Chapter 756

In the morning of the second day, Xia Yixin went to Wanji to work as usual. She found the phone number of assistant Zhou through Su Muze's contacts.

"Dudududu..." no one answered the first call. It was always a busy tone.

Xia Yixin waited for a while and dialed again.

"Hello." The other party finally answered.

"Hello, I'm from Wanji office. Are you Mr. Zhou's assistant?"


Shit, it's hanging up again.

Unable to make a phone call, Xia Yixin wants to visit the assistant's home directly.

But Luo Zixu was very happy to approve.

Xia Yixin just wants to go out, behind him comes the voice of Jian Qing.

"I'll go with you."

She waved her hand and said with a smile, "no, it's just a small matter. I'll go by myself."

Jianqing is very persistent, and Xia Yixin has a good impression on him, so she is embarrassed to refuse.

Secondly, she thinks it's good to have more helpers.

After politely refusing, Jianqing is still insistent. They go out together.

Luo Zixu stood in front of the window of the office, looking at the figure they left, the mood in his eyes was dim.

They soon took a taxi to a remote place, where the house price is not high, and the population is sparse, very quiet, suitable for rest.

Because the disappearance of Mr. Zhou has not been announced, the company is temporarily replaced by the acting president. The assistant takes a long vacation at home on the grounds of Mr. Zhou's business trip.

So he must be at home now.

Jianqing is skeptical of her affirmative tone.

They went to knock on the door.

Sure enough, when Xia Yixin rang the doorbell for the third time and no one opened it, Jianqing pressed her hand and said:

"It doesn't look at home. Let's go!"

Xia Yixin doesn't want to leave like this

"I can't get through the phone. I can't find here easily. How can I leave without any harvest?"

Looking at her persistent appearance, Jianqing was a little stunned for a moment.

Maybe her face is too beautiful, maybe her eyes are very like someone

Xia Yixin doesn't pay attention to Jianqing's expression. She plans to squat. She turns around to find a bush to hide, but she sees something sharp eyed.

"Look, Jianqing Xia Yixin said and ran over.

It also brings back Jianqing's thoughts.

Xia Yixin ran back from the bush with a briefcase in her hand.

The briefcase used by the boss is always very high, so Jane recognized that it is a valuable brand.

"It looks quite new. Why is it in such a place?"

Xia Yixin is also curious. Without saying a word, she fished out a dozen documents.

It has the signature of Mr. Zhou!

This is Mr. Zhou's bag.

"How can I be left in such a place..." Xia Yixin's brain hole began to expand crazily, "these documents are crumpled, and some of them are incomplete, it seems that they are lost..."

Jian Qing said: "it's like being pushed in after competing with others."

"Yes Xia Yixin's eyes lit up instantly: "Jianqing, you are so smart."

Then what excites Xia Yixin most is:

There was a little blood on the bag.

"Does this blood need to be tested by the public security bureau?" Xia Yixin asks Jian Qing.

Jian Qing shook her head: "it's enough to have Lin Xiaozhe..."

Xia Yixin is surprised, this not serious guy still has this special function?

After finding the first clue, Xia Yixin is as energetic as a chicken. Because it's remote and hard to take a taxi, they have to wait at the bus stop in front of the building.

Jianqing is still thinking about the cause and effect of this matter, but she doesn't pay attention to it for a moment.

But Xia Yixin looked around and saw a figure coming out of the basement!

She had only seen a picture of the assistant, but she was so impressed because the man was bald.

You can see it from a hundred meters away against the bright light.

But the man was in a hurry, with flighty steps and a fierce expression on his face.

It seems that something drastic has just been done.

Xia Yixin thinks out of control.

Package with blood... Signature of Zhou Dong... Crumpled document

Suspicious basement... Suspicious assistant

It seems to be strung together.

Xia Yixin a Lengshen Kung Fu, the assistant and no shadow.

"Jian Qing! Let's knock again! He must have gone back! "

Xia Yixin just saw and her reasoning told Jane Qing, in a hurry to knock on the door.

Jianqing looks at her fiery appearance and laughs out of time.

Still a child

"What are you laughing at?" Xia Yixin is numb by his laughing scalp, "you won't be with him, will you?"

"What nonsense!" Jane flicked her forehead. "This assistant must be weird, but you see his attitude from the phone, you should know that he doesn't want to meet us?"“ "Er..." Xia Yixin also thinks it's reasonable. She was just too impulsive. Jane felt her head and said softly, "let's go back first and let Lin Xiaozhe identify the owner of the blood““ Well, good. " Jianqing has a magical sense of security, Xia Yixin almost subconsciously agreed. Jianqing felt her trust in herself and raised her lips“ Oh, it's very dull. I've got something early in the morning? " Lin Xiaozhe was a little surprised. When he took the briefcase, he did not forget to joke. Before Jianqing spoke, Lin Xiaozhe was kicked into the laboratory by Darcy“ Uncle Darcy Xia Yixin is also a newborn calf. Although the matter has not been investigated clearly, when she finds this, she always feels that she is about to solve the case. She is in a very good mood. Darcy smile, encouraged her a few words, into the office, see luozixu hundred years rarely see no work“ Is that what you want to get rid of her? " Luo Zixu didn't speak. She pursed her lips tightly. She didn't know what she was thinking. Darcy walked over and patted him on the shoulder with relief: "you don't believe her, I do. Watch it!" In the afternoon, Xia Yixin went to Zhou's company, but she got nothing. When it was time to get off work, she went back to Wanji studio and saw that Luo Zixu was ready to leave. She went up in a hurry“ Yes? Have you solved the case? " Luo Zixu looks at her, but her eyes are saying: if you solve the case, the sun will come out in the West. Xia Yixin didn't care about his contempt. She said, "I want to go to the home of Zhou Dong, but no one takes me. I can't get into your neighborhood." The meaning is obvious“ Take me... "Xia Yixin asked softly. Luo Zi Xu is not at ease for a moment, his ears are floating with a suspicious blush, and he quickly turns around and gets into the car. Xia Yixin sees that he is hiding so quickly. She doesn't care about his ears. She turns her lip and doesn't take it with her. Just want to lift foot to leave, heard a car: "don't come up, I go..." Xia Yixin quickly get into the car. Xia Yixin has been busy for two days. When she comes back to the door of the building again, she suddenly remembers that the cuff link she picked up that day is still in her bag. She takes it out and looks at it again. She pulls off several threads on it.