Chapter 1249

Comb Wei corrects PA Zi, nervous looking at Xia Xiaoran: "how to do? I... I lost my master... "

Silly girl, your master's martial arts skills are so high, how can you be easily confused? It's probably to cooperate with you.

Xia Xiaoran got close to the head of the bed and looked at it more. Tut Tut, her face is mature and gentle. It's hard to imagine how this man executed Shuwei!

"Well, why don't you just cook cooked rice with raw rice?" Xia Xiaoran suddenly a plan, estimated that like this mature and responsible man, estimated that once the rice cooked, do not want to recognize!

"Ah? Ah Yan, when they got married, a man suddenly ran out and pointed to the poison orphan's daughter and said that she was water-borne, ungrateful and so on. Then the poison orphan was so angry that he gave my master the antidote. At that time, I knew that my master had transferred the poison to himself. Ah Yan, will master die? "

Xia Xiaoran always thought that Shuwei was very powerful. She didn't find out until today, it wasn't.

Everyone will become invulnerable in front of the person he loves most, but on the contrary, if the person who loves you most wants to hurt you, it's easy. It's not that this person is strong, it can only be said that everything has cause and effect, and her strong also has a reason.

"Not to die, not to say that the antidote has been given? What are you going to do next? " Xia Xiaoran pulled a chair to sit in front of her, cocked up her legs, supported her chin and looked at her.

"I... I don't know. Tianjuemen people are looking for me. Ah Yan, if they find here, what will master do if he follows them?" She nervously corrects the handkerchief in the hand, a heart beat to the throat.

Xia Xiaoran took out the small rice ball she had prepared and gave it to her: "this is poison. As long as you leave you, he will die. You give him to eat, and then take him away. The farther you go, the better. Yes, you can force him to release your internal power, and then you two will be invincible. However, you can't be arrogant any more. Everyone is equal in front of love, He doesn't have the absolute obligation to carry all the sufferings for you. You have to face them together. " She patted Shuwei on the shoulder and couldn't see her smile.

Shuwei nodded and held the rice ball anxiously: "ah Yan, is this really poison? Then... My master, he... "

"Oh, I cheat you. It's a small rice ball. You can cheat him too. Don't be so honest, OK?" Xia Xiaoran is a little sad.

Xia Xiaoran took Shuwei to her aunt to say goodbye. Her aunt gave her some money to go on the road. Xia Xiaoran prepared a carriage for her. Swift also gave her all the private money she had hidden, and held her thigh to make sure that she would return it when she got married.

Xia Xiaoran stood at the door, looking at the carriage, relieved: "this matter is finally settled, swallow, will you have a hard to put down the past?"

Swift shook her head: "I'm only 15 years old, what can I have in the past?"

Xia Xiaoran thinks about it. It's also said that the little girl, swiftlet, is going to be taken and sold. However, she is clever. She escaped after being beaten to death. Later, she met Shuwei, who saved her and her aunt saved them.

That kind of kindness, a little private money is not enough.

Swiftlet was weeping. She wiped her tears and asked in a low voice, "is that man really Shuwei's husband? It's... It's beautiful. "

"If it's not her husband, you can't do it. Don't think about it..." Xia Xiaoran shakes her face and smiles so that her eyes almost squint.

Swift some depressed clap open Xia Xiaoran's claw, two went back to the room. No matter whether the master is willing or not, he's already on the boat. It's hard to get down. With the charm of Suowei, it is estimated that Rao is a character like her master. Can't resist it? After all, if you don't love me, how can you use yourself to change the poison for Shuwei? If there is no antidote, it will die. At that time, I was afraid that the master would know that he could not protect his disciples

When she and swiftlet went back to the room to find aunt Wei, she saw that Aunt Wei was slowly groping. Most of the things had been packed by her and put on the table. Listening to the voice, she said without raising her head: "you also go to pack up. Let's go to the capital early tomorrow morning."

"Master, are you in such a hurry? What about the dishes in the backyard? The house hasn't expired yet? " Xia Xiaoran doesn't know how to talk to her for a moment

"All the dishes are put away. We can eat them on the road. Ah Yan, be obedient and go to pack up quickly." aunt Wei tidied up everything in the house. Xia Xiaoran and swiftlet hurried back to their respective rooms. After tossing and turning, they ran to the small vegetable garden in the backyard to pick vegetables with lanterns. Everything they could take away would be taken away, but what they could not, they stayed, For other people's use.

The owner returned some money and began to look for new people to live in.

Xia Xiaoran and swiftlet went to the horse market and rented a carriage. The next day, when it was light, they left the city and went straight to the capital.

The driver of the carriage was a semi skilled man. Since his concubine was immersed in a pig cage, butcher Zhao did not kill any animals. He had a happy and peaceful life with his family. One was weaving and embroidering at home, the other was going out for a horse racing car to be a boy for others. Many people were willing to look for a strong and willing man like him.

Along the way, four people were talking and laughing. When they passed through Jiling mountain, they met some things. Three men, big three and big five, got out of the carriage with a bright knife in their hand and a black towel on their face. They said in a cold voice: "keep the money, or you will never come back!" Xia Xiaoran flicked the curtain of the carriage and blinked: "I think some of you are also heroes. How can you do such a thing? If there is any difficulty, please let me know. I can do something for you. " She has a mild tone and a warm smile in her eyes. She looks like a gentle lady of your family and behaves properly“ Don't talk nonsense, leave the money, otherwise... "Butcher Zhao was about to take out the butcher's knife, and Xia Xiaoran held her hand. With a smile, she came out of the carriage:" some elder brothers and little girls are here. If you have any difficulties, you can tell me. In this world, I still hope there are more good people, It's not a waste of you seven foot men. " Three people looked at each other for a while. One of them couldn't help it. Chao Xia Xiaoran said the reason. It turned out that one of his brothers was ill. He was very serious. These three people were so big that they couldn't find anything to do. They had no choice but to rob. It was a life in the end. It was worth it if they could save it. But after guarding for so long, no one passed through the silent mountain“ So, aunt, can you lend me some money? I'll pay you back when I earn it? " She turned her head and looked into the carriage, in which stretched out a plain white hand with a purse.