"Why didn't you just leave?" Fang ruye asked suspiciously, she still couldn't believe it.

Wang Yang is really protecting her. He is too lazy to talk nonsense with this woman. The wound on his arm is very painful. He just puts Fang ruye down.

But Fang ruye's speed is really slow, which makes Wang Yang look disgusted. Now he is in the moment of racing against the clock. If he is caught up by those people, he will fall into a dilemma.

"Come on, come on up, take me, take my brother boldly." Wang Yang said casually that he really didn't have any other thoughts, just wanted to improve the speed.

"Pervert!" Fang ruye gives Wang Yang a white eye directly, but she also knows that she can only delay now, and finally makes a decision: "you carry me."

In Wang Yang's heart, ten thousand grass mud horses passed by, glanced at Fang ruye, pointed to her hands and clothes, and sneered, "are you teasing me?" If he doesn't have any back injury, it's easy to say that he didn't recover from the previous burn and was shot in the back. He doesn't want to suffer.

Fang ruye looked down and found that her injuries and clothes were all bloodstains.

Wang Yang protected Fang ruye all the way. Since these bloodstains are not Fang ruye's, they must be Wang Yang's.

Fang ruye stares at Wang Yang with black eyes, unable to hide his shock.

He was really hurt. Before that, Wang Yang was not deliberately taking advantage. Fang ruye had mixed feelings. Along the way, she was basically a burden to Wang Yang. Now that she knew that Wang Yang was seriously injured, Fang ruye immediately changed her view of Wang Yang.

"You, you You are really hurt. How did you get hurt? Let me see the wound. " Fang ruye asks anxiously. At this moment, Fang ruye is very upset and very guilty, as if Wang Yang was hurt by her.

Wang Yang did not answer, look fierce urge way: "can't come up, time is not much!"

Fang Ru Ye Leng, her heart is very contradictory, this moment she suddenly thought of her boyfriend thunder.

Women are born to like comparison, especially comparing the men they meet with their boyfriends. At this moment, Fang ruye subconsciously compares Wang Yang with Lei Ming.

Although, Fang ruye himself does not know why to put these two unrelated people together to compare.

In terms of appearance, thunder is definitely male god level, while Wang Yang is at best a passer-by who looks good. As for Wang Yang, Fang ruye didn't even have to guess. He said that he graduated from high school and felt that his high school education was in a dilemma.

After a comparison, thunder beat Wang Yang in all aspects. Of course, this is just Fang ruye's idea.

However, what really makes Fang Ru ye Xinsai feel that she is living in a dream in the face of gentle thunder.

On the one hand, it's because thunder is perfect. On the other hand, Fang ruye always feels a little estrangement between them. She always suspects that there are other women outside behind her back, especially the voice she heard on the phone today

All in all, Lei Ming is a gentle and warm man, while Wang Yang is just a pervert.

But I don't know why, Fang ruye sees a sense of security in Wang Yang. Even in thunder, she doesn't have this feeling.

It seems that as long as Wang Yang is by her side, the sky falls down and nothing happens to her.

Especially this time, Wang Yang was seriously injured, the injury has not recovered, he is not for those things. Wang Yang can completely leave her and take things away by himself.

However, along the way, Wang Yang is protecting her, this man, with practical action to bring her such warmth.

Fang ruye is biting her lips. Cherry red's lips are almost bitten by her. What is she thinking? She will marry Lei Ming soon. How can she think of other men in her mind.

"I said, are you finished. Those mad dogs will catch up soon. I don't care. If you don't want to be raped first and then killed, come up quickly! " Wang Yang said helplessly.

Wang Yang's words interrupt Fang ruye's thoughts in time, and instantly pull Fang ruye back to reality.

Fang ruye blushes and wants to slap herself hard. Looking at the unruly Wang Yang, she seriously doubts whether her brain is flooded. What she just thought is crazy.

This person is a complete hooligan, what to protect what good, all her illusion.

"Son of a bitch, you'll be struck by thunder!" Fang ruye stamped his foot and said angrily.

After that, Fang ruye came to Wang Yang's body, his face turned red. He hesitated and raised one leg to hang on Wang Yang's arm, followed by two beautiful legs on Wang Yang's waist. This time Fang ruye exerted himself very hard, but tried to avoid touching Wang Yang's back.

Her body is close to Wang Yang's shoulder, a pair of plump chest but avoid Wang Yang.

Wang Yang had a bitter smile. At this time, he was not in the mood to care about these things.It's almost time for the pursuers in the back. He should have made plans earlier.

Wang Yang's head holds Fang ruye's hips and carries Fang ruye to run fast.

Fast, it needs to be faster. He doesn't have much time. His opponent is the dark mercenary regiment, especially the shadow hunter. It's hard to deal with.

Not long after Wang Yang left, lieying and others soon caught up with him. However, due to the pursuit of Liu Guo, the people of the dark mercenary regiment also suffered a lot. Even lieying was afraid of Liu Guo. Liu Guo's shooting skill was very good, and almost made lieying lose the lottery several times.

The three elites of the dark mercenary regiment tried their best to suppress the police, but they finally suppressed the police. The shadow hunting wasted a lot of time. By the time he rushed up, he had lost his target.


"We didn't find that either."

Hunting shadow's two subordinates are reporting in frustration, and all this is beyond hunting shadow's expectation. He didn't expect that the other party walked so easily, even when the police arrived, the other party didn't stop for a moment.

On this point, hunting shadow secretly vowed that he must kill this man, and then he will have endless trouble!

"Wait!" Hunting shadow squatted down suddenly. There was some blood under his feet, and it was very fresh, even the color was bright red.

Hunting shadow Leng for a moment, seems to think of something, ran to the edge of the mountain to look carefully.

Sure enough, there were blood stains on the edge of the mountain top. Although the color was a little dark red, it seemed that it was left by the same person. The amount of bleeding and the location of the blood stains were exactly the same as that of the previous person.

Hunting shadow raised the corner of his mouth, stood up and looked into the distance. He knew that the evil star must have been injured just now, and it was not just one injury.

I admire him. I didn't expect that he would be able to kill three of his subordinates if he was seriously injured. If he is not one of them, he must not let go.

"The man's hurt. Follow the blood."

With a sneer, lieying and his six subordinates ran straight in a certain direction.

And this direction is exactly where Wang Yang left before.