When returning to the hotel, Yang Chen's first sentence was to Zixiu: "investigate Zhao guozong and the top management of these companies!"


Yang Chen, who has lived in Japan for 15 years, can hardly doubt whether his heart belongs to China or Japan.

People who have been living in China can be brainwashed by the Japanese. What's more, who has lived in the Japanese for 15 years?

Therefore, Yang Chen asked those questions in the conference room, because he didn't believe Zhao guozong from the moment he got off the plane!

Yang Chen looked at the company's report in the bedroom for a while, and the door was knocked.

Open the door, Yang Chen surprised to find that it is Ye Xin.

She still has two lunch boxes in her hand.

Ye Xin raises his lunch box with a smile and shakes it in front of Yang Chen: "Japanese cuisine! I bought it from fishbone Ting

Yang Chen smiles and leans aside to let Ye Xin come in.

"Since I've come to Japan, I don't want to taste Japanese cuisine." Ye Xin walked in the same way.

Yang Chen said with a helpless smile: "when you arrive in Japan, you are ready to eat sashimi. Are you not afraid of gastrointestinal discomfort?"

Ye Xin looked back at Yang Chen, turned a white eye slightly and said: "what didn't you eat before, what are these processed sashimi?"

Yang Chen a Zheng, immediately and not from of shake head wry smile.

This is a stable life. I have been living for a long time, and I began to think about health preservation.

People like them, who often perform tasks outside, have never eaten anything. Even when they are hungry, they even eat earthworms and insects. Naturally, there is no problem with these processed tattoos.

Ye Xin put the delicate dishes well, just like an exhibition, so delicate that it's hard to start.

Of course, the other meaning of delicacy is less. It's really too little.

Yang Chen looks at these food, the feeling is not enough oneself to plug a tooth.

Ye Xin seems to see through Yang Chen's meaning and says with a smile: "Oh! How can Japanese food be like our family's? It's full of fish and meat! They are island countries. They are short of food and clothing, and they are particular about delicacy. As for the amount of food they eat, it's very good to have a full meal. "

Yang Chen slightly shakes his head, "their so-called seven full, at most only I three full!"

"Then you are a bucket! I'll give you all this. I'm not hungry. I'll just try something fresh. " Ye Xin said.

Yang Chen smile, pick up a sashimi dipped in the material, tasted, nodded: "taste great!"

"Yes Ye Xin seems very happy, "I'm looking for the big master of fishbone ting to do it. It's said that he has been doing the sashimi for 20 years, very powerful!"

Yang Chen nodded slowly, for the Japanese focus seriously, Yang Chen is still very respected.

The reason why Japan can stand on the international front is because of their spirit.

Of course, Yang Chen will not like them because of these. Crime is always a crime, Yang Chen is very clear.

Sashimi tastes pretty good, but it's not too delicious for Yang Chen. Comparatively speaking, he prefers cooked food. It's good to eat sashimi once in a while and taste it fresh.

After eating sashimi and other meals, Yang Chen felt hungry, and called some staple food, this is full.

The original delicate dishes have been stacked together, and several large bowls and plates on the table are particularly conspicuous.

Ye Xin some speechless way: "originally a table of exquisite meals, now you are so a Nong, like eating a big pot of rice!"

But Yang Chen didn't care. He put the last rice in the bowl into his mouth and said, "big pot rice is the most full and delicious! When the stomach is not full, it doesn't matter whether it's exquisite or not! "

Ye Xin is speechless.

She got up, picked up the dishes and prepared to leave.

But Yang Chen said, "don't you plan to stay?"

Ye Xin looked at Yang Chen and said with a smile, "what are you doing here? Are you bullied by this villain?"

Hearing this, Yang Chen laughed, "all say that men are not bad, women do not love, as long as I am bad enough, do you love me enough?"

Ye Xin chuckled, "what's the wrong reason!"

Yang Chen took Ye Xin's hand and said, "I'm not a crooked, serious philosophy of life!"

"What philosophy of life is wrong! I'm leaving. I don't want to do anything in Japan. I feel uncomfortable when I think about it later! " Ye Xin leaves with a lunch box.

Yang Chen's words stopped for a while.

It's also true that if two people really have something happened in Japan, they won't think it's a good memory in retrospect.

Different from other people, ordinary people come to Japan for different reasons. What happens between two lovers in this kind of environment, they don't think there is anything, but they think it's better to stop.

But Yang Chen is different from Ye Xin. They are soldiers. There is a kind of deep-rooted thought in their minds, that is national hatred and family hatred!

In Japan, if something really happened, in the days to come, they will only feel uncomfortable, even humiliating!

Shaking his head, Yang Chen will be full of strange mind to throw out, carefully waiting.

In the early hours of the morning.

A man entered the room through the window.

The lights in the room are not even on.

Yang Chen said, "here you are!"

"Boss!" Listen to the sound, it's night fire!

Yehuo and Gaohong, the three of them, came to Japan ahead of time to carry out the mission and take the lead in the investigation.

Yang Chen has been waiting for their news.

"Say it!" Yang chendao.

"According to our investigation, the scientific research units in rejing are mainly divided into three companies, namely, Siling industry, Yesong group and Wodao group," said yehuo

"The person you want to investigate is an employee of Siling group. He is secretive and may be the murderer!" The night fire sinks a voice way.

Yang Chen frowned.

"And according to our investigation, the general leadership of Shangdong group's rejing district is all set up by Siling group! It can be said that the rejing district has almost been elevated by the Siling group, and everything that happened in the district has completely fallen into the hands of the Siling group! "

Yang Chen eyebrow note, but he did not feel surprised, because he himself guessed these, in the Japanese open division, the Japanese feel that you will not be allowed to develop, and when the time is ripe, cheer up, directly let you bankrupt, they pick their own peaches!

"Where is Zhao guozong?" Yang Chen asked.

Yehuo shook his head. "I haven't heard of this person, but I have heard that many Chinese studying abroad are working for them."

"Dogleg!" Yang Chen cold hum a, scold a way.

Now it's not like before. If you go abroad to study, there will be a better way out. If you stay abroad, you will get rich treatment, but nothing at home.

However, the current situation is that the return rate of studying abroad has exceeded 90 percent. We are willing to invest in the construction of China and apply the advanced knowledge from abroad to China.

On the contrary, these people are not only unable to win glory for the country, but also brainwashed by the Japanese, harming the interests of China and being loyal to the Japanese. They are damned!