Chapter 809

Zhao meihui's eyelashes trembled, but she didn't say a word.

As time goes by, there is still half an hour left, but then she suddenly loses her language function. No matter how Xia Yixin preaches, she will never speak again.

"Are you human?" Xia Yixin swears and her throat is smoking.

Zhao meihui has a sneering smile on her lips

"Time is coming, isn't it?"

Xia Yixin choked on her and replied, "we all know what tricks you are playing. Do you think it's ok if you don't admit it? I forgot to tell you. I found the evidence long ago. "

Zhao meihui's eyes twinkled and said:

"Oh? I said I didn't kill anyone. Miss, since it's so difficult for me, please show me the evidence so that I can know what I've done wrong? How are you

This person simply does not enter the oil salt, hears has the evidence, even the facial expression has not changed.

If it wasn't for her tricks, Xia Yixin couldn't believe that this person would be a murderer.

Shen Yuanxu couldn't watch any more. Ten minutes passed.

Twenty minutes before the end of the limitation period.

He rushes into the inquiry room and shouts at Zhao meihui:

"Are you a man or not! That's a ten-year-old girl. She's only ten years old! How can you do it! Are you not afraid that she will turn into a fierce ghost and ask for your life? For only half a million, are you fuckin 'sick? "

Zhao meihui held her breath until he spoke.

The nurse with the logo still on her face smiles:

"I didn't really kill anyone. I can't understand what you're talking about."

Shen Yuanxu's eyes are red. Xia Yixin thinks that he is going to swallow this woman.

Jian Qing turns her head and looks at Luo Zixu

"What can I do? She's too hard mouthed. It's useless without evidence!"

Luo Zixu said:

"In that case... Cheat her out..."


In Luozi Xuchong evolution laboratory, Lin Xiaozhe is staring at the machine and concentrating.

"You're not finished yet?" Luo Zi asked.

Lin Xiaozhe scratched: "I can't help it. I should be able to speed it up at ordinary times, but this specimen was made 15 years ago. I found that it needs more time..."

Luo Zixu no longer talks nonsense with him, picked up a pile of messy test sheets on the table and went out.

At this time, there are still ten minutes to go before the end of the limitation of action.

Shen Yuanxu looks at Zhao meihui strangely

"You're really powerful. Ha ha, you're just like this. Do you think you'll be OK after the time passes?"

Luo Zixu suddenly comes in with the test sheet:

"I brought the evidence..."

Zhao meihui's pupils shrank.

Luo Zi said: "you thought you did it perfectly, but you ignored the blood on Xu Zhengheng's black frame glasses when you killed him.

Did you forget that even after 15 years, blood can still test DNA“

Zhao meihui's expression finally loosened, and Shen Yuanxu's heart also jumped wildly.

Little by little, Luo Zixu is pressing

"I've got the test results. The blood on the glasses matches your DNA. I ask you, where were you on the night they were found dead? "

Xia Yixin's eyes are fixed on the interrogation of Luo Zixu, a little crazy.

Is there such a domineering side to this guy?

If Luo Zixu knows about it, he will definitely get his salary deducted.

Zhao meihui's eyes glared at the clock on the wall

"I said... I didn't kill..."

"Tick, tick, tick." The last three seconds, three in the morning.

The 15 year limitation of action has passed.

When Luo Zixu failed for the first time, he was holding the pieces of paper in his hand. The back of his hand was blue, and his eyes almost broke Zhao meihui to pieces.

The prisoners who are close at hand will not just run away. There must be other ways, there must be other ways.

Xia Yixin looks at Shen Yuanxu, who is paralyzed on the ground. As if she had been spirited away, her belief that she had been building for 15 years collapsed.

Zhao meihui is like a proud peacock. She gets up gracefully, pushes aside Luo Zi in front of her and says:

"Can I go now? I have to work tomorrow!"

Then, regardless of everyone's reaction, he went out of the room by himself.

A group of people looked at the escaped murderer, but could not find an excuse to arrest her.

Xia Yixin looked at their embarrassed appearance, some distressed.

Lin Xiaozhe came out of the laboratory late at this time. He took the report sheet and said:

"It turns out that Zhao meihui is a murderer. Her DNA is... Uh huh..."

Half way through, he was covered by Anlin, who whispered:

"Shut up, you don't have to look at the time. Now it's useless even if the ghost of willings comes out of the ground to testify against her!" Lin Xiaozhe shut up. An old woman holding a sign at the door blocked Zhao meihui's way. The old woman's face had been deeply imprinted with time. Her lips trembled. Looking at Zhao meihui, she asked the police officer who ran after her and said, "she... Did she kill my daughter... You... You should catch her quickly..." the police officer didn't know how to explain, so he had to keep silent. The old woman nearly collapsed. She threw the sign aside and suddenly jumped on Zhao meihui's clothes and roared, "you bitch! Kill my daughter, and I will avenge her Zhao meihui is not a normal person. In the face of the mother of the dead child, she could not change her face and said, "so what if I kill her. I've been dead for 15 years, ha." The old lady's eyes cracked: "it's really... It's really you..." she yelled to the guard: "did you hear that? She killed her. She admitted it. Why didn't you arrest her? Why?" Zhao meihui broke off her hand on her clothes with a smile: "please save yourself, I'm not guilty now, I can go..." "you shameless bitch, I'll kill you! Ah, ah The old woman put her hand around her neck, and her strength made Zhao meihui turn blue immediately. Her hands scratched wildly, but the old woman's hands seemed to melt around her neck. Her heart was beating wildly in her hateful eyes. It took Shen Yuanxu a long time to relax and let out a cry of despair. Xia Yixin was just thinking about how to comfort him when she heard a call for help from the guard: "the mother of the victim outside is pinching Zhao meihui. It seems that she wants to strangle her. How can't it be delayed? What can I do?" Lin Xiaozhe fidgeted: "then pinch it, this kind of person should have died..." Anlin gave him a shudder: "you're brain Watt, if this old man killed Zhao meihui, she also became a murderer, also want to go to jail."