On the day I left, silver fox was wearing this dress. Is it possible that my worry will come true? Has something really happened to silver fox?

I held my clothes tightly in my arms, shivering in my heart. I came back late, after all.

I was engulfed by a huge fear. My body trembled and my legs softened. I fell to the ground. Yu Xi was startled. He squatted on the ground and hugged me and said, "Chutian, what's the matter with you?"

I muttered to myself: "silver fox is gone. Silver fox is gone. And the kids are gone

"Child? What child? Whose child? You and silver fox's child? "


"You have children?"


After a pause, Yu Xi asked, "you and she have been hiding here the other day?"


Yu Xi is wearing a gas mask on her face. I can't see her face. Naturally, I can't see her expression. However, she may be very surprised when she heard what I said about me and Yinhu.

Yu Xi saw me sitting on the ground in a daze, like a fool with no soul, comforted me and said: "maybe things are not as bad as you think, maybe silver fox has gone out with the children."

"This place is occupied by miasma. There is no place to go. Except for this cave, it has been occupied by beasts. Silver fox can't go out at all."

Yu Xi said: "how impossible! She wants to eat and drink. Maybe she's out looking for something to eat and drink. Chutian, don't do that. Cheer up. It's not the time to be discouraged. I believe silver fox will be OK. Let's go out and look for her now. "

I know that Yu Xi is comforting me, but I still have hope in my heart. Maybe as Yu Xi said, silver fox just went out to find something to eat?

Yu Xi and I searched for more than ten circles in the miasma forest. Let alone the silver fox, we didn't see a living animal. There was no living thing here. I completely let out my breath.

I felt a whirl.

My body didn't fully recover. In addition, I inhaled a lot of miasma in my body, and I was too sad. I fainted in the woods.

When I woke up, it was a week later. I was lying in a thatched cottage, and the rest of the night was watching me.

"Silver fox." As soon as I opened my eyes, I called out silver fox. Yu Xi saw me wake up and was very surprised. She came up to touch my forehead. I held her hand tightly and asked, "have you found silver fox?"

Yu Xi shook his head awkwardly and said, "I've been looking for it several times recently, but I haven't found anything."

As soon as I heard the bad news, tears swirled in my eyes. Sadness was like a pair of oars swinging open, rippling one circle after another in my heart.

I clenched my teeth so tightly that I almost broke them.

I can't help crying. I can't help crying.

When sorrow reaches its peak, tears may become a burden instead.

There is no more sorrow than death of heart. At this moment, my heart is dead.

Yu Xi saw that I was so sad and her lips were bitten. She also cried with me. Yu Xi held my head and said, "Chutian, don't do this. If you want to cry, just cry. Don't hold it back. Cry out. "

I still bite my lips, I can't forgive myself, because I let silver fox and children die in the cave, I came back late, sorry for them.

I instantly numb up, as if I was no longer me, I was just a poor, a poor thing, I can't save Lanxin, let her be forced to jump into the sea, and finally came to a dead end, now I can't save silver fox, let her quietly evaporate in the cave, how can I be so useless.

I am a waste, born waste, why am I alive? The person who wants to die should be me instead of silver fox.

"Chutian, don't do that. It's not your fault, and you don't want to! You can cry. Just cry. "

Yu Xi holds my head and buries it in her chest. She wants me to cry, because only by venting can I regain my spirits. If I keep silent like this, I have to get sick.

I clench my teeth and lips tightly, but I don't cry. I'm not qualified to cry. I even lose my qualification to be a person.

Yu Xi and I held each other for nearly an hour. Suddenly, I completely collapsed. I couldn't stop my tears. I couldn't help it any more. Finally, I turned into crying.

Yu Xi and I are holding and crying. I cry because I am sad in my heart. When I am sad to the extreme, Yu Xi cries because I am sad and she is also sad. She cries because she loves me.

After a big cry, I lay dead on the wooden bed, straight, like a body without soul, staring at the thatched cottage without blinking.

I don't eat, I don't drink, I don't speak, I'm a living dead man.

Maybe my body is still alive, but my heart is dead, really dead.

Yu Xi is in a hurry. She feeds me food and drink. If I don't open my mouth, she opens my mouth and forces me to feed. I spit out all the things she forced me to pour down, which is totally incompatible.Yu Xi has no way, try to enlighten me to talk with me to relieve boredom, I ignore her, just as she does not exist, maybe I even think I do not exist.

I have no soul, but I don't close my eyes. I open my eyes all day and stare at the thatched roof.

Yu Xi was so anxious that she wiped her tears. At first, she said good words to me to persuade me. Later, she just scolded me and wanted to wake me up. However, no matter what she said or scolded, I was indifferent and still lay upright without any reaction.

More than a month later, Yu Xi and I lived in the thatched cottage for more than a month. The winter snow outside melted and spring came.

At the end of winter and the beginning of spring, the chill is still there, just a little more hope.

Now, I still have no pain left from the night.

In the daytime, she would make food for me, and in the evening, she would warm the bed for me. In fact, there is no quilt at all. It's just a popular saying. If it wasn't for my spare time, I would have died early. If I didn't starve to death, I would have been frozen to death, and I would not live to this day.

A few days ago, Yu Xi was ill and had a high fever. She was sleeping next to me like a stove. I was scared to wake up by Yu Xi.

"Xi'er -" I can't get up. I haven't eaten much for more than a month. It's strange that I can have strength. If it wasn't for the strong air flow in my body, I would be finished.

Yu Xi's face is red, his whole body is soft, and he can't lift up any strength. Maybe Yu Xi has been ill for a long time, and he hasn't told me that the more he drags, the more serious he is.

"Chutian - you finally want to talk to me." Yu Xi talks with me feebly. Her state is too frightening. She has a high fever of at least 40 degrees, which is too frightening.