"I've heard about Mr. Bai for a long time, and I see him today. He is really extraordinary." Lu Bingwen stood up and said to the day wheel.

"Where, President Lu is the real elite." Day round very polite said.

Wang Yang and Lu Bingke also got up and said hello to the daytime round.

After a few words of greetings, both sides took their seats one after another.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly changed. During the day, the eyes were as flat as water. This indifference did not look like someone who had just experienced life and death.

Wang Yang drank tea in silence, and Lu Bingke kept silent.

Today, in the name of Lu Bingwen, the day round was invited. Therefore, Wang Yang and Lu Bingke both understand the truth.

At this time, Lu Bingwen inquired tentatively: "Mr. Bai, you were in linshe city. Why did you come to Donghua city all of a sudden. It was not peaceful outside just now. Did you offend anyone? How could such a thing happen? "

The day wheel shook his head and said nothing more.

Lu Bingwen is a little bit confused. He doesn't know what this daytime round means.

Wang Yang is very clear, I'm afraid it's because there is no intersection between several people present and the daytime wheel, so we are still on guard during the daytime wheel.

It can be said that if Yan bizhou had not just saved the day boat, the day boat would not have said a word at this time.

Thinking of this, Wang Yang hesitated for a moment and then said, "Mr. Bai, I don't think you know that a lot of things have happened in Donghua recently. Before you come here, I have prepared some information. If it's convenient, you can have a look first. "

With that, Wang Yang directly sent a document bag, which he asked Luo Tianye to make in advance.

As for some recent events in Donghua City, there are also the interests involved.

The information is very clear. It's nothing more than the calculation of those people. Wang Yang thinks that these people may have a lot to do with the day round. Otherwise, the two things would be too coincidental.

Wang Yang also has his own ideas.

If the black hands on the other side of the day wheel are the Gang Wang Yang thinks about, then according to the current situation of the day wheel, the day wheel must know something.

Otherwise, it is impossible for the daytime round to take risks and run directly to Donghua city.

As Lu Bingwen said before, no businessman is willing to do such thankless things.

During the day, when I looked at the data, my face changed in waves, sometimes surprised, sometimes angry, and finally returned to peace.

Day round put down the information, silent for a while, then asked: "do not know you know someone?"

"Once upon a time? You mean Zeng Taosheng? " Wang Yang said subconsciously, because the person he knew was Zeng Taosheng.

However, he shook his head and explained, "I know Zeng Tao Sheng, but I'm not talking about him. I don't want to hide from you that the reason why my company has come to this stage is because someone once pressed me from all aspects to hand over my shares and let me come to Donghua. That's also very simple. "

At this point, the day round stopped for a moment and glanced at all the people present.

"Why?" Lu Bingwen asked in a hurry.

The day wheel sighed and continued to explain with a wry smile: "of course I don't want to hand over the equity, so I was driven out. As for me coming to Donghua City, it was because Mayor Liu came to me and said that he wanted me to come to Donghua city. At that time, I was really desperate, so I came here quietly. Who knows... "

"Who knows the situation in Donghua is more chaotic?" Wang Yang can't help saying.

The day round nodded with approval, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was even more bitter: "I didn't expect that Donghua city was more chaotic than linshe City, and the things behind it were more excessive than I imagined. Especially today, I already feel that Mayor Liu is involved in it. "

It's clear that Mayor Liu and Zeng are inseparable.

Wang Yang can not help but hook the corner of the mouth, he did not expect Mayor Liu has this ability.

When there is no way out for the daytime round, Mayor Liu invites the daytime round. Basically, the daytime round will come.

You know, once the daytime round leaves linshe City, many things will change.

On the side of Donghua City, the daytime round is like duckweed, with Mayor Liu on it. Coupled with the various means of those people, the situation will only become more and more embarrassing. It's a good calculation.

Lu Bingke and Lu Bingwen were also very shocked. They didn't expect to have such an interior.

You know, the identity of the day round is one of the pinnacles even in blue ocean province, and it can even be forced to this road.

All of them thought about it and fell into silence for a moment.In the daytime, he decided to make a bet.

So, the current day round is to say something about his own side. He wants to know if Wang Yang can help.

The biggest problem of the day round is that the capital chain is broken, and no bank is willing to lend it to him.

"I don't hide it from you. In fact, with the strength of our company, I fully meet the requirements of the bank. And many banks are willing to lend me, but these banks have been suppressed by those people, they do not want to lend me, but dare not lend me. Now my side is in such a situation that the banks dare not lend to me, which directly leads to the overall collapse of my side. " Day round is very helpless said.

This is a dead cycle.

As long as the bank lends to the daytime round, the daytime round can be relieved immediately, and then the funds are returned to the bank. But now the banks have refused the day round, so that he directly fell into this field.

Lu Bingwen asked, "how much money have you cut off?"

"Billions." During the day, the wheel said blandly, it seems that what it said is not billions at all, but dozens of pieces.

Rao is such a business tycoon as Lu Bingwen. That's also a shock. It's billions. No wonder the daytime round will fall to such a state.

In the daytime, several people in the house were silent.

The day round saw this, very helpless said: "the situation of the company is very bad now, I don't want to hide anything from you. If nothing happens, I'm afraid I won't be able to pay some of my employees this month. "

It's nothing if you say it from other people's mouths, but it's terrible if you say it from the mouth of the leading rich businessman in blue ocean province.

It's not just a company under the name of daytime round. There are countless branches under the head office. Wang Yang doesn't need to calculate it. I'm afraid the monthly expenses of daytime round are astronomical.

However, Wang Yang was not in a hurry to speak, because it was billions, not dozens of yuan.

Wang Yang has such energy. As long as he opens his mouth, billions of dollars can be paid instantly. However, Wang Yang can't start this business, and then he will suffer endless troubles.

What's more, he has not been able to use his official energy. This is Wang Yang's bottom card and the bottom line.

Lu Bingwen didn't say a word. He wanted to join in the fun, but there were too many waves behind.

Lu Bingwen is a very steady man. He can't do such a crazy thing.

In the daytime, there was no response. If anyone agreed to it all at once, he would doubt it. After all, it's a large number.

In fact, the daytime round can only go to the bank now. If it's private, he's afraid that these people will deliberately plot against him.

As for the bank, if there was any calculation in it, it would not be so blatant.

The atmosphere in the room became more gloomy, and everyone fell into silence.

In the end, it was Wang Yang who broke the silence.

Wang Yang hesitated for a moment and said, "to be specific, how big is your gap? On the bank side, I have no way to deal with them, but I can help you with the funds. "

"Oh? What can I do? " The day round asked.

"There are two ways, one is higher than the market interest, and the other is shares. You can choose between them." Wang Yang said without salt.

To be fair, Wang Yang, these are very regular.

The day round was a little disappointed, and his eyes were dim. He really wanted to go to the bank, so that the day round could be at ease.

Seeing this, Lu Bingwen quickly said, "I can provide 300 million yuan of support. As for the conditions, it's the same as brother Wang Yang. You can choose."

The day round nods, but does not say anything.

Lu Bingwen also thinks clearly. With such a large amount of money, his 300 million is nothing. What's more, with Wang Yang in front of him, what's he afraid of?

After thinking for a while, he didn't agree directly. Instead, he said, "I'll go back and think about it. I hope you don't mind."

Wang Yang laughs and comforts: "it's nothing to mind. After all, it's a very important decision. We'll wait for your answer."

"Yes, we are waiting for your answer. Besides, it will take a while for me to prepare funds." Lu Bingwen also said.

During the day, he was silent, but he was relieved.

Wang Yang called Yan bizhou directly: "where is your boy?"

"The door." Yan bizhou replied.

Wang Yang stood up and went out with Lu Bingwen.

Day round to go back to the company, and Wang Yang is really worried, simply still let Yan bizhou escort day round back.

Wang Yang and others continued to return to Yajian, where they chatted while drinking tea, but no one said about the daytime round.Half an hour later, Yan bizhou turned back. As soon as he entered the door, he opened his mouth and said, "boss, the man who assassinated the daytime round is the man from the third side of the bridge."