I wandered around the giant trees, and I didn't dare to venture in any more, and I didn't dare to stay in one spot for too long, because I was afraid that the giant snake would attack me suddenly, and it was safer to move than to stand still.

One, two, three turns. After seven or eight turns, there was still no movement under the giant tree.

Strange strange, snake brother is not a temper, I killed the door, it can be so calm?

Is this still the arrogant snake brother who doesn't pay attention to me?

I was so surprised in my heart. It's too abnormal. I absolutely don't believe that the giant snake's vigilance is so bad. After wandering outside for so long, it doesn't know that I'm coming. Moreover, I absolutely don't believe that the snake is afraid of me.

I'm kidding. It's not that I like to belittle myself, but that my friends still have some self-knowledge.

Two monsters like giant snake, not to mention me, are not afraid even in the face of tigers, lions, weasels, wild boars and other beasts.

Last night, it just bit man Xue and didn't swallow man Xue alive. I think the most likely reason is that the body of the giant snake was tightly wrapped around me at that time, and it couldn't swallow man Xue alone.

So it seems that man Xue has picked up a life. If it is normal, the angry giant snake is very likely to swallow Lin Man Xue in one bite.

But brother snake knows I'm coming to challenge, but he chooses to avoid fighting. Why?

I can't think about it.

I wonder if the blind cat really hit the dead mouse last night and hit the key point of the giant snake, so that it has not recovered now and has no strength to fight with me. Otherwise, why did it run away last night? Shouldn't it be me and man Xue?

But I saw clearly last night that I only shot one of its head. The fact that the giant snake didn't die on the spot proved that this was not enough to kill it. Moreover, judging from the speed and strength of its escape at that time, it didn't look like it was dying.

Besides, is brother snake so fragile?

I shook my head. I'm afraid I think too much.

Something's wrong!

Absolutely not right!

If something goes wrong, there will be a demon. Brother snake won't set up a big ring, waiting for me to drill in, right?

I feel more and more hairy in my heart. A chill comes up from the bottom of my heart and makes me shiver. Brother snake's behavior of not playing cards according to common sense disturbs my mind, but makes me a little at a loss.

Enter or not?

I tightened the dry firewood in my hand, and my palms were sweating. It was so terrible. In the face of a huge tree that I couldn't get a glimpse of the situation inside, how could it be so difficult to take a step inside.

I walked around the tree for three more times, the snake was dark and I was bright, which was very bad for me.

This time, I deliberately made a big noise outside. There is a saying called "beat grass to scare snake". I just want to scare it out, so at least let me know where it is.

However, what frustrated me was that there was still nothing under the giant tree. For a moment, I even suspected that I had forgotten the wrong place. It was not the home of the giant snake at all.

No way.

I can't remember wrong. It must be here. It can't be wrong.

I swallowed my saliva. Since brother snake doesn't dare to come out, there must be something hard to say. This is definitely good news for me. As long as he's sick, he'll be fine. He really takes advantage of his illness to kill him, right?

In the face of such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I can't miss it, absolutely not.

But I thought in a twinkling of an eye, but if it's a trap set by brother snake on purpose, brother, once you go in, it's like a sheep goes into a tiger's mouth. What's the feeling of being swallowed alive by a giant snake?

It's going to scare you to death.

Enter or not?

I started to struggle again.

I kept cheering myself up in my heart, and a voice in my head encouraged me to say that the big deal is to die. Eighteen years later, you are a hero again. Anyway, when people die, sooner or later, they will die. I'm afraid of a ball!

But when I wanted to rush in impulsively, another voice in my head told me that it was better to live than to die. Even if I want to die, I can't die like this. It's too sad. There's no bones left. At last, I turned into snake brother's stool. It's not worth it!

Damn it!

My brother's brain suddenly made a pot of porridge, one called me in, the other called me back, for a while this got the upper hand, for a while that got the upper hand, completely confused me.

It's a ball.

I Ye Chu heaven hall a man unexpectedly came, won't let this beast look down upon, entered!

I widened my eyes, cocked my ears, and quickly took a few steps forward. There was no movement, still no movement.

Since brother snake ignores me, my courage is growing up. It's human nature to bully me too hard. When it shows weakness, my courage is growing up.

I bravely head to the tree, ready to fight back at any time, even if snake brother wants to attack me, I can't wait to die.I rushed to the bottom of the giant tree, I went, this is my first time to see the true face of the giant tree, my first feeling is big, really too big.

It's huge.

The branches and leaves of the giant tree were so luxuriant that they were completely spread out. It was impossible to see what it looked like from a distance, but when it got under the tree, everything was so clear.

This is an unknown tree.

But I think this giant tree must have experienced hundreds or even thousands of years of wind, frost, snow and rain.

I don't have much research on tree age. It's said that it can be calculated by tree ring, but you can't cut down the tree to see how old it is.

Even so, I still firmly believe that this giant tree will never be less than a few hundred years old.

When you can see such a giant with your own eyes, I think you will believe it as firmly as I do.

Well, let's not talk about trees. Let's go back to the legend and talk about the contents under the giant trees, because these are absolutely unexpected.

What's under the big tree?

Is there something strange or is snake waiting for me under the huge tree?


None of them!

I tell you, there is nothing under the giant tree, and I don't see the shadow of snake brother. The only thing I can see is a big black hole.

Do you understand what I'm saying? Do you want to ask me how there can be a big black hole under a giant tree? It's not logical, right?

You did not hear wrong, I did not say wrong, there is really a deep black hole under the giant tree, this is true.

When I rushed in and saw this scene for the first time, I couldn't even believe it was true.

When I say that, you should understand what I mean. Giant trees are hollow, and giant snakes should be hidden in this hollow hole.

In other words, the giant tree, including the big black hole under it, is the home of the giant snake.

The serpent hollows out the tree, or the tree is hollow. The serpent discovers its secret and takes it for himself.

Of course, we don't worry too much about what the situation is, because this is not the point. The point is that if we want to find out the giant snake, we have to break into this big black hole. Dare I?