Just now I mentioned the child, which made Lin Manxue involuntarily think of me and her unborn child. She is still sad. The child is the flesh of her parents. How can she not be sad.

Past events emerge in front of me. There are so many things happened in these years that I didn't pay attention to man Xue's feelings. Man Xue mentioned me and her children coldly, which makes me feel more guilty.

"Snow. I - I'm sorry for you and our children. "

"I can't blame you completely. I'm also responsible. The child is in my stomach. I didn't take good care of him."

"Man Xue, it has nothing to do with you. It's all my responsibility. If I can, I wish it were me and not our flesh and blood. "

Lin Manxue reluctantly laughed and said, "what's the significance of investigating who is responsible at this time. Chutian, you've been living in a muddle for the first half of your life. You can't be so muddled for the second half of your life. Don't be dying. Your life is precious. Xiaoyeluo is waiting for you to rescue him. Don't forget. "

"I know. I've been thinking about it, too. "

Lin Man Xue said: "this time Wei Da Shao took people to attack Gu ya. I think Gu Ya can't keep it. Xue Er will take Xiao Ye Luo to other places. I'm afraid it's hard to find such a big world. "

"I'm not afraid. Now Yan Qingcheng is like a rat on the street. When everyone yells at him, he colludes with hurricane organization and helps hurricane organization to do things. He has already risked the world's great condemnation. His end is coming. "

"Hurricane organization?"

"Well. Hurricane organization is a very evil organization, specializing in bad things. The old man has long wanted to pull it out. "

"That's why Wei Da Shao took people to attack the lonely cliff?"

"It should be. By the way, man Xue, how did you fall into the hands of the robot troops, and you said that ye Luo was robbed by Xue Er, and what happened to your - your face. "

Although I don't want to uncover man Xue's scar, it matters a lot. I have to mention what man Xue has experienced and what happened to Xiao Ye Luo. I don't know clearly. I can't save people.

Lin Manxue gave me a detailed description of the scene at that time, including the information she overheard when she fell into a semi coma.

"So Cher wants your life twice? Is she responsible for the wound on your face? "


I said angrily: "this killer, I caught her and had to tear her apart one by one, and then sell her to the scrap shop as scrap metal."

I saw that man Xue was in a bad mood. This is not the time for me to vent myself. I quickly comforted man Xue and said:

"don't worry, man Xue. I will find a way to detoxify you. Since manggu red clam can detoxify you, there is still room for maneuver. I've been to Longdao and I know where there are such things. "

"Is there such a thing in martial arts novels?"

"Yes. The Dragon Island is rich in species and has everything. "

Lin Man snow ghost fine, but not easy to fool, she frowned and asked: "you will not deliberately deceive me?"

"Why do I lie to you. That's true. There are not only manggu clams, but also molting fruits

"What is a molt?"

"You can shed your skin after eating it. It's like a snake. Let's go over it again."

"You - you mean that as long as I eat molting fruit, my skin will recover."

Which woman doesn't love beauty? When Lin Manxue learns that she can be saved and that her appearance can be restored, her confidence soars. She holds me tightly, quite excited.

"It's more than the same. It's just like a newborn. Its skin is softer than water."

"Have you ever eaten?"


"How do you know if you haven't eaten?"

"I've seen snakes."

"A snake would have shed its skin. You can't be wrong, can you?"

"No mistake. The snake shed its skin after eating. You said that the snake shed its skin only several times in its life. Can it be touched by me just by chance, and there are more than one, several

"Molt, molt, I wish there were such things." Lin Manxue murmured.

"Don't worry, there are such things all over Longdao. You can have as many as you want. When I take you to Longdao to see the world, you will know what is a frog in the well."

In fact, what molting fruit and mang Gu Zhu clam are all my nonsense. I have never met such things on Longdao. In my memory, my understanding of Longdao is one-sided, just like having a dream, a long, long dream.

Dreamers have an impression that they forget everything when they wake up, and that's what I know about Longdao.

I once suspected that I just had a sleep on Dragon Island and had a strange dream. Otherwise, why didn't I see three strange people later?

Moreover, after I arrived at Chuxin Island, my memory of Dragon Island was gradually blurred, and even completely forgotten. If I really lived on Dragon Island for four years, is that possible?I don't mean to cheat man Xue, just want to leave her a little thought, what a person depends on to live, hope, only the residual hope can be a miracle.

Lies are white.

Although man Xue doubted me, I was the only one who had been to Longdao, and Longdao was full of all kinds of beautiful legends. Maybe there were such strange things.

With hope, man Xue's mood naturally improved a lot, and I can also talk about some topics with her easily.

The poison in Lin Manxue's body will not attack until several months at least. I have enough time to take her to Longdao. No matter whether there are those things or not, Longdao is man Xue's only hope.

I make up my mind that when man Xue's injury is healed, I will take her out of the robot's encirclement, and then go to find Xueer's foothold to rescue Ye Luo. Then I will take man Xue and ye Luo back to Hangzhou to meet Mo Han.

I don't know what happened to Mo Han's illness. I'm too busy to go to Hangzhou to see her this time. If Mo Han's illness is OK, I want to take Lin Manxue to Longdao first.

I don't think these robot fighters will keep us here for long. After all, the isolated cliff has been controlled by Wei Wenjie's people, and there is not much time left for them.

At that time, I didn't know that Wei Wenjie's situation was no better than ours. I also thought that they had won the lonely cliff, and now they would have cleaned up the battlefield.

Man Xue is more familiar with Yan Qingcheng than I am. I want to know what footholds Xue ER may have and where she is most likely to go.

Lin Manxue said that Guya, Chiba island and Hanshan cave are Yan Qingcheng's three secret bases. Yan Qingcheng once boasted to Lin Manxue that these three places are as solid as gold. No matter who they are, they will never step in.

She felt that Xueer would not stay outside for long. If she left the lonely cliff, she would go to Hanshan cave or Chiba island.