Meng Xinghun, who is familiar with this, directly moves away a piece of waste cardboard. In the whole silent mode, there is no sound at all.

Liu Fengyuan sat in a wheelchair, looking at Meng Xinghun's difficult movements.

Within a minute, Meng Xinghun had cleared a passage, a passage enough for wheelchair to pass.

Later, Meng Xinghun directly lifted up the whole wheelchair, so he carried Liu Fengyuan for about seven or eight meters, and then gently put down the wheelchair.

Liu Fengyuan's heart almost didn't jump out.

Because the wall near here is not very high. Just now, he was a human head flying by the wall. If anyone in the room saw it, he would be scared to death.

Fortunately, Meng Xinghun's action is very fast, and they smoothly enter an observation point.

Liu Fengyuan realized that this was the other news Meng Xinghun said.

Meng Xinghun is so skillful that he has already managed everything here, waiting for Liu Fengyuan to pay for the news.

For a moment, Liu Fengyuan didn't know whether to cry or smile. If he smiles, Meng Xinghun is reliable. If he cries, he is a copy of Nicholas.

You know, even Wang Yang felt headache when he saw Nicholas, let alone Liu Fengyuan.

"Next door to Mary, I understand now that the boss was in the mood of wanting to cut people down and couldn't do it." Liu Fengyuan sighed in his heart.

At this time, Liu Fengyuan's attention was focused. They could see the situation inside the room from this observation point, but the people inside the room could not see them at all.

Because Meng Xinghun had made the layout in advance, and used some things to completely cover up the positions of the two people.

Inside, Liu Shufeng, Ouyang Daqin and Ma Sunzi are drinking wine and eating meat leisurely.

Seeing this, Liu Fengyuan said angrily: "next door to Mary, I've been pushed to a wheelchair and exposed to the sun for so long, but you're happy here. With the fragrance I just smelled, that's what you're here."

Ouyang Daqin picked up his wine glass and said with a red face: "this time we are rich. If we didn't have good acting skills, we wouldn't have taken so much money all at once."

"Ha ha ha, that's natural. This vote is really beautiful." Grandson Ma boasted.

In contrast, Liu Shufeng is very calm, not happy not sad, very indifferent to say: "what do you two plan to do in the future? According to the above, we are sure to leave Donghua city. This time, the money you get is small. Do you have any ideas

When Liu Fengyuan saw this scene, he immediately felt that he was almost blind.

You know, these three people all have a loyal and honest face. These three "honest people" are talking about how to share other people's money and the good life after sharing.

This picture is so beautiful that Liu Fengyuan only thinks that his world view has been broken.

Liu Fengyuan immediately scolded in his heart: "Mary next door, who will tell me to look at his face, I will kill him alive."

After scolding, Liu Fengyuan remembered that he had to leave evidence. Now he quickly took out his mobile phone, pasted it in a gap, and recorded all the three people in the room.

Meng Xingchen is also a model, took out the mobile phone is also in the video.

The three people in the room are chatting while drinking wine. What they are talking about is all rubbish. It's about where to go and how to live after dividing up the money.

"Ha ha ha, I've already thought about it. Then I'll go to build an island to play with, and raise some of the best things." Ma Sun Tzu was very obscene, even his eyes were full of obscenity. With his honest face, he was challenging people's tolerance.

"You can't do that. Although there is a lot of money, it will be spent in the end. I'm going to go back to my hometown and set up a small industry, so that my children and grandchildren will have their own money to eat. " Liu Shufeng said very seriously, his eyes were full of longing.

When Liu Fengyuan heard this, he looked at the mentally handicapped and gave Liu Shufeng a loving glance.

Liu Shufeng had this idea before.

When Liu Fengyuan was a thief, he thought every day that he would wash his hands when he had enough money.

However, it's not a road to black. If it wasn't for meeting Wang Yang, Liu Fengyuan couldn't imagine what kind of life he was living now.

Liu Shufeng's money is not coming from the right way. The retribution will come sooner or later.

"Ah, Daqin, what do you think?" Sun Tzu Ma turned his head and asked Ouyang Daqin around him.

Speaking of this, Ouyang Daqin was stunned for a moment, and suddenly asked, "well, we can't get the money until it's done. What time is it now?"

"Look at your cell phone. I don't know what time it is." While gnawing at the chicken leg, Ma Sun Tzu muttered.Ouyang Daqin glanced at his mobile phone and said thoughtfully, "this time is almost over. Those who are responsible for spreading the disappearance of Donghua mobile phone company's cash should also take action, right?"

"Well, almost." Liu Shufeng said.

Liu Fengyuan was startled and scolded: "Mary is next door. I knew you guys would not be idle!"

Liu Fengyuan did not leave immediately, but listened down for a while. As a result, the following words of the three people had no nutrition.

Liu Fengyuan made a gesture to leave directly. Meng Xinghun put away his mobile phone and did the same. They left the alley temporarily.

As soon as they were safe, Liu Fengyuan called Wang Yang in a hurry.

He must tell Wang Yang the news at once. On the surface, it's just a simple news. Even if the other party doesn't say it, Wang Yang must know that someone will spread the news.

However, Liu Fengyuan felt that there was something behind this that they didn't think of.

Ouyang Daqin's words are very thought-provoking. Liu Fengyuan has a feeling.

"You look terrible." Meng Xinghun said.

Liu Fengyuan listened to the voice prompts inside the phone, some manic muttering: "boss, what is this for? Answer the phone, but answer the phone quickly. Ah, you are not nonsense. Didn't you hear what Ouyang Daqin said just now? I don't think these bastards are going to make a big move. "

At this point, Liu Fengyuan suddenly raised his head and looked at Meng Xinghun expectantly. He asked again, "do you have any news?"