side, she was really worried.

Wang Yang is also silent, no matter what kind of choice Wang Xue makes, he respects it.

Li Bai was a little worried. He came here this time to bring people back, and when he came, he confirmed the news, so he passed it back at the first time.If Wang Xue didn't go back with him, the old man in that family might not be able to bear the blow.

He has the ability to take Wang Xue away directly, but Li Bai also knows that he can't mess around, otherwise it will cause a rebound, and there is a Red Dragon King around him.

Li Bai thought of this and murmured, "I want to have a talk with my sister alone, OK?"

Neither Wang Guozheng nor Wang Yang objected. Li Bai and Wang Xue went to another room and talked for more than ten minutes.

After Wang Xue came out, she told Wang Yang that she promised to go back.

However, Wang Xue did not tell Wang Yang what Li Bai had said.

In fact, Li Bai just talked about Wang Yang's recent situation, including the significance of the Red Dragon King.

"He is the Red Dragon King. You should know that every time he performs a task, it is generally recognized that he is the most dangerous in China, and all this is beyond his control. Do you know what I mean?"

Li Bai's words echoed in Wang Xue's mind, and her eyes became bitter when she looked at Wang Yang.

"It doesn't mean that a talented person like Wang Yang leaves when he leaves. Besides, there are so many enemies of Wang Yang. If you are willing to come back, then if Wang Yang is in trouble in the future, the Li family will help him with all their strength!"

So in the end, Wang Xue agreed. Even though she was reluctant to give up Wang Guozheng and Wang Yang, she had to consider Wang Yang's future.