Chapter 711

Xia Weiwei didn't sleep all night. The next morning, when it was light, she went to the side hall where Xia Tingxuan lived. Last night, in the imperial garden, Xia Weiwei was in Xia Liangchen's arms. She cried until she lost her strength. Xia Liangchen patted her on the back all the time, hugged her tightly in her arms and accompanied her in silence. She never asked why she was like this, Just stay with her safely.

As the sky gradually brightened up, Xia Weiwei relaxed her mind and sorted out her heart. But just for a moment, she had recovered to her normal appearance, as if nothing had happened. Her good coldness hurt Xia Liangchen.

She stood up, nodded slightly, and then turned to leave. Xia Liangchen looked at Xia Weiwei's back. Her eyes were a little deeper. Xia Weiwei's appearance didn't seem to have the intimacy between the two people before.

When Xia Weiwei left for a long time, Xia Liangchen also slowly got up, because he kept that kind of action all night. Xia Liangchen's arms were very sour, and his legs were numb. He stood in the same place for a long time before he regained some intuition, and then he went down the pavilion and went back to Qianshou hall step by step.

Because he didn't come back all night, Kong Siyue also waited in Qianshou hall all night. At the moment Xia Liangchen pushed the door, Kong Siyue immediately stood up from her chair. When she saw Xia Liangchen's haggard face and the dark blue of her eyes, she was shocked. She couldn't help the pain in her heart.

In addition to Xia Weiwei, Kong Siyue can't think of a second person who can make Xia Liangchen like this, but even though she knows the reason, she doesn't dare to speak easily since she saw Xia Liangchen's cruel last time.

"What's the matter?" After seeing Kong Siyue in the room, Xia Liangchen is not surprised. He closes the door and walks to the bedside.

Kong Siyue noticed that Xia Liangchen's leg seemed to be affected by some external force, and she was a little lame when she walked. She almost wanted to ask, but she finally gave up.

"I just got the news that King Ning was attacked on the way to the royal temple. At present, I don't know who did it. I only know that the other party seems to be determined to take King Ning's life, and the attack is very fierce, leaving no room. After the attack, King Ning fell off the cliff, and his life and death are unknown.

But yesterday, before sunset, the princess of Beiliang transferred the soldiers from the palace of King Ning and the imperial guards from the palace. When she returned to the city, she seemed to bring the king Ning back. Now she sent several imperial doctors from the palace to the palace of King Ning. Now there are soldiers on the third floor inside and the third floor outside the palace of King Ning, and no one is allowed to get close to them. Therefore, no one knows whether the king Ning is alive or dead. But in my opinion, King Ning was injured and fell off the cliff. Even if he was found on the high cliff, there was no possibility of survival.

Therefore, those imperial doctors may just pretend that the princess of Beiliang has never announced his death, and I'm afraid it's just to stabilize the situation in the palace. After all, if there is no king Ning, then the prince will become the next emperor of course. "

Kong Siyue deliberately overlooked the tired look in Xia Liangchen's eyes. These messages, though Xia Weiwei had been concealed very well, did not have any walls in the world after all. Kong Siyue's eyes were everywhere in the imperial cities. How could she not know such a big thing?

Xia Liangchen took back the steps he had planned to step towards the bedside, and sat on the chair behind the desk. His eyebrows wrinkled deeply. He realized that the reason why Xia Weiwei was so sad last night was because of this.

If that's the case, looking at Xia Weiwei's appearance, I'm afraid that Xia Tingxuan, the king of Ning, is really already in danger. Xia Liangchen's eyes are a little dark. He stares at Kong Siyue without blinking, trying to see the clue from her face.

After all, in addition to the prince Xia xuanyang, Kong Siyue is the one who wants to attack Xia Tingxuan. Since Xia Weiwei wants to hide this, Kong Siyue can get the news so quickly. Is it her fault? Kong Siyue mentioned it to him last time, but he didn't promise and warned her not to act rashly, Did she do it herself?

Kong Siyue is very uneasy when she is seen by Xia Liangchen. She also knows that she did not come at the right time. Xia Liangchen must have doubted herself, so she shakes her head quickly and gets rid of her relationship. After the two people look at each other for a long time, Xia Liangchen looks away.

Although he knows that Kong Siyue is very likely to do it, he knows that she can't go without telling him. And from her eyes, we can see that maybe Kong Siyue didn't do it.

After a long time, Xia Liangchen began to speak in a quiet voice. His voice was a little hoarse and he was very tired. "I believe that it's really not what you did. Now you go to investigate who did it, and give me an answer in three days."

Kong Siyue is stunned. He doesn't understand what Xia Liangchen thinks. He doesn't let her do it, but he takes the order from Dayu. Isn't it self contradictory? Now that someone has solved the problem, won't it indirectly save them? No matter who did it, as long as it's settled, it's OK? Why investigate who did it?

"Your Highness, now that someone has made a move, it must be the prince who does not know that he has made a move. Then we have saved a lot of things. Why go to investigate?" In the end, Kong Siyue still couldn't help asking.

But I haven't heard Xia Liangchen's response for a long time. Her heart is a little uneasy. She doesn't dare to speak any more. I don't know what Xia Liangchen thinks in her heart“ I don't want to guess what you're guessing. I want to know who did it. Give me an answer in three days. OK, I'm tired. You go. I'm going to have a rest. " Xia Liangchen has a smile on his lips, but Kong Siyue's heart is cold. When he hears Xia Liangchen's words, Kong Siyue dares not to say anything. He salutes Xia Liangchen with a little blessing. Then he flies away from the window. Xia Liangchen's heart at the moment is full of worries about Xia Weiwei. He didn't expect that Xia Weiwei had so many things in her heart. She was so weak last night. At that moment, he wanted to protect her and protect her regardless of everything. But now how can he protect her? If it's really Prince Xia xuanyang, then if he wants to help Xia Weiwei, It is bound to be against the prince. But the order from Dayu is to help Xia xuanyang. The first thing to get rid of is Xia Tingxuan, and then Xia Weiwei. How can he choose this dilemma? Do you really want to give up the plot for Xia Weiwei over the years, give up the results you want over the years, and give up going back to your hometown? Xia Liangchen's eyes showed a touch of sadness, but he didn't know where to go