Leon is the fastest.

Almost everyone is still tearing, Lyon has run to the command room.

His first task is to contact all the leaders and open an emergency meeting.

But before anyone could be informed, there was an explosion in the base.

This will upset all Lyon's plans.

Before he had time to react, the outside was in a mess.

At this time, a shadow appeared in the tent.

"Do you think I'll give you a chance to fight?" Dongzi cold tunnel.

Among them, he is the fastest, so his task is to deal with the management.

The two people that Lyon informed just now have been solved by Dongzi on the way.

Now, Dongzi is going to kill him!

"You Lyon was startled by the sudden appearance of Dongzi.

Because Dongzi's speed is very fast, just like a shadow. At first glance, he thought he saw a ghost!

Panic, Lyon quickly want to draw the gun.

However, Dongzi would not give him such a chance.


The brow is a little red.

Leon's hand just touched the handle.

His eyes were full of disbelief.

But the next second it's broken.

He didn't see clearly until he died. How did Dongzi do it.

That's the gap.

The gap between people.

The gap between sanheituan and Shura hall.

If you really fight alone, no one will be the opponent of the people in Shura hall.

Next, there is the unilateral massacre.

It's like cutting wheat.

This is a huge wheat field.

Yang Chen and these people are wheat cutters with scythes.

I don't know where the wheat is.

The tent is burning, and the whole area is full of fire. The fire can be seen from ten kilometers away.

That night, the fire burned all night

Many people have seen the fire. Even after daybreak, the sky there is still red, as if it was burned red.

In addition, they can smell a very bad smell of burning, lasting for a long time.

And this night, Yang Chen they are exhausted.

A group of people stood on a hillside, overlooking the burning flames, wrapping their mouths and noses with cloth strips.

They killed all night. Even though they are experienced and powerful, they are exhausted after a night's fighting.

Although Yang Chen designed to break their confidence and let their fighting power be swallowed up by fear, people would still struggle to resist at the critical moment of life and death.

Therefore, their battle is not easy.

Plus being baked by the fire, it's really choking.

It is also a very arduous task to burn all the bodies of these people.

After all this, I'm already on my way.

Yang Chen asked, "is everyone in it?"

Dongzi said in a deep voice: "I have been encircling the periphery, and no one has escaped."

"Sure?" Yang Chen looks at East son to ask.

Dongzi frowned and said in a deep voice, "I'm not sure, because the fastest speed for me to turn around is half an hour. I can't guarantee whether anyone will take the opportunity to escape in this half an hour."

Yang Chen nodded, for this result he is quite satisfied.

"All right." Yang Chen stretched and said with a smile: "let's go, it's time to go back and have a rest!"

A group of people got into the car and drove towards Babu.

That night, they were exhausted.


They did not know that at this time, several people had escaped from the area by car and galloped towards the nearest city.

On the other side.

In some secret cave.

This is the transfer base of Shura hall.

the wily hare has three holes to his burrow.

What's more, it is the most sophisticated mysterious organization in the world.

The Shura temple has six transfer bases in Africa alone, so that when there is an accident, the transfer base has a place to stay and supplement.

Internationally, there are hundreds of bases.

These were built secretly after Yang Chen and Leonard set up a consortium.

No matter how strong an organization is, it can't do without financial support, so Yang Chen always insists on all-round development, even if it will be very difficult.

"Tail fox, there seems to be a fight in the southwest. The fire has been burning for a day and a night." Saite reports to weihuhui.

"Did anyone go to investigate?" Asked the fox.

Rocky's gone with katanjieu. I think he'll be back soon.

Tail fox nodded and said in a deep voice: "I'm contacting Meng Po recently. They have already arrived in Africa. I think they will get news soon."

"That's great!" Seth said excitedly, "is the boss back?"

In the end, Yang Chen is still the backbone of Shura hall. Without Yang Chen, everything feels wrong.

Tail fox looked at the set one eye, light way: "now is not clear, but we must do everything ready to go, even if the boss is not, we also have to be alone, understand?"

"I understand!" Said Seth in a deep voice.

"Have any primary schools been attacked recently?" Asked the fox.

Now that the first primary school is exposed, then the second and the third will be protected one after another.

If the three black regiments really want to deal with them, they will certainly distribute troops to attack the school. By that time, they will be overwhelmed.

"Not yet." Saite said in a deep voice: "now the situation in all schools is very normal, our intelligence personnel have no news."

The fox frowned and felt something was wrong.

If he was the leader of the three black regiments, he would certainly take the opportunity to attack the school and their confidence in Shura hall.

There is no movement now. Is it the peace before the storm?

The fox was puzzled.

At this time, two people came back from the outside.

"Rocky! Gatanjieu Seth saw them and said excitedly.

Fox also looked up at rocky and gatanjieu.

Rocky excitedly to tail fox way: "tail fox, you guess what we see?"

The fox frowned and said in a deep voice, "Rocky, this is not the time to play a language game. I need to know the information of the front line immediately!"

The rocky people are what they are, and their names are more or less meaningful. For example, rocky, whose name is from Nordic mythology, the son of Odin, the God of lies, rocky.

In mythology, rocky is cunning, cunning, full of lies, confusing people.

Although rocky of Shura palace is not like this, he is a very talkative person... Generally speaking, he is talkative!

However, this is also a very good thing. When carrying out a mission, he will unconsciously extract the information he wants from the enemy population, which is very powerful.

Rocky heard the fox's words and nodded: "Oh! I almost forgot. I'll report directly! "

The fox looks at Rocky helplessly.

Rocky said, "you can't believe what I said. Do you remember the local base we investigated? The one with thousands of people. "

The fox nodded.

Rocky said excitedly, "do you know what we see? We see that the base has been destroyed, all the tents have been lit, burning like a sea of fire, and the smell of bodies burning. I don't see anyone outside. I dare say that nine out of ten people in the base should be killed! "

"What The fox's eyes widened.