Chapter 833

The next day at three in the afternoon.

Luo Zixu found a consumption list in the room where ad died, all in Thai.

Luo Zixu immediately went to the nearest Chinese supermarket and found the boss there for translation.

"Excuse me, where is this place?"

Luo Zixu points to a place on the paper that appears most frequently and shows it to the boss.

The old man pushed the presbyopic glass on his nose and looked at it for a while

"It's a cafe. It's a long way from here."

Luo Zixu thanks and takes a taxi to the cafe.

Although the journey is long, but Luo Zixu saw a store on the road, the name is very familiar.

He picked up the consumption list and found a place on it that coincided with the name of the store.

The driver still knows English. Luo Zixu tries to communicate with him.

"Where is this?"

The driver's accent was a little heavy, but Luo Zixu could hear it very clearly.

"This is a gay bar!"

Thailand is a monster, and homosexuality is quite natural. Luozi make complaints about Shen Yuanxu's Tucao before:

"The room is clean and tidy without peculiar smell. It's either fake or gay."

In the heart some speechless, also some funny.

He was right.

Because the number of gay bars on the list is not frequent, especially luozixu has a mental and psychological double cleanliness addiction, so he let the car drive in front of the bar without even entering.

Let's go to the coffee shop first.

When I arrived, I found that the coffee shop was not very normal.

The shop assistant is a demon, but he can also speak Chinese.

It's much more convenient to communicate.

Luo Zixu is sitting at a table near the glass. Outside the glass is the main road.

Opposite is a residential building. It's a bit like the neighborhood I lived in when I was a child.

This time is not suitable for afternoon tea, so there are few guests, the shop is very cold.

Luo Zixu turns to the waiter and asks:

"Do you know the person in this picture?"

The shop assistant smiles at him with his coffee. The meaning is obvious.

Luo Zixu took 100 baht from his pocket.

When the shop assistant put the coffee on the table, his attitude suddenly changed

"Thank you. I know a delivery man who lives in a waste paper factory, but he seems to have died in recent days?"

Clerk's voice with a strong Niang, Luo Zixu in order to get more clues, resist the impulse to lift the table.

"What does he do when he comes here often?"

Back to the point, Luo Zixu asked patiently.

The shop assistant frowned and said, "every time he comes here, he always takes a camera and sits in your seat. He looks out. It's said that his son lives in this building. Maybe he's photographing his son? Who knows! "

Luo Zixu thought of the picture on the wall of ad's room.

Is that boy his son?

Luo Zixu can not help but wonder, he is not gay, and where the son?

The shop assistant didn't know what he was thinking, so he continued

"That son was picked up by him. When he grew up, he moved out and lived in a school. Oh, by the way, he seems to be missing..."

Luo Zixu got up and went out of the cafe to the opposite community, hoping to get other harvest.

The person who manages the community is an old lady and a Chinese. Until now, Luo Zixu has discovered that all the people involved in this matter seem to be Chinese.

Time is pressing, and the irrational problem of Luo Zixu is just passing in my mind.

"Do you know Adelaide's son?"

When she heard Luo Zixu's words, she immediately got excited

"Yes, he hasn't paid the rent for a long time. His father paid it several times before, and then his father didn't come. I had to put all his things in the storage room."

Obviously, aduh's son is either missing or dead.

The voice of a little girl behind her was weak

"You want to find Xiaotian?"

Luo Zixu turned around. The little girl was only fifteen or sixteen years old. She was wearing a school uniform and carrying a schoolbag. It was obvious that she had just come back from school.

Luo Zixu asked her:

"Do you know him?"

The little girl nodded and said politely:

"Let's go to my house. It's not convenient here."

Luo Zi Xu did not say much, followed her upstairs.

The little girl's home is a little narrow, but it is tidy. Luo Zixu looks at the men's work clothes hanging at the door and asks:

"You're the only one at home?"

The little girl is pouring tea with a thermos

"Dad has gone to the construction site and hasn't come back yet."

"Where's your mother?" Luo Zixu sat on the stool.

The little girl said, "I'm an orphan with only one foster father." The topic suddenly becomes heavy, Luo Zixu shut up. The little girl didn't care. She said with a smile, "why do you want to find Xiaotian?" Luo Zi Xu just remembered his original intention: "do you know him?"“ We are classmates, but we are not in the same class Luo Zixu looks at the disposable water cup on the table and doesn't move. The little girl said to herself, "we live in a building. I saw his father give him money before, but he didn't ask for it. Then one day he suddenly stopped coming to class, and I never saw him again." A few words to account for the things, Luo Zi Xu for a moment do not know what to ask. I'm going to find the kidnapper. If the kidnapper kills for no reason, it's useless now. Some confusion in the brain, Luo Zi Xu has a kind of feeling of deviation. The little girl saw that he didn't speak any more and went into the kitchen. The door was suddenly opened and a dark man came in. When he saw Luo Zixu, he was stunned. The little girl ran out and said hello to Luo Zixu: "this is my father." It's inconvenient to stay here for a long time. Luo Zixu says hello at will and is ready to leave. Before I left, I saw a pile of irregularly placed books in the debris pile. But I just glanced at it and closed the door. Luo Zixu calls Xia Yixin and knows where they are, so he takes a taxi to meet them. On the way, Luo Zixu pays great attention, but doesn't find anyone following him. Why didn't the last gold snatcher show up? Not far from a high-rise building, Han Chenyu sits on it with chewing gum in his mouth to blow the wind, and a wireless Bluetooth is hanging on his ear“ eureka? I know... "He tied a steel wire on his waist and jumped into the air, as if an invisible force moved him forward. Han Chenyu felt comfortable. Air transportation is very convenient to use. Falling on a house with dark light, a masked man seemed to have just woken up and came out in rags. Han Chenyu threw a stone in his face. Now it's your turn to play. Come out and play. They need you. Very team spirit.