Yang Chen was stunned.

The person in charge of Baisheng real estate was also stunned.

When Meng Po looked at the person in charge of Baisheng real estate, her pupils contracted suddenly, showing a surprised expression.

Because, it's so similar!

Yang Chen is so similar to the person in charge of Baisheng real estate!

The outline of the water chestnut on the face, the look in the eyes, and the temperament are so similar!

The person in charge of Baisheng real estate is about 40 years old. He looks like a middle-aged Qin Tian.

At a glance, it seems that two people are father and son!

"Father and son!" Meng Po's pupils suddenly contracted and looked up at Yang Chen in surprise.

Yang Chen's body also couldn't stop shaking for a while, deeply looked at that person, slowly sat down the body.

The people of Baisheng real estate were still in shock. They sat down slowly and widened their eyes. They didn't know what they were thinking.

But people outside don't know what the person is thinking.

The person in charge of the auction yelled: "5.1 billion, 5.1 billion, 5.1 billion, 5.1 billion, 5.1 billion, transaction. Congratulations to Baisheng real estate!"

There was a burst of applause.

Next, continue the auction.

Yang Chen will raise the price, but as soon as Baisheng real estate opens its mouth, Yang Chen will no longer raise the price.

Other companies will also compete with Baisheng real estate, but Baisheng real estate will crush it with an extremely strong attitude and eventually win all 18 pieces of land.

This kind of writing surprised everyone present.

Yang Chen is absent-minded in the whole auction, which worries several people.

Even when he left, Yang Chen sat in his seat for a long time and did not want to leave until he saw the person in charge of Baisheng real estate enter the backstage to trade.

Back in the car, Wei Xueqing worried to Yang Chen: "are you ok? How do you think you are absent-minded? "

Yang Chen waved his hand and said he was OK.

"Baisheng real estate has won all the land so strongly that we have not got any land. I'm afraid the next plan will be greatly affected“ Wei Xueqing worried.

Yang Chen frowned, looked at Meng Po, and said in a deep voice, "send someone to investigate immediately. I want to know all the information of Baisheng real estate and the information of all the people, so I want all the information of the people who have relations with Baisheng real estate!"

"Yes Meng Po immediately nodded and said in a deep voice.

Immediately, the people returned to the company by car.

After returning to the company, Meng Po immediately left with the people.

In her opinion, nothing is as important as Yang Chen's task, even if these people are doing their own work.

After Yang Chen came back, he sat in his office and stood on the windowsill, staring out of the window in a daze.

It was the man's face that kept popping up in his mind.

At that moment, he felt as if something had been opened in his mind.

With a click, Yang Chen could even hear the sound of the lock being opened.

What follows is long-term memory.

Ye Xin is even younger than him. Ye Xin can remember things when he was a child, and Yang Chen can also remember them, but he doesn't want to recall them and closes himself up.

Seeing that man today, the memory in Yang Chen's mind suddenly gushed out.

The memory of childhood is deep to the bone.

His grandfather, as well as Yexin's grandfather, often sits in a big banyan tree and plays chess, sometimes for a day.

At that time, Yang Chen and Ye Xin were the best playmates.

At that time, the two old men decided to marry each other, and their marriage had been decided since then.

In addition, there are two shadows in my memory, that is... His parents!

At that time, Yang Chen could not accept the sudden disappearance of his parents and his grandfather. He could only live in an orphanage, so he closed all his memories.

But the memory exists after all, the parents' faces and sounds are more and more clear at this time.

The person in charge of Baisheng real estate is very much like his father!

But he didn't know for sure, because after all, he hadn't seen it for many years, and Yang Chen didn't know for sure.

So let Mengpo to check, only find out really want him to be at ease.


Fu Zhou, chairman of Baisheng real estate group.

This time, he came to Ancheng to take the land in the southern suburbs. He brought 100 billion yuan, regardless of the cost, to take the land in Ancheng.

Because he saw the opportunity, and he also had a huge plan to make the southern suburb into their Baisheng business district. They defined everything.

Therefore, Fu Zhou is confident that even if he spends this 100 billion yuan, he can earn it back.

Just, Fu Zhou didn't expect to meet a person who made him difficult to calm down at the auction!


It's so similar!

Like the child he lost 18 years ago!

Maybe, it can't be said to be missing.

That's why he changed his name to Fu Zhou.

He was not a warrior. Even in his time, he didn't serve in the army very well. What he learned more was the profound Chinese culture; Now he, beyond the name of chairman Baisheng, can be called a master of Sinology.

It is such a person who does not advocate force, but changed his name to Fu Zhou, homophonic revenge; Obviously, what he hated in his heart!

Today, at the moment when he saw Yang Chen, Fu Zhou wanted to rush up, but he didn't dare to be so impulsive, because he wasn't sure if it was his child.

But that appearance, that temperament, as well as the surprise in the eyes, can almost let Fu Zhou confirm.

"Is it true?" After Fu Zhou signed the contract, it was hard to calm down in the car.

He secretly prayed that this time it was not a joke made by God.

Instead of meeting the company, he asked the driver to drive him directly to his home.

At home, Ruan Ling is cooking. As soon as she enters the house, she smells a strong aroma.

Ruan Ling also heard the sound of Fu Zhou entering the house and said with a smile, "have you taken down all the land in the southern suburbs?"

"They've taken them all down, and they haven't left any of them." Fu Zhou responded.

"That's good. I made sweet and sour spareribs for you today. I'll treat you well." Ruan Ling said with a smile.

Looking at Ruan Ling's back, Fu Zhou wanted to say nothing.

He went to the sofa and sat down slowly, frowning and thinking.

He forgot the time as soon as she sat down. Ruan Ling didn't notice when she came over.

Ruan Ling stared at Fu Zhou for a while and frowned, "husband, what's the matter with you? Is there something on your mind? "

Fu Zhou was stunned, looked up at Ruan Ling and quickly said, "no, no! Are you ready for dinner? "

After so many years, Ruan Ling is still very well maintained. She shows her figure incisively and vividly in her cheongsam. She is not as bold as a middle-aged woman, just like a girl. Moreover, Ruan Ling's skin is very well maintained. At first glance, she looks like a young woman, but she is more mature and stable than a young woman, plus some elegant atmosphere.

Sitting at the dinner table, Fu Zhou hesitated and said to Ruan Ling, "wife, do you think our child should be 25 years old now? What does he look like? "

Hearing this, Ruan Ling's chopsticks fell to the ground.