Chapter 698

Kong Siyue's injury is still painful. Today's injury can be regarded as a wake-up call for Kong Siyue. Originally, she wanted to humiliate Xia Weiwei, but she didn't expect that she would be so cruel. Is it... Kong Siyue was surprised that Xia Weiwei already knew her identity?

Kong Siyue fiercely sits up from the bed, regardless of the pain on her body, she thinks that when she brings the news to Xia Liangchen that day, she inadvertently sees the bright yellow corner of her clothes. Is that really Xia Weiwei?

But Kong Siyue thought that if it was Xia Weiwei that day, why did she never do it after such a long time? It was this time that she did it. She should have told the emperor of Beiliang about it. Even if she didn't do it, she would have done it. Kong Siyue admitted that it was her own impulse that day, but Xia Weiwei's hand was fierce, Is it just to vent one's anger, just to vent one's anger?

The more Kong Siyue thinks about it, the more she feels that something is wrong. So she calls cui'er in. After she tells her something in her ear, she lies on the bed and looks at the closed door. Kong Siyue is inexplicably impatient.

In her mind, she thought that day when she was about to faint, she vaguely heard Xia Weiwei say a word in her ear, which made her feel uneasy and suspicious.

But no matter what she thought, she didn't know what kind of benefits Xia Weiwei got from her hard work that day. Although she was seriously injured, she also got more care from the emperor of northern Liang, so it would make her position more unshakable. On the contrary, Xia Weiwei herself was forbidden to stay in the Qingxin hall. In the end, she didn't seem to get any benefits, On the contrary, it's self defeating.

But Kong Siyue feels that things are not so simple. Xia Weiwei seems to do it intentionally, but if she does, what is her plan?


The second thing in the palace is that on the night when Kong Siyue wakes up, a little palace maid dies in Qianshou hall. It's not a big deal. It's normal for a big palace to die a little eunuch or a little palace maid, and people in the palace are used to it.

When Lingxi informs Xia Weiwei of the news, Xia Weiwei takes a simple hand with a teacup and laughs. It seems that her action really makes some people start to panic. In other people's opinion, it's very common for Qian Shoutang to die of a little maid, but Xia Weiwei is not.

That day, in the imperial garden, Xia Weiwei saw Kong Siyue lying quietly on the ground, no longer arrogant, so she went to her ear and whispered a word. At that time, she saw Kong Siyue's lax eyes suddenly lit up.

She said: "last night the stars, last night the wind, half moon, half yellow. Kong Siyue, we are looking forward to our next confrontation. " What she said was ambiguous, but she knew that it was enough to cause Kong Siyue's panic. It was not that she had started to take action when she woke up.

With Kong Siyue's unique mind, she would not think that she was only for what she saw and heard in Qianshou hall that day.

That's why she was so aggressive.

As a result, she will surely feel that she must be aware of her identity.

But she would not think about it. That day in the imperial capital, she had doubts, and she was surrounded by her own people, who she had cultivated for so many years.

Therefore, those people will not betray her at this time.

After much consideration, she will turn her eyes to Xia Liangchen's Qianshou hall. She almost goes to Qianshou hall to meet Xia Liangchen, so the news is easy to leak. In her cognition, it is definitely not Xia Liangchen who delivers the news, so it is only the people around him.

No, she started to deliver the news to Xia Liangchen at the first time when she woke up, and Xia Liangchen did not know by what means that the little maid in waiting was Xia Weiwei's person. Xia Weiwei laughed lightly. Originally, she did this just to relieve her unnecessary troubles, but she got unexpected results.

But it's a pity that the poor little maid in waiting became a scapegoat for her without any reason.

Fortunately, the little maid in waiting was not pure and virtuous. She had done some terrible things, and she was not wronged when she died.

"Princess, what shall we do next?" That day, after Xia Weiwei told Lingxi about her purpose, Lingxi became clear. At present, Xia Weiwei was forbidden, but the emperor of Beiliang did not restrict her freedom, so she had to carry out everything.

Xia Weiwei put down her tea cup, and her eyes were dim. "Don't act rashly. I'm forbidden to stay in Qingxin hall now. There's no danger for the time being. Go to find out Gu Changjun's whereabouts first, and find a way to bury the little maid in the palace. But let Kong Siyue know, so that I can completely put my hands in Qianshou hall, That poor little maid in waiting didn't die in vain

Lingxi takes orders to go out. Xia Weiwei looks at the night outside, but she has no joy in her heart. This time, it is clear that everything is in her expectation, but she has never felt the slightest joy. It seems that doing so has many benefits, but she also knows that because of this, there seems to be no possibility between her and Xia Liangchen.

However, he wants to go back to his hometown, but she wants to keep the people she wants to protect. She is not the same person, so she has to torture each other. Xia Weiwei can't help but touch her face. She doesn't know when the two lines of tears are left slowly Qianshou hall. Xia Liangchen sat in front of the stone table in the courtyard for a long time without any movement. He seemed to be able to smell the faint smell of blood from his hands. When he pushed the little maid down the lotus pond, Xia Weiwei's face flashed in his heart. I don't know when, it seems that everything is changing slowly. Is it the confused kiss or the scream of Kong Siyue in the imperial garden? In his impression, Xia Weiwei has always been that kind of ghost, not contaminated with the slightest complexity, from the initial indifference, indifference to the world has become a strong forbearance, can be alone, that is because of this, will be a little bit... A little bit into his heart. But I don't know when she started. She gradually became as fierce and vicious as those women in the palace. Maybe she had been on guard against herself from the beginning, but she never really treated her. Xia Liangchen smiles bitterly. She thinks that Xia Weiwei woke up from smallpox a few months ago. When she saw herself, she was stunned for a moment. Then she hugged her pain regardless of everything. She yelled out a name - "Yang Yang". After that, Xia Weiwei only said that she had recognized the wrong person, but Xia Liangchen didn't care. She really believed that Xia Weiwei had recognized the wrong person, Because of that day's disease, her brain is not clear, but now I think, maybe I have always been the substitute of the man named Yang Yang. It is because he already knows that after those things, his purpose and Kong Siyue's identity can't be concealed, so he will start so soon after cui'er brings Kong Siyue's news. Since it can't be concealed, he has to make every effort to keep it from being exposed as far as possible. Xia Liangchen falls on the stone table with his head down. The stone table immersed in the night is especially cold, but he still doesn't have his own cold heart Kong Siyue is a little relieved when she learns that Xia Liangchen has handled the matter quickly. She hasn't gone to Qianshou hall to discuss the matter with him because of her inconvenience these days, but Xia Liangchen hasn't heard from her. When she wakes up, she is more and more upset, so she asks cui'er to bring a message to Xia Liangchen, Will Xia Weiwei's words told Xia Liangchen, meaning to let him make his own decision. Before, she had mentioned with Xia Liangchen that she saw a touch of bright yellow clothes outside the hall that day, but because of the more and more complicated affairs later, she also delayed the matter, but now her sense of crisis forced her to make a decision earlier. It will take some time for her to recover from her injury, but her mind for Xia Liangchen has always been hard to figure out. Today, he can kill the little maid in waiting, but it doesn't mean that he can completely forget Xia Weiwei, so Kong Siyue's heart is still very uneasy. I just hope that Xia Liangchen can be more stable during this period of time, and Xia Weiwei, who is forbidden to walk in Qingxin hall, doesn't have the slightest movement. Otherwise, I'm afraid everything is not easy to control.