Chapter 1224

Xia Xiaoran hands akimbo: "you mean, he should go to fengyuelou steal right?"

After that, Xia Xiaoran immediately regretted... She felt that although Zhang Qian didn't always talk about it, the three words of fengyuelou might still be his taboo. At this point, she has been very careful, did not expect to make a big joke tonight... But what she said is irrecoverable, Xia Xiaoran can only carefully look at Zhang Qian, to see what subtle changes in his expression.

In fact, No.

I don't know whether Zhang Qian is hiding too well, or whether he has long been indifferent to the three words of fengyuelou. He just hooked his lips, and then jokingly said, "I'll go with you tomorrow. You'll know. I'll bet that the child must live in the refugee camp."

"Well, bet, bet."

On the second day, Zhang Qian got up early in the morning. Because both of them were going out that day, he asked Wu Ma to help him look at the shop. Wu Ma naturally agreed at once. God knows how much she hopes to promote the good things between Zhang Qian and Ji Xiaoxi. If it's successful, she will be the matchmaker between them!

The more she thought about it, the more excited she was. She simply explained that they must have a good day outside and come back as late as possible. Anyway, she has time.

Xia Xiaoran thought it was nothing, but when Wu Ma said that, she suddenly became a little embarrassed, so that when they arrived at the commons, they did not say a word to each other. Xia Xiaoran knows that Zhang Qian's temperament is somewhat awkward, so he won't take the initiative to talk to him.

Xia Xiaoran didn't expect that the common people's cave should be such a place - the houses of several families are dilapidated, many people are as ragged as the little boy, and as soon as Xia Xiaoran and Zhang Qian come in, they automatically feel the invasion of outsiders and set up a guard. Xia Xiaoran looked at their appearance, really feel very uncomfortable. So she asked Zhang Qian to bring her snacks and then said, "are you all hungry? Would you like something to eat? "

In this way, the eyes of these beggars immediately shine. So, Xia Xiaoran will bring their own snacks a person a hair down, she brought a lot of snacks, hair to the end, finally met the little boy, the little boy really lives here. He looks at Xia Xiaoran and runs away after staring at him for a long time

Xia Xiaoran followed up, Zhang Qian also followed her behind. Then Xia Xiaoran went to the little boy's home. She pushed the door and came in, only to see a pale woman on the bed and said, "chuan'er..."

Sure enough, the little boy ran to the old woman, took her by the hand and said firmly, "my mother is not afraid. Chuan'er will soon be able to save some money for her mother's treatment."

The old woman was slightly stunned, and then continued to talk feebly: "chuan'er is still so small, where's the silver..."

"Chuan'er is made by himself. Don't worry. Chuan'er will cure her mother's disease!"

Xia Xiaoran looked at such a scene, really feel sour in the heart. The place she came through this time is not in troubled times, but there will still be such a poor and miserable person. She took a look at Zhang Qian, and then quickly said: "Zhang Qian, would you like to find a doctor... I think if you don't treat her again, she might..."

Xia Xiaoran didn't dare to go on. Zhang Qian nodded and left

That chuan'er just heard Xia Xiaoran's words and ran to Xia Xiaoran's side. He bowed his head and knelt down: "sister! Chuan'er doesn't want to eat your snacks. Chuan'er just asks you to save my mother. Otherwise, please, chuan'er can do anything for you! "

The child was so young that he stole to save his mother. Xia Xiaoran looked at it and felt a great touch in his heart, so he quickly said: "take these snacks first, and the doctor will come immediately. As long as the doctor comes, then your mother's disease can be cured... I believe my sister, your mother will be fine."

Xia Xiaoran is good at giving people hope, so chuan'er nods hard.

But Xia Xiaoran gave him snacks, he was still a little embarrassed.

Zhang Qian's action was very fast, and he immediately found the doctor. The doctor came here and almost wanted to turn around. But Zhang Qian was not a very weak man, so he took the doctor here to see Chuaner's mother.

The doctor felt the pulse in embarrassment, and then shook his head: "no help, no help..."

Xia Xiaoran subconsciously stepped forward: "are you sure? I tell you, if the quack is misdiagnosed, I will send you to the government! I warn you, you'd better give me a good treatment. If you are cured, you can't lose a cent. But if you don't, I will tell others everywhere that you are a quack! "

The doctor's most taboo is reputation. The doctor obviously doesn't want to treat the poor, not chuan'er's mother. So he was warned by Xia Xiaoran, and he began to feel his pulse seriously... In fact, chuan'er's mother's illness is not particularly serious, it's just lack of nutrition and cold. These conditions worsen, It's what it is today. The doctor wrote a prescription and asked Zhang Qian to accompany him to prepare the medicine. Before he left, he also said in a righteous way: "girl, you said earlier that if I can be cured, you will give me as much money as you want. Isn't that a joke?"

Xia Xiaoran laughed: "I'll buy your prescription for only a few taels of silver. If you dare to mistake me, I'll go to other pharmacies for medicine. You're not the only one here." That's what she said, but the doctor looked like he wanted to kill her. This makes Xia Xiaoran really uncomfortable, so her speech has become tough. After Zhang Qian left with the doctor, chuan'er knelt down again in front of Xia Xiaoran, and then said gratefully, "thank you, sister! Chuan'er's life will be sister's from now on! " Xia Xiaoran quickly pulls him up, and then prepares some food for Chuaner's mother. When they got to the kitchen, Xia Xiaoran secretly asked chuan'er, "first tell your sister, are you stealing for your mother?" Chuan Er nodded: "yes! I swore that I would never let my mother do anything! But I'm young, and I have no ability. Everyone looks down on me, so... So I can only... "Xia Xiaoran frowned:" next time, it can't be like this any more. Stealing is a bad behavior. Maybe you saved your mother, but after your reputation comes down, the family will only blame your mother for her lax discipline. So no matter what happens, don't steal other people's things. What if what you steal is very important to that person? "