Chapter 725

Although he has been fighting in the battlefield all these years, he is still in the royal family. He knows more or less about the royal family's overt and covert struggles. In today's world, there is no one else who wants his life except that man. But Xia Tingxuan's heartache is that he has never treated that man differently, treated him as his closest friend, and never thought of fighting with him, He knew that the man always cared about his origin, so he tried his best to reduce the number of times he went back to the palace, so as to reduce the psychological gap of the man. But now it seems that what he did has no effect, and the man never realized his good intentions.

Xia Tingxuan laughs bitterly. He is so cruel to himself. He has not considered the brotherhood between himself and him, and even the kindness of his mother and his posterity for so many years. Why did he never want to fight with him, but he forced him so hard?

Xia Tingxuan was very disappointed at the moment when he fell off the cliff. He never thought that he would be able to come back alive. But now he can still see the world. He only feels lucky. He thinks that at the moment when he fell off the cliff, he saw his sister's maid next to him. She fought to save him. But at that time, Xia Tingxuan knew that he could not leave safely, so he could only let her save himself, Get out of here.

At that time, Xia Tingxuan was also cruel. He thought that as long as Lingxi escaped, he would be able to bring the news of his death to Xia Weiwei. With Xia Weiwei's intelligence, he would be able to guess who did what happened today. At that time, it doesn't matter whether he can take revenge for himself or not. At least, he can have a preparation in advance to save himself.

The queen and Xia Weiwei will not be let go of if that person can be cruel to herself. But now that she is alive, she should be saved by her sister. She should expect that her journey is not smooth enough, so she will send her maid to escort her, But she probably didn't expect that person to use such a vicious trick.

But no matter what happens in the future, now he has woken up, as long as he is still alive, all things are not too late.

Xia Tingxuan sighs and wants to reach out to touch Xia Weiwei. However, he has exhausted all his strength, but he still can't lift his hand. His heart sinks

Xia Tingxuan is struggling to raise her hand, but there is no progress. His slight movement startles Xia Weiwei. Xia Weiwei wakes up immediately and looks up at Xia Tingxuan. After seeing Xia Tingxuan, Xia Weiwei wakes up instantly.

"Ting Xuan, are you awake? What's wrong? " Xia Weiwei's voice is still hoarse. She gets up and looks up and down at Xia Tingxuan, but ignores the sadness in his eyes.

Xia Weiwei didn't see Xia Tingxuan make a sound for a long time. Her eyebrows wrinkled tightly. She turned around and was about to call doctor Qin. But at this time, Xia Tingxuan almost sighed.

"Sister Huang, am I... Am I abandoned? Can't get up in the future? " Xia Tingxuan's voice with a strong tremor, but he is still with a shallow smile, how he hopes Xia Weiwei will decisively deny.

Hearing Xia Tingxuan's question, Xia Weiwei's eyes filled with a lot of pain. Her heart became gray. She had already thought of countless answers to him, but when she heard Xia Tingxuan's question, she was speechless. Should she deny it or affirm it?

This moment of silence will Xia Tingxuan in the heart of the only little bit of hope out completely, he drooped his eyes, collected the mood in the eyes, now even if Xia Weiwei does not say his heart also know the answer.

"Tingxuan, don't think too much. Now... Now you just need to cultivate well, and the rest will be solved when your body recovers."

When Xia Weiwei turned around again, she had already brought a faint smile. Her answer was ambiguous, but Xia Tingxuan's heart sank down even more. He stared at one of his hands in a daze, but laughed for a long time, only in addition to desolation, there was some self mockery in her smile.

He has been sent to the military camp since childhood. For so many years, from a small soldier to a young general who is now in charge of the war, he has never regarded himself as a prince. Naturally, he does not like to be tired by his prominent family background. He likes his high spirited on the battlefield, although in the eyes of many people, the battlefield means death and murderous, But he felt more free than this huge palace.

But he ignored the things he didn't care about, but some people paid special attention to them, because those things outside his body, because he always felt that they were a burden to the throne, and immediately took everything away from him. Xia Tingxuan was frustrated and only felt ridiculous.

I think that I will be imprisoned in this cage like palace in the future, and I will lie on this lonely bed every day. Even the simplest actions will have to be attended by someone. After a long time, those maids or eunuchs will have a strong disgust in their eyes, but they will have to hinder his status as a prince. They dare not make mistakes, but just those eyes are enough to make him die ten thousand times.

Also, at that time, he is just a useless man. Even if the prince can do anything, he will soon be forgotten by everyone. In that case, he might as well die under the cliff.

"Tingxuan, listen to huangjie, the fact is not absolute. If you give up too early, how can there be hope? Even doctor Qin has said that what you are doing now is just the sequela of mannose grass, which is not irreparable. As long as you are alive, there is hope, isn't there? Where are the spirits that you have been fighting for years, encouraging and comforting your soldiers? " Xia Weiwei knows that even if Xia Tingxuan is so calm, his heart must be hopeless. No one can bear it. Xia Tingxuan was stunned for a long time, but he didn't know what expression to make. After a long time, he said faintly, "sister Huang, I want to be alone. Go out first." Xia Tingxuan doesn't know how to respond. He knows that what Xia Weiwei said is to make him not give up, but he can't bear it in a short time. However, Xia Weiwei is afraid that he can't bear it, so she does something stupid. Xia Tingxuan saw Xia Weiwei's indecision and refused to leave. She opened her mouth with a faint smile and self mockery. "There's no need to worry about the emperor. I've become like this. I'm afraid I don't have the ability to do stupid things. I just want to give myself a reason to live or stick to it." Xia Weiwei's heart sank. She dodged Xia Tingxuan's clear eyes and turned out of the inner hall. After Xia Weiwei left, Xia Tingxuan was the only one left in the hall. The room was full of strong fragrance of medicine. It was so quiet that he didn't even have a trace of voice. Xia Tingxuan restrained his smile and turned to deep self disgust. What he just said was not a joke, but a reality. Now, he really didn't even have the power to commit suicide. How ridiculous. Just a few days ago, he led a group of people to the royal temple. In the face of the sudden attack, he was able to deal with it calmly, but now he even lost the power to commit suicide. Is this fate?