"I'm sorry, man. I didn't mean to. I was wrong. I apologize to you. "

Lin Manxue's face just showed a little bit of unhappy expression, I immediately apologized like a reflex, whether it's my fault or not, anyway, it's my fault to make her unhappy.

Lin Manxue's escape from death gives me the chance to accompany her to save herself, which is God's greatest favor to me. What else can I ask for?

I don't care about anything else. Go to hell with principles, dignity, personality, reserve, right and wrong.

The only person I care about is Lin Manxue.

As long as she is good, as long as she is happy, I am willing to do anything for her.

This is the only thought in my heart at that time, but I may have been wrong.

Lin Manxue seemed a little at a loss about my reaction. Maybe she didn't expect that my stubborn donkey would be so honest. She was stunned for a moment.

In the past, no matter what she said, my first reaction was always thinking about how to quarrel with her. If I didn't care, I had to quibble three points. I didn't admit defeat easily. It seemed that showing weakness in front of her was like losing face.

She didn't want me to do anything, but I had to fight against her, and then the two of them were fighting each other, and our relationship was always sublimated in these funny and humorous runs.

I didn't expect that this time, I not only kept my posture low, but also took the initiative to admit my mistake without any reason.

This has never happened before.

Is this the same Ye Chutian who regards self-esteem as more important than life?

Lin Manxue is stupid, or she hasn't had time to react, which is quite different from the past.

Man Xue may not adapt to this rhythm for a while, or she may feel that I have given birth to her. She is a little sad.

Women's mind is complex and delicate, different from men's rough with sex, they are extremely sensitive to some subtle changes, a little change can be detected.

"Man Xue, what's the matter with you?"

Lin Manxue was in a daze. Her eyebrows were locked and she was depressed. I thought she was feeling sick again. I asked her nervously.

"You didn't do anything wrong. Why do you want to apologize to me? Why are you so cold to me?"

Lin Manxue suddenly forced me to ask. Yes, why should I apologize to her.

Man Xue told me not to look at her with a trace of shame and annoyance. It's just a little woman playing with a small temperament, or just a couple making a little ambiguous and emotional, making a lot of noise and adjusting their feelings. It's not really angry. Am I too sensitive.

Maybe Lin Manxue just wanted me to coax her and say some love words to warm up the scene, instead of asking me to admit my boldness.

In doing so, it seems that there is a lot of separation between the two people and they have neglected the beauty.

It's a little bit of a low Eq.


I'm very annoyed. I'm a typical one. I just took care of man Xue's mood and didn't consider the deeper things. It's really a mistake.

I want to say something, but I was a little confused at that time. I didn't know how to coax man Xue. I really want to have a few big mouths.

Drop the chain at the critical moment, waste one!

This should be a good atmosphere, because my abnormal cold field, but it seems a little depressed, this is my elm head caused, blame me! Blame me!

Lin Manxue's drooping head and gloomy face were silent for a long time before she said: "am I tired of you?"


How can I be bored!

My love for man Xue can be learned from the world. I fantasize that I am tired of being with her all the time. Even if I am separated for a second, it is a kind of suffering for me. How can this kind of word boredom happen to man Xue and me.

Between me and her only greasy crooked, ambiguous, happy and happy.

Before I could explain, Lin Manxue sighed heavily and said:

"in fact, in the past, I didn't particularly care about my appearance, because no matter how I dressed, I was confident that I was the most beautiful and charming, but now -"

"what's the matter now? Man Xue, do you know that no matter what you become, in my heart, you are the most beautiful and attractive woman in the world. No woman can be more charming than you. Any woman who doesn't have eyes and wants to do so is humiliating herself. "

I interrupt man Xue's words, stare at her with scorching eyes, say without doubt.

The most beautiful words in the world are love words, and women are most easily captured by emotion. Any normal woman is no exception, including man Xue.

Lin Manxue was obviously infected by my sincere eyes, the haze cleared away, the spirit of the whole person a lot, and even the depression in her eyes was a little weak, and with a bit of joy and shame.

"You mean it?" Lin Manxue asked me with a pair of big eyes, which seemed to be expecting something.

I want to tease a tease snow, do not want to casually say: "false.""You Just now, Lin Manxue, who was a little shy, suddenly seemed to be on fire. He immediately yelled, and he didn't forget to beat me with his little pink fist.

I quickly put my arms around Lin Manxue and said, "I'm kidding you. Are you serious? "

"If you don't think about it, can you not take it seriously?"

Holding the lost and recovered real Lin Manxue, I feel unprecedentedly steadfast, and suddenly have an impulse to live like this for a lifetime.

To tell you the truth, I'm moved, selfish and far away.

Because I suddenly want to have her all my life.

Man Xue said that she was poisoned by some pupa poison. Time is running out. She may be poisoned and die at any time. Maybe her whole life can only be an extravagant hope, but so what? As long as I can marry her, even if I can only be a husband and wife for a day, a moment or even a minute, I will be satisfied.

In the past, man Xue and I missed a lot of good times because of some things. I don't want to miss it any more. I want to marry her now.

I want her to be my wife, a real wife, and a down-to-earth woman.

I want to give her a place, or this expression is not accurate, because I want her to give me a place, a place where I can love her openly and honestly and live with her forever.

The word "proposal" came into my mind and never escaped.

I imprisoned it.

At this moment, in this situation, my mind is completely occupied by this idea. I am possessed for a moment, and I forget the snow in my arms.

Liman snow see I have been silent, thinking about something and completely ignore her existence, angrily want to push me away.

I didn't let man Xue succeed. Suddenly, I gave her a heavy breath beside her earlobe. This breath was like some magic, which made man Xue calm down.

"Man Xue, don't get angry. I have something to say to you."

I put away my careful thinking in time and gazed at Lin Manxue with a smile. At this moment, I had something in my eyes called deep or surprise.

At this moment, I glanced at her eyes, because I didn't have a taste of her.

What is this?

She doesn't understand, maybe she does. She just looks forward to it and is afraid of it.