Chapter 1308

After eating in a small restaurant near the suburb, they strolled around again. It was night and the lights were on when they returned to the city.

The evening wind poured in from the window. It was already in the middle of June. With a trace of warmth, Murong Lin's heart was bright.

There's nothing to be nostalgic about, and nothing to be tangled with. Since heaven has entangled her and Tan Wenhan's fate, now it's up to her to end all this in person.

Back at the residence, Lu Qiaozhen helps Murong Lin clean up her clothes. In fact, Murong Lin doesn't have much to clean up. This season is summer. Although it's not hot yet, three or four sets of thin clothes are enough.

After packing up, Lu Qiaozhen also began to pack her own luggage. At the beginning, she just moved to take care of Murong Lin, who had gone through the disaster and was physically weak. Now Murong Lin is going to leave, and she naturally wants to leave.

They worked all night, and finally everything was in order.

Sitting beside the bed, Lu Qiaozhen was still a little worried. After thinking about it, she said what she had been holding for a long time

"I've thought about that for a long time. I think I'd better go with you. So you can have company. "

"No, don't make trouble, miss. If you wander around with me again, my uncle will really kill me. He's not very happy that you moved here with me without permission. If you go with me again, the consequences will be, tut tut. "

Xia Xiaoran thinks of Lu Qiaozhen's fierce look on her father's face and can't help shaking.

Lu Qiaozhen frowned. Murong Lin said that she didn't expect that her father had been very unhappy because of his willful behavior. This time, it's better not to offend him.

"Then... Be careful yourself!"

"Well, don't worry. It's getting late. It's time for us to go to bed. Tomorrow will be a new life... "

Xia Xiaoran suddenly feels that the word "new life" is ironic. These days, he has been meeting wave after wave of "new life", and these so-called "new life" have drawn him into another strange circle of life again and again, and he is doomed.

The next day, Murong Lin left he'anju with a big bag on her back. Although she only lived for more than three months, she still liked it here. Suddenly to leave, the heart inevitably some reluctant.

But no matter how much you don't give up, you have to put it down. Murong Lin knows her current situation very well, and it's not a wise choice to entangle with Tan Wenhan.

Xia Xiaoran did not plan where she was going, but it was sunny today. She heard that there was an ecological park in the southern suburb of Yancheng, so she decided to go there.

After several stops by bus, Murong Lin came to Binjiang ecological park. Its name is also strange. It is clear that there are no rivers around, but only a few small rivers running through the park, but it has to be called riverside ecological park.

Later, Murong Lin saw the introduction of the scenic spot at the gate and realized that there used to be a river. The river was called He River, which was the mother river in this area. For the generation in the south of Yancheng, it was as meaningful as the unique characteristics of other countries.

But in the last century, due to the great economic development, it was overexploited, resulting in the destruction of the natural ecological environment.

People in this area, like most people, did not have the sense of ecological environment at that time. They did not know how to protect the river at all. They diverted water from the river day and night and poured waste into the water. One day, the He River dried up and the river bed was filled with all kinds of dirty things.

People began to regret it, but it didn't help. So this artificial ecological park was established here and named "riverside ecological park", warning people that it was once on the verge of Hejiang River and that people should pay more attention to ecological protection.

When you walk into the park, you can see the winding stone roads, bridges and flowing water. Because she couldn't figure out the direction, Murong Lin had to choose a road that didn't need to cross the arch bridge. The arch bridge looked steep. Murong Lin was a little afraid of the dangerous pothole road.

At the pavilion, it turned out to be an island. Because the road ahead was steep, Murong Lin's Qi and blood were not enough, so she turned around and went to the other side.

After walking for a long time, Murong Lin found that after the park led several rivers, it gave people a sense of beauty, which was really good. But now she was a little tired, so she looked around and found that there was a large semicircular square in front of her, and there was a small shop beside for tourists to rest, so she walked over.

After sitting down in a coffee shop and asking for a glass of lemonade, Murong Lin felt bored and began to take a close look at the scenery outside.

On the right side of the square stands a huge stone, engraved with five red characters - "riverside ecological park", which is particularly eye-catching from a distance.

On the left is a screen made up of four black marbles carved with landscape paintings, historical figures and the introduction of riverside ecological park.

In the middle is a stone arch bridge leading to the central square. On the front right side of the square is a zigzag bridge with wooden handrails. At the end of the bridge is a group of long corridors. There are two large pavilions on each side of the corridor. In the middle is a long corridor, which is a bit different from the scenery of the first time entering the park.

At this time, it was almost noon, and the sun was shining. Because it was an open-air coffee shop, the sun dazzled people. With half a day's walking, Murong Lin suddenly felt that her eyelids didn't work and she was fighting up and down. When she was in a daze, she felt that someone was approaching her side little by little, but Murong Lin was really sleepy. Although she always had a consciousness in her mind to wake up quickly, her eyelids were drooping lower and lower. The man with a bad face saw Murong Lin still dozing off. At this time, there were few people around at noon, so he had the courage to take out the backpack in Murong Lin's arms. A sharp knife went by, and at that time the big bag made a cut. Just after paying for lemonade, the wallet was put on the top, so it was easily followed by the man. The dazzling sunlight reflected by the bladed blade finally wakes Murong Lin like a flash of lightning. As soon as she opens her eyes, Murong Lin, who has not yet recovered, sees a black figure flash by. Her backpack is already grinning. It seems that she is laughing at her carelessness. The wallet in the bag has disappeared. Xia Xiaoran immediately wake up, this can not, that put all their belongings! This one is stolen by the thief. I'm afraid that I'll really dig in the field in the future“ Catch the thief Xia Xiaoran yelled first, and then quickly stood up. She didn't want to go into the emergency room twice that time. Her whole body was not as good as before. As soon as she stood up, she felt dark in front of her eyes and fell forward. Xia Xiaoran closed her eyes, this time, she didn't get her wallet back. She was afraid that she was going to have a close contact with the father-in-law of the land. At this time, a pair of powerful hands hold Murong Lin, and forcefully pull Murong Lin back into his arms. For a moment, Murong Lin was in a state of absence. She only smelled that her strong body was emitting the smell of androgen. When she could not speak in the future, Murong Lin was pressed onto a chair by the man, and then she flew out to chase the thief. After a while, the man twisted the thief back, holding the knife that the thief had just used to cut his backpack. Along the way, many tourists stop to watch. It doesn't matter. No matter what happens to the thief, there are so many surveillance routes around him that he can't escape.