Chapter 1182

Although this mountain stronghold is remote, it is also heavily guarded. With Liu Yongqing's body, he will never sneak in.

Liu Yongqing has no choice but to give a bitter smile, so he has to tell the story that he was taken to the stronghold by the little robber. Luo Ying also laughs bitterly, sighing that they are really difficult brothers and sisters.

"Well, you'd better think about how to get out of here. After all, you're going to marry the bandit leader tonight." Liu Yongqing's tone with a trace of jealousy, unhappy said.

Luo Ying didn't care about this. After all, the bandit leader didn't take advantage of others' danger just now, which has made Luo Ying change her opinion on him. Now it's not so easy to leave this stronghold.

"But my house is guarded outside. How can I leave?"

Looking out of the window, there is a very steep rockery. Just now Liu Yongqing was exhausted when he climbed up. He didn't expect Luoying would be locked in this room. He just wanted to grab the window and have a rest. He didn't expect that a weak man knocked the window open, which almost startled him.

Liu Yongqing has exhausted his physical strength. What's more, this rockery is easy to go up and hard to go down. With the body of Luo Ying, it's just a dream

Luoying and Liu Yongqing are speechless when they meet each other. No one can help them.

Liu Yongqing spent a lot of effort to climb up. It is also a great difficulty for him to bring Luoying down. And now, it seems that Liu Yongqing has no way at all.

"Or wait a minute. When we eat in the evening, there must be a lot of people with mixed eyes at that time. Shall we run out while we're at random?" Said Luo Ying.

Liu Yongqing thought about it, but said anxiously in his heart, "what if the bandit leader looks at you closely?"

It's also something that can't be prevented.

Luo Ying bowed her head and thought, "then you should find a way to pacify the little robber first. I think that as long as it's what he said, the bandit leader will certainly listen."

Liu Yongqing nodded.

After a short rest, Liu Yongqing decided to go back to his room first. As soon as he climbed up the window, there was a knock on the door, which startled Liu Yongqing and Luo Ying.

After urging Liu Yongqing to climb the rockery, Luo Ying makes sure that she won't see him again in the room. Then she arranges her clothes and goes to the door of the room and opens the door.

Outside stood a young man in simple clothes, looking like the most ordinary farmer.

The man said to Luoying without expression: "girl, this is the clothes our king asked you to change. He will marry you when we have dinner later."

In the man's hands, it was a big red dress with a phoenix crown on it, which looked golden.

"I haven't promised to marry him yet." Luo Ying said with a straight face.

Here, Luoying doesn't have the right to refuse at all. The man stands still and looks at Luoying coldly.

Under the stalemate, Luo Ying takes Feng guanxia from the man's hand, turns around and walks into the room, and the two women also follow in, and then closes the door.

"Girl, you look so beautiful. After you put on your wedding dress, you will be very popular with our king." The woman seems to see Luo Ying's displeasure and praise her all the time.

Seeing that these two women were not evil people, Luo Ying looked them up and down and asked, "who are you? Was it the bandits who carried them up the mountain? "

Two women smell speech, look at each other smile, said: "girl joked, our king is not a robber, he will rob that group of people, in fact, there is another purpose."

"What's the purpose?" Luo Ying's heart is strange.

Seems to be in mind to consider those words should not say, the woman hesitated or to tell the truth.

It turned out that their king had been living in the mountains, only occasionally came out to buy and sell some daily necessities. But later, the local government repeatedly reported to the imperial court that they were local robbers. They repeatedly went down the mountain to rob the people's money, and they were cruel.

The imperial court sent soldiers and relief money to suppress, but all the money was embezzled by the local government and imperial envoy, and there was very little money that could really be used by the people, so their king deliberately made it true and often went down the mountain to harass the people.

In fact, their king has never robbed the people of any money at all. It was discussed with the local people that they wanted to make things big. Sooner or later, the imperial court will send a clean and honest imperial envoy to preside over justice for them.

"But I can see clearly today that your people hurt people when they say they hurt people, and one woman has been stabbed..." Luo Ying is not blind. She hears more than those women who stay in the stronghold. How can she believe each other because of their words.

Two women smell speech is silent smile.

"Girl, it's a fluke that you will be taken to the mountain this time. Our king got the news a few days ago that relatives of the local government deliberately disguised themselves as ordinary people and wanted to take their embezzled money back to their hometown. Because that official road is the only way, so our king decided to intercept it on the way. Fortunately, he had already investigated it, Only in this way can we see that they are the relatives of the corrupt officials who have disguised themselves. "

In this way, the robbers have become good people? Luo Ying sniffed and didn't believe it. But the two women talked with relish“ Our king has investigated for a long time. That woman is cruel and ruthless. There are no less than dozens of innocent women who died under her hands. It's a small matter to hurt her. If it wasn't for the rescue of the corrupt official, our boss would have killed them all! "“ By the way, girl, you must wonder why our king will take you up the mountain? " Such a question also immediately aroused Luo Ying's curiosity. Since the bandit leader was a good man, why did he hijack the innocent and take himself and Liu Yongqing up the mountain“ Miss, don't blame our king. If those people are intercepted by our king halfway, they will suspect that someone is secretly divulging information. But you and the young master are not their people, and they will naturally become the object of suspicion. Therefore, our King actually saved you, not harmed you! "“ Then why did he marry me? " Luo Ying asked reflexively. As soon as the words came out, the two women covered their mouths and began to smile. Looking at Luo Ying in the mirror, they said, "girl, why do you think our king wants to marry you?" Luo Ying was silent and didn't say anything. No matter what the reason, she and Liu Yongqing had to leave here tonight. When Liu Yongqing came back to the room, he was already panting for breath and had no strength