Chapter 566

General Zhu has always known that his daughter is by no means anything in the pool. A few days ago, he asked people to slowly deliver news from the palace, but there was no news these days, which made General Zhu a little flustered.

In the past, General Zhu simply thought that the harem was the best place for Zhu Yuting, but when he saw his daughter, he realized that he had buried her all the time.

"General Zhu, how do you say that? The imperial concubine has entered the palace, and the back palace is the home of the imperial concubine. It seems that you can't call her name directly. Besides, in front of so many outsiders, you are not afraid to destroy her reputation."

When people heard Prime Minister Luo's words, they had different thoughts. Some people had already got the news. This time, they received the double eyes of prime minister Luo and the emperor, and immediately began to echo.

"Yes, general, you can't say that nonsense!"

"Ha ha, boudoir reputation, the daughter of prime minister Luo is a good boudoir reputation." Zhu said in a strange voice.

"Shut up." When Archer heard General Zhu's words, a hard object fell over and hit him in the face.

"You can't talk about the Queen's affairs in vain. Moreover, Prime Minister Luo doesn't care about that."

When General Zhu heard what Archer said, he was very angry, but he couldn't say anything. He just thought that one day, when he became the king, he would break his yellow mouth into pieces.

When Archer looked at the sinister eyes of General Zhu, he also knew that this matter was urgent. Maybe General Zhu was ready to be forced into the palace.

"I'm tired today. Retreat!" With that, Archer left.

Ge Gonggong yelled: "retreat from the court..." his voice was very sharp and long. After that, he went to chase archer.

Archer is really tired. He thought about it all night yesterday.

A few days ago, Luo Jingchen also asked Luo Cheng to pay attention to the changes of Zhu's family. Luo Cheng was not good at it, so naturally he caught Zhu's army.

However, it's really hard to make a decision.

Under the court, Prime Minister Luo frowned and worried.

"Prime minister Luo, you are very good today!" Zhu said in a strange voice

"General Zhu, you are also a great general. Why do you always follow me?" Prime Minister Luo was a little depressed.

"Prime minister Luo, can you give me what you have in your hand?" Zhu also ignored Prime Minister Luo's sarcasm and said to himself.

"I really don't know what I have in my hand. It's empty." Then Prime Minister Luo extended his hand.

I wish the general saw the old man pretending to be a fool in front of him. He was angry, "hum, even if you don't give it to me, I can get it." With these words, General Zhu went straight away. At least he was born as a military general. These steps left Prime Minister Luo far behind.

Prime Minister Luo thought about it and decided to give it to Luo Jingchen. He is old and should quit the stage, but he is also a father and always has to leave some weight for his children.

Prime Minister Luo thought about it, but his eyes were still wet. He looked around at no one, wiped his tears and went on.

"Niang Niang, the prime minister has brought you some special products. She said they were sent by the wife's family."

When Luo Jingchen heard Hibiscus's words, he was overjoyed. The prime minister's father finally had an action.

"Bring it here." Luo Jingchen said happily.

"Yes." The palace people took the things to Luo Jingchen.

"Well, you step back!" Luo Jingchen orders a group of palace people to step back. When they see that all the palace people are gone, they open it.

But Luo Cheng didn't know much about gunpowder. He was surprised to see that Zhu's family kept buying these things, so he wrote them all together. Luo Cheng didn't think much about them.

Luo Jingchen looked at these things in front of her, and was a little annoyed. How would she give these things to Archer? What if she was suspected? Although she didn't do anything wrong to Archer, the emperor was suspicious. His father gave her this, and he thought that he wanted to leave a way for her.

But she seems to have no choice but to tell Archer, because it's a task, so why should she tangle? Luo Jingchen always falls into a strange circle of thought recently.

Forget it. Do whatever you want. So Luo Jingchen thought.

Luo Jingchen is not in a hurry to find archer. The evidence is also hidden by Luo Jingchen. In addition, there is a system. Luo Jingchen is not afraid that the evidence will suddenly disappear out of thin air. Coincidentally, Archer has not come to Weiyang palace these days.

Other palaces stay here for a few days and sleep there for a few days. Luo Jingchen knows that this Archer is also exploring the reality of each family. These days, she is just doing what she should do, dealing with official business, and then listening to the following people tell luanyuan palace.

Finally, several days later, she thought of Luo Jingchen in Weiyang palace.

"Mr. Ge, I haven't been to the queen for several days." As she was dealing with her affairs, she said, "if you go back to the emperor, your majesty hasn't gone to the empress for ten days." He said with a bow“ Then stay with the queen today With these words, Archer put down his official business, then got up and headed for Weiyang palace“ The emperor arrived... "At last." In Weiyang palace, Luo Jingchen is playing with flower arrangement, and there comes a long voice from outside. Luo Jingchen puts down the flower branch and goes out“ Lady Butterfly green is waiting outside the door. She sees Luo Jingchen come out and salute“ There is no need to be polite. Go to meet the emperor with our palace. "“ Yes Luo Jingchen is walking. He soon sees Archer and walks quickly“ Please, your majesty“ The queen is free This time, Archer wanted to say a few words at will and get a general idea of what happened these days. They went to the palace together and had nothing to say. When he arrived at Weiyang palace, Luo Jingchen waited on Archer, sat down and motioned dielv to serve tea. Butterfly green nodded and left. After a while, butterfly green came over with tea. The room was quiet all the time, and there was no sound at all. On the contrary, it seemed that butterfly green's footsteps were particularly obvious, which made Archer think more. Looking at this situation, Chen Er had something to say. Archer thought so, but he didn't know what Luo Jingchen was going to say, and he didn't take the lead to speak. There was a condensation in the room. After a long time, Archer was a little irritable. "The queen has something to say?" When Luo Jingchen heard what Archer said, he looked at him for a long time and then said, "I don't know if the emperor came suddenly, but my concubine was at a loss for a moment, so I said less." Archer put down the tea cup in his hand, stroked his chin with his hand. After a long time, he continued, "chen'er, you and I have known each other for such a long time. Why should we cover it up?" Luo Jingchen sighed deeply when he heard the words of archer. "What the emperor said is that I'm just looking forward to your coming every day these days. If you don't come here, some things are fermenting slowly. I feel a little uncomfortable." Then he got up, "emperor, please come with me!" Archer immediately follows Luo Jingchen. Luo Jingchen comes to the boudoir and takes out the evidence collected by Prime Minister Luo from the dark grid. All his actions are not hidden from archer.