During the time when Wang Yang was taken away, Fang ruye was so anxious that he was busy looking for a lawyer to find a way to get Wang Yang out.

However, when the lawyer knew the whole thing, they all agreed to reject Fang ruye's request in a very euphemistic way.

Lei's family is very famous in linshe city. In addition, Lei Ting holds an important position. These lawyers are more and more shrewd. How dare they offend Lei's family? What's more, Wang Yang turns Lei Ming into a eunuch directly. Lei's family wants to kill Wang Yang directly. At this time, it's no different to go to protect Wang Yang.

"Lawyer Du, please help me. There must be room for maneuver. At least we can find a way to get people out of the police station first." Fang ruye is in a law firm, begging for a lawyer.

The lawyer waved his hand repeatedly. Fang ruye kept pestering him these days. He was afraid of this woman, so he said straightforwardly: "Miss Fang, don't embarrass me. Who doesn't know that the client of your case has offended the Lei family. He has abandoned Lei Ming. No one can save him in the whole linshe City, unless the new mayor comes forward, or this is it Well, you know that the Lei family has a lot to do with these powerful people, big and small. "

Fang ruye was in the same place for a long time.

In fact, she also understood this truth. She just took a chance and thought that there might be someone who is not afraid of the Lei family, but now it seems that there is no hope at all.

Fang ruye has run all over the law firms in recent days, but none of them dare to help her. It can be seen how influential the Lei family is in linshe city.

Fang ruye is almost desperate. She can't think of any way to save people, but she can't just watch Wang Yang stay in the Public Security Bureau.

She is afraid that the forces of Lin she city will find Wang Yang. In a place like the Public Security Bureau, once they plot against Wang Yang, it is estimated that Wang Yang will not be able to turn over.

In Fang ruye's opinion, Wang Yang's current situation is that she should not be worried every day.

Fang ruye left the law firm with a tired body, and she was also thinking about another way out.

It seems that it is not enough to use the power of the media, and Wang Yang himself is not innocent. Fang ruye does not dare to act rashly.

Fang ruye went to the bus stop, prepared to take the bus home, and then thought of a way.

Just at this time, Fang ruye's mobile phone rings. It's Lin qiaohui.

"Daughter, there's something I have to tell you. You're ready." Lin qiaohui said in a choked voice.

"Mom? What's the matter with you? " Fang ruye's heart suddenly came up to his throat, and his heart thumped wildly. In fact, Fang ruye was very uncomfortable all day. He always felt as if something was going to happen, and his heart was very uneasy.

"Your father Your father has been reported. The people from the procuratorate just took him away. Wuwuwuwu, someone else came to smash my guild hall. " Lin qiaohui's voice trembled. She didn't even believe that Fang family would have such a day.

Fang ruye is stunned. His father has been reported. How is this possible.

Fang ruye is very clear about her father's character and integrity. There has never been any bribery. Otherwise, Fang ruye would not be able to hide her father's work these years, for fear that some people would take advantage of her to get those gray income for her father.

"I don't believe it, but it's true. Ruye, you know your father's character. He must have been wronged." Lin qiaohui screams hysterically. Of course, she is not angry at Fang ruye, but expresses anger at the attitude of those people in the procuratorate.

"Mom, don't worry. You go home first. I'll go home right now. Let's take a long-term view of this. I believe dad must be wronged." Fang ruye said firmly, I don't know when, she became stronger. At this moment, she thought of Wang Yang in her heart. She couldn't have any problems. She had to save Wang Yang.

"It must be someone who deliberately bothers your father. How could he have been greedy for anything for so many years? Otherwise, I don't have to work so hard for your mother. Look at those people who are lower than your father. Their wives are all luxury cars. Look at me... "

Fang ruye immediately went home. When she got home, Lin qiaohui began to tell her with a runny nose and tears.

Fang ruye also knows that her father, Fang Wenju, was taken away by the procuratorate in the morning. Now she has started the judicial process. Normally, it should not be so fast. But I don't know who got a lot of reports and sent them to the procuratorate. All of a sudden, Fang Wenju has become a big corrupt official.

Fang ruye went to the procuratorate to see Fang Wenju, but she didn't see Fang Wenju.

Of course, the person in charge of the supervision is Fang Wenju's friend. The other party brought out a sentence that even Fang Wenju couldn't make it clear. All of a sudden, the extra money came out of the account, and even there was an inexplicable mistress who he had never seen.

Maybe it's because of too much experience. Fang ruye faintly thinks that it's not so simple. It's just at this critical moment that such things happen at home. How can there be such a coincidence.Fang ruye is thinking about how to prove that the materials are fake, how to explain the money on his father's account, and who is calling.

Just at this time, thunder called Fang ruye. His tone was very mild: "ruye, I don't know if I have time. I have something I want to talk to you about. It's about your father."

"Where is it?" Fang ruye didn't want to pay attention to thunder, but when he thought of thunder's identity, he immediately thought that maybe thunder could help. As long as thunder was willing to help, it was not only Fang Wenju's business, but also Wang Yang's business.

However, Fang ruye has forgotten a very important thing. Thunder is also Lei's family and his brother.

Although we can't knock over a boat of people with one stroke, with such a younger brother, how much better will he be?

In the coffee shop, thunder was sitting in the card seat in his best clothes. He was very excited. He didn't expect that God would care for him so much that he made his dear brother directly become a eunuch. In the future, the task of family succession will fall on him, and his status in the family will rise more rapidly.

At the thought that he could get most of the resources at home, he was even more excited.

A heavy sound of footsteps came, thunder looked up, a haggard face of Fang ruye appeared in his sight.

"Ruye, you are here at last."