Chapter 889

Luo Zixu noticed her expression when she came in. She frowned slightly and said, "you go out. It has nothing to do with you here."

Xia Yixin was stunned.

Until she went out, she still thought, why did Luo Zixu suddenly think so much about her?

Doubts are doubts, but her heart is a little happy.

I really like luozixu

I've cared too much about him since here.

Luo Zixu looked at Shirley and said faintly, "Miss Shirley, you said you were going shopping. Could you tell me where the address of the store is, and is there someone who does alibi for you?"

Shirley was stiff all over, and she raised her mouth reluctantly: "that kind of thing... How can I know..."

Xiao Ai saw that she was not comfortable and worried a little. "Shirley, why don't you retort? You went shopping clearly!"

"Yes? Are you sure she went shopping? Shall we go tomorrow and see if there is ice cream for sale tonight? "

Luo Zi talks with a smile but not a smile, and her whole body exudes a strong aura.

Shirley's face was pale, her lips were open for a long time, but she didn't make a sound.

Xiao AI suddenly looked at her suspiciously: "Shirley... You can't be..."

Luo Zixu leaned against the doorpost: "if you don't tell me, I can help you."

Shirley suddenly looked up and sneered: "hum, even if I didn't go, I had some spare food in my car. I just drove to the middle of the car and found that the snow was too heavy, so I turned back..."

"Well, what's in your pocket?"

As soon as Luo Zi's voice fell, Shirley's face became very dark almost immediately.

Subconsciously, she put out her hand to cover her pocket. When she looked back, she found that everyone's eyes were watching her. She calmly took her hand away: "I, why should I take it out... It's my own thing..."

Xiao AI has found something wrong and says, "what's the matter, Shirley! What can't you say? "

Jianqing receives Luo Zixu's eyes, and knows that this person is tired of reasoning. He doesn't like to say much about reasoning. If it wasn't for staying here, Luo Zixu would not mind this business.

"Don't be nervous. Follow me." Jianqing leads them to the tablecloth. The blood stains are black and dry, and some of the prints are clearly visible.

Shirley's forehead was in a cold sweat. She didn't know how she was discovered.

Xiao AI looks at Jian Qing suspiciously.

Jian Qing said, "look, there is something missing in this chessboard. Do you remember what pieces are placed in this position?"

Luo Zhong's pupil constricted: "it's a horse!"

He finally knew why Luo Zixu wanted to ask him this question. He turned his head and looked at Shirley in shock: "Shirley Ma! Did you really do it? "

Shirley took her last breath and said, "what evidence do you have? Don't spit! This coincidence does not prove that I am the murderer at all

Jianqing saw that she was so excited, her face was still very calm: "what should have been placed in this place, but now it's gone, what do you think?"

This is about a few people except Shirley.

Always silent suddenly opened his mouth: "Sherry found the body first."

Jianqing nodded: "yes, the bloodstain on the chesscloth has dried, but the tablecloth was overturned on the ground when we came. The killer should have found this clue that might reveal her identity when he came in, and then destroyed it before we came."

Shirley is shaking like chaff, but Jianqing's words are still ringing slowly: "among them, the most suspect is Shirley who has no alibi and found the body first."

Xiao AI looked at her strangely: "Shirley... How could you..."

"Still don't want to admit it?" Jianqing walked over to Shirley and said, "why do you think Mr. Liang ye would go to this chessboard with so much effort after being stabbed?"

Shirley finally couldn't hold on and flopped down on the ground.

Her face was expressionless and her pupils were lax, but the tears fell one by one.

"I... I have a reason..."

Xiao AI went to help her up, but she was patted away by Shirley: "it's Liang who deserves it! He stole my research and published it in the international weekly as his own

Luo Zhong was shocked: "you said you wrote that article?"

"Oh, why, don't you believe it?" Shirley laughed sarcastically, "I spent eight years studying this, but this beast... Stole all my things..."

Then she took out a bloody lighter in her pocket: "I didn't expect that this kind of thing would become my last death penalty..."

The room was so quiet that no one spoke.

Luo Zhong saw that several people were in a daze and went out without interest.

After the guest room, I found Xia Yixin sitting on the bed in the room in a daze. Xia Yixin has been thinking about Luo Zixu since she went back. She thinks about their experiences and their unforgettable memories. For a moment, she is a little distracted and even forgets about closing the door. Luo Zhong sees Xia Yixin's dull appearance, and his evil fire starts to burn again. Remembering the last words Luo Zixu said to him, he bites his teeth and turns his head to leave—— If you touch her again, I promise you'll see God. Jianqing called the police, but they didn't come until the next day, so they had to go back to their room. The next morning, several people found Shirley missing“ Did you run away? " Asked little AI. Luo Zixu looks at several people indifferently. Anyway, the case is over, and the rest has nothing to do with him. Luo Zhong sees a few women in a hurry, looking for Shirley everywhere. He can't help but ask Luo Zixu, "who are you?" Why do you seem to be very good at solving cases and want to win. It's not like the police. Luo Zixu didn't even give him a look. Luo Zhong kicked a nail and didn't speak again. Jian Qing sees Xia Yixin go downstairs with a tired face and laughingly says, "what's the matter? Didn't you have a good rest? " Xia Yixin said nothing. Also say, see so terrible body, can sleep strange... Luo Zi Xu see her face resentful appearance, some can't help laughing. Xia Yixin blinked. Was she dazzled just now? Did this person smile“ What do you want me to do? " Luo Zixu took back her smile and gave her a cold glance. Darcy had a bad hangover and headache. When he went downstairs, he was at a loss: "where's Professor Liang? Why didn't I see him? " Does he drink more than I do? The faces of the people changed, and Darcy felt that something was wrong.