Chapter 433

"Did you sleep?" he said softly

Xia Xiaoran was in a daze, and when he heard the voice, he woke up again and said, "not yet. What do you need? Thirsty or hungry... "

Wang Zhiwen listened to her words, secretly laughed in the dark, then took a deep breath, said: "I can't sleep, you recite two poems to listen to..."

Reciting poetry again

Xia Xiaoran really regrets telling him that he can read during the day. It seems that the young master has fallen into the pile of books. But also, the book has its own Yan Ruyu, the book has its own golden house, no wonder he is magnanimous and upright. It's good that you can't really sleep with yourself. I should steal music. Why do you complain about it?

Xia Xiaoran thought about it, and casually opened his mouth and said: "Yuzhang old county, Hongdu new mansion, star divided wings, ground meets Henglu..."

"Preface to Tengwang pavilion?" Wang Zhiwen was surprised at this magnificent and far-reaching poem. She's a little girl. She can't understand how to recite completely.

As a matter of fact, Xia Xiaoran was punished by his teacher for standing for one day because he didn't recite "preface to Tengwang Pavilion" in modern class, so he could recite it so well

Xia Xiaoran more back more sleepy, more back more powerless, to the end of the voice did not.

Wang Zhiwen recognized her sleepiness and didn't embarrass her. He turned over and fell asleep.

Wang Zhiwen felt that he had picked up a treasure this time. The next day, he went back to his father and said that he wanted to move into a new garden. He didn't need a servant girl or a little boy, just Xia Xiaoran.

When Wang Lu heard his son's request, he thought that they were newly married. He gave a knowing smile, but Xia Xiaoran turned red. When he heard Wang Zhiwen say that as long as she was married, his heart moved inexplicably.

"Why do we want to live in a new garden? Why don't we have a servant girl..." Xia Xiaoran lowers her head and follows Wang Zhiwen along the avenue. She finally asks what she wants to ask.

"There are so many people and so much noise. Those servant girls are clumsy and can't do anything. They can only serve tea and water. What's the use of coming here? Besides, when we enter the new garden, no one will disturb us. We can read and write together every day. We can chant poetry and paint. It's so good, and so are the fairy couples." Wang Zhiwen said and laughed. He thought it was a happy thing to have such a capable little girl around him.

Xia Xiaoran is in a dilemma. Her mission is to cook, to be a cook, to teach the villagers to make a system of Hubei cuisine, not to recite poetry and paint!

"Well, I forgot one thing. There is no cook in the new garden, but it doesn't matter. When I come back, I will come to the kitchen alone." Wang Zhiwen seems to be asking and answering questions and comforting Xia Xiaoran to let her not worry.

Xia Xiaoran a listen, have an opportunity, she waved: "no, no, I'll do it, I'll do it."

She patted herself on the chest, with a ready mind.

Wang Zhiwen thinks it's the same. They all say that the children of the poor are early masters of the family. Luo Baixiang was born in poverty, so it's normal that he can cook and serve tea and water.

But into the kitchen, Xia Xiaoran found himself too naive.

Modern kitchen, what spices are very complete, but this garden kitchen, nothing, really nothing! Don't say chicken flavor, Damei these modern condiments, soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, pepper are not complete. Looking at the salt in the jar, Xia Xiaoran shakes his head helplessly. It's hard for a skillful woman to make a meal without rice. At noon on the first day, she simply fried vegetables.

Wang Zhiwen doesn't choose. He eats whatever Xia Xiaoran does.

In their spare time, one of them reads and paints, and the other studies the ancient recipes carefully. The recipes are in traditional Chinese characters. Xia Xiaoran has a hard time reading them. She can even guess poems. She doesn't even know the names of many ingredients in the recipes. How can she guess.

As a last resort, she could only seek advice from Wang Zhiwen.

Wang Zhiwen was very happy to give her an answer. Every time he taught her to read a word, he would ask her to recite a poem.

Wang Zhiwen boasts that he is rich and talented, but he did not expect to meet such a little girl. She has books in her stomach and some strange things she does not know.

That day, Xiaolian brought a small jar into the garden. Xia Xiaoran saw her and said hello. Xiaolian handed the jar to her conveniently: "Nuo, the new sesame, the wife asked you to make sesame candy for the young master. When you were a child, the young master liked sesame candy best, but can you do it?"

Xiaolian looks at Xia Xiaoran doubtfully. Xia Xiaoran vomits his tongue. He really can't.

But of course she won't say she won't in front of Xiaolian. She coughed, raised her head and said to Xiaolian, "of course, of course I will."

Xiaolian sneered: "that's good. I finished my task and left."

Then she turned and left. What's good about such a broken garden? No one in the Wang family wants to come in, because people have died in this garden before, and everyone thinks it's unlucky.

Wang Zhiwen saw Xiaolian and Xia Xiaoran from the far end of the bridge and waved his hand.

Xia Xiaoran ran ran to him with the jar in his arms: "just now Xiaolian came to deliver a jar of sesame, and said," what sesame candy do you like? "

Wang Zhiwen said with a smile: "when I was a child, children loved sugar. Don't you like it?" Xia Xiaoran thought, when I was a child, what I loved to eat was big white rabbit, golden monkey and chocolate. It's not your sesame candy. At this time, Xia Xiaoran suddenly remembered that the system God reminded her - hot and dry noodles, right, I just use this sesame to make sesame paste, and then make hot and dry noodles“ I don't make sesame candy. " Xia Xiaoran told the truth, "but I will do something else. Do you want to have a try?"“ "Yes?" Wang Zhiwen knows that she has so many tricks that he can't figure out her mind. Xia Xiaoran said with a smile, "tomorrow, I'll make delicious food for you tomorrow." Wang Zhiwen slightly curled his mouth, thinking, she also said she can cook, the result is fried vegetables every day, stir fried vegetables, stir fried all a taste. Although Wang Zhiwen is not picky in eating, he is also a young master. What's the matter with eating vegetables like rabbits all day? So he has already made psychological preparation, even if Xia Xiaoran can't do anything, he won't be disappointed. Xia Xiaoran spent a whole day preparing. First she cleaned the sesame seeds, and then put them in the sun. It is summer, the sun is sufficient, Xia Xiaoran feel sesame aroma by the sun as if more thick. Sun almost, she put the sesame into a small pot, stir fry with a small fire, not to mention, Xiaolian to the sesame is really fragrant, Xia Xiaoran side fried while eating several. After frying, she moved the small stone mill out of the kitchen, took a large porcelain basin and put it under the stone mill, then poured the fried sesame into the grinding plate and ground it back and forth. Don't mention it. It's very tired. Xia Xiaoran, like a middle school running 800 meters, kept panting, like an asthmatic. It was summer. Xia Xiaoran felt that his clothes were all wet, but he promised Wang Zhiwen that he would make something delicious for him tomorrow. Now he couldn't do it. Didn't he see it as a joke? People fight for a breath, Xia Xiaoran hold this breath, the stone mill fiercely turned more than ten circles.