Chapter 1137

"Come on, come on, everybody."

Mu Xueying called the eunuchs to her side.

Everyone's eyes fell curiously on the bamboo plate cover of the table.

Mu Xueying asks Yumei to lift the cover.

A smell of scorch came to my nose.

On the table, there are four plates of moon cakes. Moon cakes are built like pyramids.

The Mid Autumn Festival is approaching, but there is no Mid Autumn Festival in Dayuan world.

Mu Xueying wants to let those who haven't had the mid autumn festival experience the Mid Autumn Festival, so she specially orders the imperial dining room to make moon cakes.

Of course, the cooks in the imperial dining room didn't know how to make moon cakes, but under the guidance of Mu Xueying, they made them successfully.

"This... What is this?" Someone asked.

"It's called moon cake. Everyone has one. Take it and try it. There are different fillings. Choose what you like. "

The eunuchs in the palace were in full bloom and lined up to receive moon cakes.

After the distribution, the people began to eat.

Looking at them eating with relish, Mu Xueying asked how it tasted.

"It's delicious!"

"It's the best snack I've ever had!"

People praise it, and some share it with others.

These people who seldom greet each other at ordinary times are happy now.

This makes Mu Xueying believe that promoting the Mid Autumn Festival and Lantern Festival across the country can change the indifference of Dayuan people.

Royal study.

"Here comes the tea, Emperor."

The palace maid put a plate of moon cakes on the table.

There are four moon cakes, four different fillings.

When Liu Shuang saw the moon cake for the first time, he was curious and took a mouthful of it.

It tastes good.

"The imperial dining room is so ingenious that it can think of such snacks."

"Tell the emperor, it's not the imperial dining room's idea." Said costal.

Highly recommended by Mu Xueying, Gao Shiduo became the eunuch beside the emperor.

"Who came up with that?"

"Empress Ming."

"Concubine Ming..." Liu Shuang laughed, "I knew that she had the most ideas. What's that called again? "

"Moon cake."

After eating this moon cake, Liu Shuang was in a good mood, so he put down his book and drove to Fanghua palace.

"When the emperor arrives, why don't he let me know first, so that I can get ready."

"I'm here in the mood. Let's go flat."

Mu Xueying asked Liu Shuang to take a seat and offered tea.

There is also a plate of moon cake on the tea table. Liu Shuang picks up one and asks Mu Xueying how she thought of making this kind of cake.

Mu Xueying said: "tomorrow is August 15, when the moon will be full. I miss my family. I want to combine my usual snacks, such as barbecued pork, peanuts, almonds, melon seeds and so on, so that I can have all the flavor of my hometown at one time. So here's the cake. "

"Then why make moon cakes?"

"The moon is full and full. It means reunion, so it's called moon cake."

Liu Shuang thought carefully, only thought that this small moon cake could have such a wonderful artistic conception, and was overjoyed. It is to praise Mu Xueying again and again ice snow is clever, fantastic.

Seeing the opportunity, Mu Xueying said: "emperor, just imagine that the moon is shining like a silver plate in the night sky. Is it beautiful for the family to gather in the courtyard of the Flower Pavilion, eat moon cakes and enjoy the moon

Liu Shuang tried to imagine, feeling warm and beautiful.

Mu Xueying proposed to set such a festival for the family reunion on August 15. Because it is in the Mid Autumn Festival, it is called Mid Autumn Festival.

Liu Shuang also thought it was a good idea, so he asked Mr. Feng to write it down, so as to let the Ministry of rites and other relevant personnel promote the Mid Autumn Festival in the future.

Mu Xueying also suggested that the imperial dining room should make a large number of moon cakes and distribute them to all the people in the palace. This is beneficial to the promotion of the Mid Autumn Festival, and it can also make people feel the boundless kindness of the emperor.

Liu Shuang agreed.

The moon cakes were soon made, and the palace, which was usually cold, suddenly became lively.

Eunuchs and maids in court lined up to collect moon cakes.

When they get different fillings, they will share them, which brings people closer.

From this, Mu Xueying knows that Dayuan's people are indifferent. They are just afraid or not good at accepting new things. Gradually, the feelings were frozen up. Once something beautiful makes them feel warm and peaceful, the ice and snow in their hearts will melt.

The empresses in the harem also got their own moon cakes.

But in the face of this moon cake, their feelings are different.

Empress Li tasted it and praised it.

He Yu took a few mouthfuls and thought it was delicious. Asked about the origin of the moon cake, after learning that it was Mu Xueying's idea, she threw it aside.

Ning Guifei just looked at it and felt disgusted. Because how can she eat this kind of snack that people can also eat? What's more, it's Mu Xueying's idea.

Other concubines also like it very much, even the Empress Dowager also praised it. Mu Xueying is highly praised for her moon cakes, which are very popular. People can hear her praise everywhere. Princess Ning was upset. She decided to curb the plan to promote the Mid Autumn Festival and moon cakes, so she asked someone to send a letter to her brother, cabinet bachelor Ning yuan. The next day. In the early days“ What do you think of the moon cakes I sent yesterday? " Ministers said it was delicious. Liu Shuang was overjoyed and put forward a plan to formulate and promote the Mid Autumn Festival. At this time, Ning yuan and two ministers stood up against it. The reason for objection is that doing so will not only waste people's money, but also affect people's current life, for fear of causing riots. Liu Shuang scanned the officials, hoping that someone would stand up for the Mid Autumn Festival. But no one came forward. Although they also think the Mid Autumn Festival proposal is good, but the Mid Autumn Festival is not necessary, whether it has or not has no impact, so they are too lazy to support it. The politics of the Yuan Dynasty is clear and bright, so ministers will not try to please the emperor because of his preference. However, they have one common characteristic: more is better than less, which is called lazy politics. Moreover, they are also afraid that the emergence of the new things such as Mid Autumn Festival will disrupt the existing way of life. Liu Shuang was very disappointed. This early Dynasty was so depressed that it broke up. Liu Shuang came to Fanghua palace after his separation. Remaining angry, he complained about things in court. If the ministers do not cooperate, the Mid Autumn Festival will not be implemented at all. Mu Xueying wants Liu Shuang to enforce it, but on second thought, the result of the enforcement may be counterproductive, making the world hate the Mid Autumn Festival. What should we do? By the way, tomorrow is the birthday of the Empress Dowager. It's also August 15. It's better to take this opportunity to promote the Mid Autumn Festival. As long as the Empress Dowager says yes and the ministers find that there are only advantages but no disadvantages, they will accept the Mid Autumn Festival. Mu Xueying told Liu Shuang about this idea. Liu Shuang thought it was feasible and immediately asked Mu Xueying to make a detailed plan and let the relevant departments cooperate in the implementation. August 15, the Empress Dowager's birthday. There will be a large banquet in the palace, and officials and ministers will come into the palace to offer gifts and birthday. In the past, banquets were held in the daytime. This time, Mu Xueying arranged them in the evening. This day is sunny, sunny, I believe you can enjoy the beautiful full moon in the evening. If you want to enjoy the moon, the terrace is the most suitable. The terrace is a building beside the Royal Garden, which is square and spacious. Yuehua can be sprinkled on everyone, and the breeze brings the fragrance of the royal garden. How artistic and pleasant it is.