Chapter 972

She stayed alone for a long time, until Yan Yu came to her with an umbrella, reached out and gently brushed the snow on her hair, and gave her a smile: "Xiao yue'er, let's go with the teacher."

"What about sister Hua? Master, are you going to put it down? " She looked back at Yan Yu, who was pale beside her. His face was still beautiful and his clothes were gorgeous. But in his eyes, he was dyed with countless colors of wind, frost and snow, as if the endless harm could bury him alone.

She sat on the ground and sighed, "master, do I have anything else I don't remember?"

"Go and ask him. Maybe you'll understand." Yan Yu pulls her up and pats the ashes on her body. His figure is tall and thin. When he pulls Qin Yueming into his arms, Qin Yueming even feels that her face is hurt by her chest. However, the most painful thing is her heart.

What is it that tortures a peerless childe like this?

The past hidden in her master's heart is bloody.

Qin Yueming retreated from his arms and went straight to her room.

He was sitting on the soft collapse, with a bright sword in his hand. The sword was shining with cold light. It was so cold that it crossed Qin Yueming's face.

"It's rare that you will come to me. Come on, what's up She put down the sword in her hand and coagulated Qin Yueming with a smile. The radian of her lips was extremely gentle.

"I... I want to ask you something about Qin house." Qin Yueming finally did not hold back, she sat on the chair, uneasily straightening the hands of the robe.

He said with a smile: "if I say that I and the Su Pavilion leader jointly made it, how would you like to be?"

"I'm not joking with you. Please answer my question seriously." She secretly clasped her fingers, and the cold wind, like a sharp blade, collided outside the window. She chuckled.

"Ha ha, do you know why the former Emperor did everything in those years, so he wanted to kill the Xuanyuan family, even at all costs?" Qin Yueming was stunned. Why? She never knew. In her memory, no matter her mother or father, no matter who she was, she never said such a thing.

Those who were trying to hide the past, it was so bloody pulled out, she seemed to see countless old people, is facing her.

Qin Yueming subconsciously clenched his fist, pale coagulated her: "I don't know."

Those things in those years were too obscure. All people remember is how the Xuanyuan family helped the former Emperor to rule the world, and the world was unified. Those who are not good are completely sealed, and she doesn't even know a word of it.

"In those days, the former Emperor mistakenly entered Kunlun when he was young, and was appreciated by the daughter of the clan leader at that time. So he married the former Emperor and the Xuanyuan family in Kunlun Mountain fought hard to unify the whole country for the former Emperor in a short period of 30 years. However, the former Emperor began to fear the ability of the Xuanyuan family, an alien race with folk skills, if he wanted to destroy the country, That's easy, so Taoists started a fierce fight with Xuanyuan family of Kunlun nationality. "

The past of that year was torn apart in a few words, and the invisible evil and ugliness were revealed in front of us.

"Why? That's a great meritorious official. Just... Just do it hard. Is that really good? " Her heart was aching, but her face was still silent.

"Have you ever heard of a sentence?"

"What?" Qin Yueming coagulates the sharp sword in her hand. The sword is so cold that it becomes sharper and sharper in the wind and snow.

"It's a sin in itself to achieve great success.". The Xuanyuan people have always been used to being carefree. They don't know what is the etiquette of monarchs and ministers in this court, so naturally, those problems arise. The reason why the general of the eastern expedition was able to hold heavy troops was that he made a solemn oath before the bed of the former Emperor that he would kill the Xuanyuan people. " When she mentioned the general of the eastern expedition, her eyes were warm and tender, which made Qin Yueming feel sorry for her master.

"But, after all these years, isn't it over? Why do we have to keep the Xuanyuan family in check? " It's time to put it down. Why should it be like this? Who can be clear and hold on to the struggle for power.

"End? Xuanyuan clan leader killed the former Emperor. How can such a thing end? Your mother is a miss of Xuanyuan nationality, and naturally she can't escape this fate. As the posthumous son of his Royal Highness The Prince of the former dynasty, the Su Pavilion master himself can not escape this fate, can't he? " She laughs, the sword in her hand turns slowly.

If the fate is really merciless, he took something from your hand, may not give you the same thing.

After all, the existence of some people is God's sacrifice for the beginning of the world.

"Is it really the Lord and you in the Qin government My hand

"Yes. The Xuanyuan people have a lot of treasures. At that time, the general joined hands with him. The Qin League focused on the same thoughts as them. Do you know why he has been able to treat you so well for so many years? Do you know why the leader of alliance Qin, who was once fashionable in the world, didn't get involved with the flowers after he married your mother? "

Qin Yueming said tentatively: "because... He loves my mother. As he said, he loves my mother very much."

The stormy waves in her heart were hard pressed down by her. The past mystery was opened little by little. She suddenly felt that her heart was very empty. The castle she had built for Su Tao had become loose sand and scattered all over the ground“ Love? Oh, don't laugh. If you are worthless, what about love? Everyone is so busy, who has the spare time to fall in love with you? The reason why the leader of the Qin alliance married Miss Xuanyuan was that he wanted to use the strength of the Xuanyuan family to sit in that glorious and noble position. Later he intended to be discovered by your mother, and he was killed. " She looked at Qin Yueming, who was holding her robe tightly. She pulled her lips and sneered“ It seems that if you want to live a peaceful life, you can't live a peaceful life. "“ Don't tell anyone about today... I, I want to be quiet. " Qin Yueming some tired stand up, she repressed the flame in the heart, step by step out. She went to the door and looked back at her: "what about master? Over the years, where did you put your master? Don't hurt someone who loves you. Some people don't keep you in their heart because you are profitable. " She was a little stunned when she wiped her sword. The sword went into the scabbard fiercely. She sneered: "you are still too young and don't know too much. Let's go. I'll take it as if you haven't been here tonight." That warm pulse smile is like a nameless fire, a little bit of the fake smile will wipe away. The cold wind blows Qin Yueming's robes. She turns and leaves her room. Walking aimlessly in the long lane, several people in white surrounded her.