I have no time to sigh, because the attack of the rabbit group is still coming towards me.

The rabbit's unbridled attack aroused my blood as a human being, and my counterattack did not stop. You come and I go to start a tug of war between the two sides.

I also killed red eye, in the heart a roar: come on! Hurt each other.

I fight and kick, rabbits play with their lives, I also play with their lives, when we meet in a narrow road, the brave will win. I can't be underestimated by these animals.

My body was smashed by the rabbits, and it was crumbling. The rabbits of more than ten kilograms came up in groups. I think it's hard for me to carry them.

I didn't expect these rabbits to be so fierce. Once they were attacked, they would retaliate so madly. No wonder even the giant basilisk didn't dare to provoke them easily.

At this time, it's too late to regret. You can only fight to the end.

There's no way to fight. I'll discuss surrender with brother rabbit. Can they bird me?

After a battle with the rabbits, my physical energy consumption was very fast, and I was exhausted in less than ten minutes. My eyes were shaking, my hair was heavy and tight, and my sweat was as white as a column, flowing down my cheek and body.

Sweat poured on the wound, hot pain, there is hardly a good place on my brother's body, clothes and pants were torn by rabbits, hanging on my body, swayed by the cold wind at night, I think I should be more like a beggar than a beggar now.

I don't know what happened to the little brother. Was he bitten to pieces by brother rabbit.

Brother, I don't forget the safety of my brother at this moment. There is no one else.

I kicked a fat rabbit up again. At this time, the palm of my hand was bitten by a rabbit, and the big fat rabbit was hanging in the air with his dead teeth.

It hurts.

Heart like pain!

My friend wrung his brow and tried to shake it off. Maybe the rabbit bit it too tightly. This shake tore off a large piece of meat on my friend's hand.


I took a breath. It was so damn painful that my eyes were full of stars. I was hit by some big fat rabbits and fell to the ground.

And the rabbits jumped up, one by one, and jumped up like a pile, directly burying me at the bottom. My friends were immediately pressed down by a magnificent rabbit mountain, waiting for them to file me up.

The rabbits are biting me. Dozens of rabbits are biting my whole body. I think in a few minutes, my friends will be bitten by these honest guys.

I even gave up resistance. How can I resist at this time? If I can't move, I have no chance to fight back.

The rabbit didn't mean to stop, one by one, and then jumped up. The higher the rabbit mountain, the bigger the pile. I buried my head and body in it.

My nose, mouth and even eyes are stuffed with rabbit hair, choking my nose tears a lot, a force to sneeze.

It's a pity that my brother is now completely compressed by rabbit mountain. His chest is stuffy and he can't breathe. His throat is tight and he can't open his mouth. It's so hard to sneeze.

Damn, this way of death -

what a loser!

Just when I was in despair, a stream of air in my elixir field loosened again. At first, it was only a little bit, and then it condensed quickly. When it gathered into a stream, it opened up my whole body like meridians all at once, and all the way to all parts of me was unimpeded.

And my body suddenly like a new bone, suddenly as hard as steel, full of strength, like a hot-air balloon like constant expansion, may explode at any time.

All of a sudden, the rabbits couldn't chew it down. Even some rabbits chewed off their big buckteeth.

My heart swelled rapidly, and there seemed to be a cloud in my chest that could not be discharged. I felt extremely depressed, just like a tire that was about to burst at any time. I suddenly stretched out my hands to push the rabbit mountain hard, and could not help roaring: "ah

All of a sudden a strong sweep in front of everything, rabbit mountain instantly bang a collapse.

And my roar was earth shaking, and a strong air burst out of my body, which made my ragged clothes and trousers explode and spatter, and at the same time shook away all the rabbits around me.

This roar didn't mean to stop. It spread far and far to all directions on the island with me as the center.

After a loud roar, a strong air flow suddenly condensed in my body and quickly spread to the whole body. Wherever I passed, the wounds above stopped bleeding instantly. They healed quickly at the speed visible to the naked eye. In less than a minute, the wounds in my body molted quickly and then all recovered as before, even more tender than before.

This -

What's going on?

I was stunned by myself, looking at my naked body in a daze. These things completely violate the laws of science and can't be explained by science.

After the rabbits were shaken away by me, the rabbit king was surprised and showed his timid eyes. After a little hesitation, he organized the rabbits to fight back again. He wanted to do the same trick again, and made a strange hissing sound, ordering the rabbits to rush towards me.These rabbits are riveted to fight me to the death, more fierce than any previous attack.

Come on! Come on!

I showed a trace of indifferent evil smile, as if the attack on the rabbit group did not pay attention at all.

I don't know what's going on. After this transformation, I feel like I've changed a big heart. My heart is full of confidence, as if I don't see everything in my eyes.

The world is no better than ours.

The corner of my mouth slightly cocked up with disdain. Before the rabbit's attack, I picked up a small pebble, shook it in my hand, and then waved it out.

These pebbles, like the bullets coming out of the gun, roared away. After the crackling sound, the rabbits in the front row fell.

The pebble went through the rabbit's body and dyed the rabbit's hair into a bloody color.

The rabbits were killed on the spot.

The first group of attacking rabbits were frustrated, and the rabbit king organized the second and third groups of attacking rabbits.

But I just drew a gourd like this, grabbed a small pebble from the ground, and then threw it out with a wave. As a result, the attacking rabbits fell to the ground one after another, and they all died miserably under my pebbles.

One after another, all the attacks were blocked. The rabbits may have realized the danger, and all of them ran for their lives.

Huala, the rabbit group, which was just outstanding, ran clean in the blink of an eye, and made such a large area of grassland for me.

There are at least hundreds of dead rabbits left on the grass, which is enough for me and man Xue to eat for several months.

My face showed a smile of triumph after the battle, and I scolded in my heart: paralyzed, I told you not to offend me. I wanted to steal one or two to fill my stomach, but you didn't cooperate. Blame me.

Before I could take back my proud expression, suddenly there was a cold wind. It was cool under the wind.