Chapter 800

It took a long time to get back to the point. Xia Yixin asked:

"Why don't you go to the police station and want to come to the office? A man like you should have a bright future! "

Shen Yuanxu lit the cigarette in his mouth, and his eyes suddenly became deep.

"I have a story. Do you want to hear it?"

Sure enough

"You said

Shen Yuanxu suddenly said with a bad smile, "if I tell you, how about you help me enter the office?"

Xia Yixin was stunned for a moment

"Tell me first."

"Fifteen years ago... There was a little boy..."

After eating the ice cream, Yue Xiaoxue saw that he was too involved in the conversation, and it was not good to disturb him in the middle, so he sent a text message to Xia Yixin and left first.

"Later, the little boy vowed that if he became strong in the future, he would find out the prisoner and never go back to be a policeman."

Shen Yuanxu's eyes have a deep obsession, that moment of anger almost burned to Xia Yixin's eyebrows.

Even if he didn't, she knew who the little boy meant.

"I'll help you."

Shen Yuanxu raises eyebrows:

"Really? Aren't you afraid I'll fool you? "

Xia Yixin smiles: "do you look so boring?"

She also guessed why he had to go to the office. Except for the police, only the office could help him.

"Ha ha, if you don't have a boyfriend, I will chase you..."

Shen Yuanxu's straightforward words left Xia Yixin speechless, so she had to perfunctorily say:

"I'm so sorry. I already have a boyfriend..."

"Who is it?" he asked, unconcerned? How about Luo Zixu

Xia Yixin almost choked her throat with a mouthful of coffee.

"No... Abroad."

In terms of deception, Xia Yixin can compare with the movie king.

But Shen Yuanxu saw it, but he didn't tear it down, but he didn't laugh.

The atmosphere is harmonious, but his eyes suddenly sharp, straight straight to the next table of a man.

"What's the matter?"

Shen Yuanxu was not a meddler, but since someone promised to help her get into the office, she had to see how strong she was.

He said to Xia Yixin:

"You see, I can't just fight."

Xia Yixin didn't know why: "is there anything strange about this man?"

As she doesn't understand psychology, she really doesn't know what he is thinking.

Shen Yuanxu explained patiently in a low voice

"You see, he's sitting at a table next to a pillar with his back against it, which shows that he lacks a sense of security.

The frown is tight and the corner of the mouth is down, which is a very nervous performance, but his eyes are fierce and hostile, completely unlike the expression of a normal person.

Look again, he is holding a schoolbag tightly in his arms, with a hand in it. There must be something that is very important but can't be seen by others.

I think he should get back at someone here today. "

Xia Yixin is confused by his series of conjectures.

"You're... You're so sneaky, Holmes reincarnated... But why revenge?"

Shen Yuanxu raised his chin

"Follow his line of sight."

Sure enough, in the place where the man glared fiercely, there was a table of lovers who were affectionately courting each other.

Men really focus on the coquettish woman.

"Is it Revenge of old love?" Xia Yixin's brain cavity is enlarged.

The waiter walks up to the man and asks him what he wants to drink.

But the man alertly turned his back to the waiter and sent him away.

Shen Yuanxu smiles triumphantly

"You see, it's a typical lack of security and unwillingness to communicate with people."

Xia Yixin is speechless

"At this time, you can still laugh. We should stop him."

Shen Yuanxu was stunned

"You won't burn it, will you? There's nothing to do with such a mess, and no one will appreciate it. "

"Are we going to watch the mess here? I'll help you when you see the injustice. Do you understand? "

Xia Yixin is upright, which makes Shen Yuanxu feel a little narrow-minded.

"I really underestimate you. Come on, just go and sit down."

He took his leather jacket and flipped a lighter at his fingertips.

Xia Yixin shakes her head... The hooligan temperament is hopeless. How can she be more and more ruffian

As expected, the man stared at the woman for a moment after the waiter left. It was only when the couple got up to leave that they suddenly rioted

"Smelly girl! I'll kill you! "

He took a bottle of transparent liquid from his bag and rushed in the direction of the woman.

Xia Yixin is startled and goes to see Shen Yuanxu. He just picked his eyebrows and bent down to wave his hand. The lighter hit the man on one leg. The man suddenly fell and threw out the bottle in his hand, breaking it into pieces on the ground, making a "Zizi" sound and white gas. It's concentrated sulfuric acid. The woman was frightened and fled out of the cafe long ago. The rest of the guests were panicked and soon they were all gone. No one dares to come near the shop assistants. They are dialing 110. The man still wanted to struggle to get up again. Shen Yuanxu walked over and stepped on his back. The black boots were shining in the light. Xia Yixin doesn't know where to get the rope. She comes over and binds the struggling terrorist. Shen Yuanxu said with a smile: "Oh, it's not bad. I have a little strength." Xia Yixin does not modestly smile: "which day two strokes?"“ Ha ha, you are really interesting. " Xia Yixin held out her hand: "anyway, I think your ability is very strong. It's our loss not to come to the office. I will help you. Let's make an alliance!"“ Bang A clear applause. They looked at each other and laughed Shen Yuanxu was in a good mood. On his way home, he received a phone call from the police: "Xiao Shen, I discussed with them. There is still one month left from the kidnapping case 15 years ago. The limitation of action is about to pass. Do you know what this means?" Shen Yuanxu did not speak. How did he not know that for so many years, he had been calculating day and night how far away from this damned day. When the limitation of action is over, even if the prisoner is caught, it will not help. There are still endless words: "all these years, this case has no clue, Xiao Shen, don't be persistent any more..." "it's not my persistence, ah, you don't help me, I have my own way, goodbye." He chose to believe in Xia Yixin. Take this month to gamble. Wanji“ boss? Are you busy? " Luo Zixu looked at her strangely: "what did you eat and get poisoned?" Make complaints about Lin Xiaozhe naturally or half unconsciously. Xia Yixin choked and took out a folder“ Do you remember this resume? " How could Luo Zixu not remember: "Shen Yuanxu? Yes? Do you like him