Chapter 1139

"You are happy and satisfied, but the common people don't know what it's like. What else can you be happy and satisfied with?"

Everyone at the party drooped their heads.

"What the mourners want is real universal celebration! Here, the AI family decided without authorization to position the Mid Autumn Festival as the 15th day of August every year. How do you like to make the whole family happy and enjoy the bright moon? "

This is the group of Ministers get up, go out of the seat, straighten up their clothes, kneel down and salute, shouting: "the Empress Dowager is holy!"

The Empress Dowager smiles and peeks at Mu Xueying.

Mu Xueying blinked and laughed.

"Get up, continue to eat and drink, and enjoy the bright moon together!"

After such a small episode, people's interest did not disturb, but more comfortable, more open.

Adults are drinking, women are drinking tea and chatting, and children are playing.

The Empress Dowager showed a satisfied smile and quietly retreated first.

Mu Xueying's eyes moved to Ning Guifei.

She felt strange, why didn't Ning Guifei faint?

After the banquet, the maid of honor brought up the food and wine.

Each table is prepared separately.

Ning Guifei's wine has long been manipulated by Mu Xueying, who has mixed the overpowering drug into the wine.

Ning Guifei also drank the wine, and now she is flushed.

It's very red. It's like a fire in front of me.

It's a bit abnormal. Isn't that bag of things an overpowering drug?

In order to find out what it was, Mu Xueying got up with her glass and went to Ning Guifei.

Approaching, I saw that the forehead of Ning Guifei was full of sweat.

"Here's to you, Xueying." Mu Xueying said.

"Get out of here!" Ning Guifei gasped.

She seems to feel itchy, and her hands will secretly touch her body.

Seeing the situation of Ning Guifei, Mu Xueying suddenly remembered a kind of thing -- aphrodisiac.

Mu Xueying smiles and asks in a quiet voice: "is the lady too lonely and unbearable?"

Ning Guifei also felt the abnormality of her body, but she didn't expect that it was the aphrodisiac attack. She thought it was the effect of wine, so she was patient all the time.

Mu Xueying's words suddenly awakened her and made her understand that she might be poisoned.

"What did you do in the wine?" Ning Guifei asked.

Mu Xueying said with a smile, "Oh, I just gave back the things that the lady prepared for me."

Ning Guifei understood, so she was so angry that she pushed Mu Xueying away.

Mu Xueying could have dodged, but she fell to the ground on purpose.

Liu Shuang looks over to them and sees Ning Guifei raise the wine pot, as if ready to throw it at Mu Xueying.

"Concubine Ning!" Liu Shuang suddenly said, "what are you going to do?"

Ning Guifei said with a dry smile: "I'm drunk. I'll leave first."

No matter whether Liu Shuang agreed or not, he got up and asked the maid of honor to help her leave.

Liu Shuang immediately asked people to help Mu Xueying. Fortunately, the banquet of the empress of the harem was on the second floor of the terrace. There was a three meter gap between the second floor and the first floor, so no one could see it under the stage (also to avoid it), so it didn't affect people's interest.

Ning Guifei back to the bedroom, let people fill a bucket of cold water, and then sit in, in order to suppress the desire in the heart.

There was no antidote in her palace, and she missed the opportunity to take antidote, so she had to suffer from losing efficacy.

It's painful to suppress lust.

Half an hour later, the desire has not dissipated.

"Damned Mu Xueying, I will never forgive you!"

Concubine Ning is really hard, want to come to the banquet also scattered, let the palace maid to invite the emperor to come, said there is a very urgent matter.

The palace maid left Li Qing palace and inquired that the emperor had gone to Fanghua palace.

He came back to inform Ning Guifei.

Ning Guifei said angrily, "what if I go to Fanghua palace? I say my palace is going to die. I'll see if he can come!"

The maid of honor went to the gate of Fanghua palace again, but she was stopped by Yumei and refused to let her in.

The palace maid has no choice but to go back and tell Princess Ning.

Ning Guifei can only scold Mu Xueying to vent.

Liu Shuang is drunk.

But he's not in Fanghua palace.

He came to Fanghua palace in a sedan chair, but mu Xueying asked the sedan chair to leave through the back door and ordered the eunuch to send the emperor to yaoguangzhai.

Why do you do this? Because she thinks that this time she can escape this disaster, all thanks to He Yu.

She wanted to repay He Yu, so she sent Liu Shuang there.

Can he Yu get rid of the fear and tension of the first menstruation?

Mu Xueying thinks she can do it tonight.

Because at the banquet, after Ning Guifei was angry, Mu Xueying came to He Yu.

"It's not a magic drug."

He Yu was just wondering why concubine Ning didn't faint again. "What's that?"“ It's a drug. " Mu Xueying said it lightly, but he Yu panicked. Mu Xueying looked at He Yu meaningfully and said with a smile, "sister, do you want to have a try? I have a little bit left. " He Yu blushed and his heart beat. He said in a timid voice, "what can I try it for..." "I already know why you have made the emperor angry." He Yu's face was even more red and red to the root of his ears“ You are just too nervous. This can relieve your tension. If you like, I will send the emperor to you tonight. After the first experience of this kind of thing, you won't be afraid and nervous in the future. " He Yu's eyes flickered and hesitated. Mu Xueying was not in a hurry. She said, "tell me when you think about it." Just as she was about to leave, she found that he Yu grabbed her sleeve. Mu Xueying smiles The next morning. He Yu is still lying in Liu Shuang's arms. Liu Shuang also knows that he Yu was his companion last night, but he Yu's change surprised him. Become soft as boneless, charming and moving. Liu Shuang was very curious and asked why he Yu had such a change. He Yu said shyly, "it's my sister who enlightened me..." Liu Shuang said with a smile, "this mu Xueying is really broad." With that, she hugs He Yu again... For mu Xueying, if others respect her, she will return her. If you offend her, she will clean up the threat completely. Fanghua palace. Gao Shiduo hasn't seen Mu Xueying for a long time. This time, he gives Mu Xueying a big gift“ Niang Niang, the slave specially made friends with Yang Liuzi, the internal supervisor. Last night, he finally found out what he said. He said that on the day huifei died, he heard the sound of things breaking outside the hall. They want to go in and check the situation, but Mr. Ma won't allow it. "“ Sure enough, Han xian'er's death is not so simple. "“ The slave also heard him say that when Mr. Ma went to Lenggong to ask huifei, he brought a new face, but he didn't know who it was“ I see. You go back first. Be careful not to be found, especially to avoid Duke Feng. "“ I understand After Gao Shiduo left, Mu Xueying called Yumei and asked if she knew how to get to Lenggong. Yumei used to wash clothes for the empress of Lenggong, so she knew“ Take me there Mu Xueying said. Mu Xueying dressed up as a palace maid and quietly left the palace with Yumei. The cold palace is located in the northwest corner of the imperial city. There are three or four palaces in the palace, collectively referred to as the cold palace. Usually, the concubines who have not been convicted will be locked up in a single palace, just like Han xian'er. Those who were convicted were locked up in a palace similar to a dormitory. However, Liu Shuang's concubines are not many, so the cold palace is empty. There are only some eunuchs who do routine maintenance and cleaning.