Chapter 901

Chef Hao's first dish is a nine turn large intestine. Red large intestine curled up, with a touch of oil stains, platter display, but also with a tempting fragrance. It's more beautiful than Sushi Platter. With red pepper and green vegetables around, it looks delicious.

Xia Xiaoran in modern times, also ate nine turn large intestine, compared to this time, after all, different appearance.

Xia Xiaoran swallowed saliva and grabbed a chopstick.

The chopsticks of dingweilou are much thicker than the modern ones. They are more like two bamboo sticks than chopsticks.

She can't wait to pick up a piece of large intestine, put it in her mouth, gently close her mouth, bite off her teeth, and a stream of soup suddenly overflows in her mouth. The smell of large intestine is mixed with the flavor of blending products, hovering on the taste buds, which makes people almost reluctant to swallow.

The oil from the large intestine also spewed out in an instant, slightly masking the original flavor of the large intestine.

Xia Xiaoran couldn't help frowning.

"How?" Chef Hao rubs his fat hands and stares at Xia Xiaoran expectantly.

Xia Xiaoran swallowed it, but he couldn't help saying: "it's great. However, it would be better if we put less oil. There is a lot of oil and water from the large intestine. If you put more oil, it will affect the original taste. Yes, if you put less oil, it can be called perfect! "

Chef Hao's big face, first angry, takes the chopsticks from Xia Xiaoran's hand, and puts a piece into his mouth.

He chewed, oil spilling from the corner of his mouth.

So the angry look on his big face disappeared, even with a little thoughtfulness.

While tasting the mouth of nine turn large intestine, while nodding his head, said: "some truth, why before I never noticed this problem?"

While he was swallowing his large intestine, he said, "you wait, there's the next dish, sweet and sour carp!"

When chef Hao finished, he took away the big carp that was still on the cutting board.

Big carp meat and fish bone have been completely separated. Chef Hao grabs the kitchen knife.

The huge kitchen knife seemed to be as light as a feather in his hand. His wrist was spinning, and the kitchen knife seemed to be a living big carp swimming on the fish. It was only a few seconds, and the fish had been cut with knife marks.

Xia Xiaoran filled the stove with firewood to make it more prosperous.

The fishbone and the fish body are put into the pot separately, wrapped with paste, rolled in the hot oil, the fish tail is cocked up, and finally, the secret sweet and sour sauce is poured.

Fish bones and fish meat are put together on the platter. With a little poke, the fish will peel off from the bones. The tender and white fish exudes heat and fragrance, which makes people salivate.

Chef Hao took it with one hand, then frowned and said, "I'm afraid you can't eat this sweet and sour carp. Once you touch the fish, it will fall down. It's easy for guests to see that it's been tampered with."

"Not in the way." Xia Xiaoran saw that chef Hao was in a dilemma, so he said with relief: "however, if you add a little embellishment, it will be more selling point on the table, won't it?"

"What does that mean?" Chef Hao said.

Xia Xiaoran pokes his chin with one hand and thinks hard.

Although I didn't eat it, I can smell it. The taste of the fish should be very good. Just so heavy plate, just a fish with a few green leaves as a foil, slightly monotonous a lot.

Chef Hao also stares at his eyes like Xia Xiaoran, but he doesn't know whether he is thinking or in a daze.

A moment later, Xia Xiaoran snapped his fingers.

She took out a radish from the food pile, picked up the kitchen knife, cut off the tail of the radish, and cut the huge radish in two, half of which stood on the cutting board.

While she was spinning the radish, she cut it quickly.

Soon, the radish emerged in shape, is a lotus.

Xia Xiaoran did the same and carved another lotus.

Xia Xiaoran learned this lotus carving from another food script. At that time, she practiced hard for a long time, but she didn't expect that it would come in handy at this time.

Xia Xiaoran quietly decorates the two lotus flowers on the plate, and adjusts the posture of the fish. Suddenly, from afar, it seems that the fish has a life, no longer dead, but swimming, and even makes people unable to bear to chopsticks.

"Good! Xia Xiaoran, how do I know that you still have such a good sculptor? " Chef Hao's fat palms clapped and gave a big round of applause.

Xia Xiaoran hit a ha ha, scratched the back of the head: "I secretly practice, in the kitchen to see you cut, always remember a little bit! When I go home to practice secretly, I want you to be surprised. It seems that I have done it. Ha ha ha... "

Although chef Hao is very good at cooking, he seems to have a slow brain.

He squatted down for a long time, holding the edge of the plate with both hands carefully, rotating the plate, calling the fish head to himself and exclaiming, "Wow, it's really beautiful. Xia Xiaoran, how do you think of it? It's really beautiful. "

"I'm just putting forward some ideas. The most important thing is that chef Hao, you make delicious food!" Xia Xiaoran needs this chef Hao. He has to make him happy before he can listen to his own opinions. In that case, we can successfully complete the damned task! She really doesn't want to taste delicious food in ancient times! What's more, this era is still the Qianlong era, even if the naturally handsome young man, with the commonly known tail braid, is not handsome! Delicious food is always shared with beautiful men, but nowadays, it is almost impossible to find a beautiful man in this world... Xia Xiaoran has his own small abacus in his heart“ This kind of idea should be mentioned to me more in the future. " Chef Hao said, "when the business of our Dingwei restaurant is good, I can get more money. With silver, I can propose to Miss Liu's family across the street. That's my biggest expectation." When chef Hao said this, his face was still full of expectations. Another day, I have a chance to meet the legendary Miss Liu. Xia Xiaoran thought in his heart and said, "don't worry, don't worry, you can always get married." At this time, Du Junshu snatched in from the courtyard and said, "the firewood has been cut. Let me help the kitchen to make the fire! Xia Xiaoran, you just cut with good, dirty work rough work let me do! Wow, delicious jiuzhuan large intestine... And sweet and sour carp! It's a pity that it's for the guests, otherwise I really want to have a bite! " Xia Xiaoran wants to laugh. Before this guy came in, she and chef Hao had already tasted the delicious jiuzhuan large intestine“ Yes, I can't move at all. If shopkeeper Li knows, I won't be able to deduct my monthly salary for three months. In that case, if I marry Miss Liu, it's a long way off. " Chef Hao slightly raised his chin and said that he had nothing to love. Du Junshu Xiaosheng muttered: "I don't have any hope. It's just your wishful thinking. Then Liu Taigong will have to ask you for a hundred Liang silver coins before he will marry his daughter to you. As a cook, you can't get a hundred Liang silver coins all your life."“ You son of a bitch! Believe it or not, I'll screw your head off! " Chef Hao's anger started in his heart and his eyes widened like a spoon in his hand. Du Junshu murmured, not daring to speak out. Xia Xiaoran listened and thought, I don't know how much RMB a hundred taels of broken silver is equivalent to. If I can bring this heavy kitchen knife back to modern times, it should be worth a lot of money! That's a cultural relic!