Yang Chen?

All people can't help a Leng, eyes fall on Yang Chen.

They don't understand why Ye trusts Yang Chen so much.

It's only a day since they met!

From the beginning when Professor Wang hesitated and hesitated to speak, to now when he proposed to talk alone, it shows that there must be something wrong with Ye's health.

Ye Liangcai and Ye Xin are worried. They are also the immediate relatives of Ye Laozi, and they want to know more about the situation.

But Mr. Ye chose to call Yang Chen together instead of the two of them, which made them very confused.

Ye Xin looks at Ye Laozi trusting Yang Chen so much. He is both happy and worried.

Yang Chen stood up, nodded, followed Ye Laozi and Professor Wang into the office.

In the office, there are all kinds of inspection results and all kinds of inspection photos.

As soon as they sat down, Professor Wang handed over a CT picture of their whole body.

The leaf old son result CT diagram a see, can't help but a burst of frown, the facial expression is tiny white.

After reading, ye handed the CT to Yang Chen.

Yang Chen took a look and his face changed slightly.

This is a clear picture of the skeleton of the whole body. Every bone is clearly shown.

But in the joints of these bones, there are white meat insects lying on their faces, almost even the lines on the meat insects can be seen clearly!

Seeing this scene, Yang Chen couldn't help sighing.

Now the result is almost the same as Yang Chen's inference.

"Look at this again!" Professor Wang handed Mr. Ye another picture.

This is an ultrasound image. It still shows something white.

Mr. Ye's face turned even whiter.

Ye Laozi is going to pass the picture to Yang Chen, but Yang Chen waves his hand, indicating that he doesn't need to see it or look at it.

Now the results are clear.

Professor Wang put the rest of the results report in front of Mr. Ye.

"Mr. Ye, it may be difficult for you to understand what I'm going to say next, but I still want to say it, because this is the result of our current inspection." Professor Wang said.

Ye Laozi took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "you said, I am psychologically prepared, otherwise I would not come to you for examination!"

Professor Wang looked at Ye Laozi in surprise and Yang Chen again.

He thinks, ye Laozi should have been aware of what just came to check.

It can be seen from these inspection results that these insects did not grow in a day or two, but it took a long time to grow into this kind of insects.

Therefore, Professor Wang felt that there was no need to hide anything.

Immediately he said: "Mr. Ye, you can probably see that you are covered with this strange parasite, and it's so big that people can't believe it. Not only your bones, but also your organs, your blood vessels and your flesh are full of these insects, millions of them

Hearing this, ye could not help clenching his fist.

At this moment, he had the feeling of being framed.

So many years of self-cultivation, longevity, the result is the body full of this disgusting insects?

It's hard for him to accept!

"I don't know what's going on, why there are so many strange and terrible parasites. But I can see that this is definitely not a matter of one day, it should be that you have been infected for a long time, otherwise these insects would not grow so big. My suggestion is to conduct a section examination, find out the samples, conduct a section study, and see what physiological, concurrent and pathological characteristics these insects are

"No!" Ye Laozi sighed deeply: "you don't need to have a biopsy!"

He didn't want to be studied as a mouse.

Ye Laozi said in a deep voice: "I only ask you, now do you see anything from these examination results? How does this affect me? "

Professor Wang frowned at his speech.

He didn't expect that Mr. ye would resist the treatment, so he frowned and said: "Mr. Ye, I advise you to cooperate with the inspection, because we don't know whether these parasites are infectious. If they are infectious, the eggs of these parasites may be discharged with your saliva and feces, and the infection may be more harmful at that time."

Master Ye shook his head.

"No, these parasites are not contagious," Yang said

Suddenly, Professor Wang's eyes fell on Yang Chen and asked suspiciously, "how do you know?"

"I don't know." Yang Chen shook his head.

"Then you..." Professor Wang thinks that Yang Chen must know something, otherwise ye Laozi can't have this attitude towards Yang Chen. From what ye Laozi has just read to Yang Chen, to Yang Chen's refusal, that attitude is almost like the expression that the doctor has diagnosed the case and doesn't need to confirm it again.

Moreover, why did ye bring Yang Chen in instead of his son and granddaughter?

Therefore, Professor Wang felt that Yang Chen must have known.

But Professor Wang's words were stopped by Mr. Ye.

Ye Laozi stretched out his hand and said, "don't ask any more. Now you come to tell me what you can see from the examination results. Do you know what influence these insects have on me?"

Professor Wang sighed: "sorry, Mr. Ye! I'm afraid you are the only case in the world. I'm not sure what the diagnosis is. If you want to listen to my personal guess or opinion, I can say it, but not from a professional point of view, but guess, just guess! "

"You say it Ye Laozi frowned and said impatiently.

Professor Wang nodded and said: "first of all, the distribution of these insects is very regular. I saw it from the beginning when I got the results. The general parasites are clustered, if there is one, they will gather in one place, which is more suitable for their reproduction and growth. This is also why we cut out a lot of worm sacs in some cases with parasites. It's because they all gather together, and the body automatically forms protection, and then condenses into worm sacs. Under normal circumstances, the removal of these sacs, and with some drugs for treatment, which is basically cured

"But it's strange that you have such a phenomenon. I've never met such a situation before. It's like... It's like these insects have wisdom!"

"Look Professor Wang picked up the CT image, pointed to the white insects and said, "look at their distribution. Here, here, and here, they are very evenly distributed. For example, on your spine, almost every spine, there are four insects, distributed very evenly, and the position of each insect is almost the same. If I can't see clearly, I really think your bone mutated and grew bone spurs after being radiated! "

"All the insects on the bones lie on the joints, and the viscera and blood vessels are evenly distributed. I suspect that these insects may have replaced your body function. In the end, I'm afraid they will directly control your actions. This kind of behavior... Do you know the case of zombie ants? "